Teas test math

Add both middle numbers and divide by 2

What do you do when there is two numbers when looking for median ?

a positive decimal is ALWAYS greater than a negative decimal

Is a positive decimal greater or less than a negative decimal ?

The one closer to zero is always greater

Which negative decimal is greater

divide 1/5×60 and that will give you the answer which is 12 minutes

A jogger on a treadmill is jogging to 5 mph. Which of the following is the time it will take them to jog 1 mile?


Annette has $200 in her account and she plans to deposit $40 every week into the account. Which of the following expressions represents the amount in her account after n weeks?

There are 3 feet in a yard and 9 ft.² in a square yard

Which of the following is equivalent to 81 feet^2 ?