exam 1 review

Leonardo da Vinci, Machiavelli, Michelangelo

Three important figures in the Renaissance

a perfect Renaissance man, polymath

Leonardo da Vinci

realist philosopher and produced many written works such as the prince.


sculpting and paintings were powerful during the Renissance


Erasmus, Catherine Zell, Martin Luther

Three important things for the theme reformed

known as the prince of humanists, laid the egg for protestant reformation. advocated universal literacy and religious reform


ahead of her time, advocated for the freedom of religion and she was great because she was a woman in the church and had some authority and education !!!! go women!!!!

Catherine Zell

Father of protestant reformation, posted the 95 theses on Oct. 31 1517, critiques of the Catholic Church

Martin Luther significance

Dias in 1488, Columbus in 1492, and Vasco da Gama in 1498

Three significant events/people of the theme "discoveries" or globe revealed

Copernicus, Galileo, Kelper

Three significant people/events to the theme of Copernicanism

introduced the heliocentric idea that the earth was revolving around the sun


provided more evidence for copernicanism by the use of the telescope, was shot down by the government, saw the phases of Venus and variation of moon's surface


used Brahe's evidence to confirm the heliocentric idea of the universe, but said it was not perfect orbitals but ellipses


battle of Ceuta in 1415, battle of lepanto in 1571, 30 years war that ended 1648

Three significant events/people for the theme Conflicts

Portugal vs Morocco, helped Portugal establish a foothold and sponsor more voyages down Africa

Battle of Ceuta in 1415

venice and Spain vs ottoman, christians vs the Muslims. they were all environmental losers because the amount of deforestation that occurred

Battle of Lepanto in 1571

between protestants and catholics, ended in 1648 with the treaty of Westphalia

30 Years War

sugar, merino wool, silver

Capitalism 3 examples

first modern industry due to the labor heavy production and use of slavery


monopolized by the Spanish, highly desired produce. this type of trade would have been unimaginable in 1414

Merino wool

tried together the connection of capitalism and became the glute of globalization


modernization and world-systems views

Why did Europe rise?

sees that Europe's culture is superior and that it continues to spread from the core out. but Europe's culture is viewed as a gift to the world, showing free will and reason

Modernization view of Europe's rise

sees more of an economic stance and Europe is the core and the others are in the periphery. this view is defined by inequality, saying that Europe as the core has dominance over the periphery. This view says that Europe's rise is a theft from the world.

World-systems view of Europe's rise

1. the interconnectedness of the globe. in 1414 there was the ICZ, now there is commerce and trade expanded across the continents to the new world.
2. How the west is has the central power now. would have predicted it to be the Middle East or China.

what would have been surprising to me if I was from 1414 and came back in 1650's