Geometry Vocab. Chapter 1

undefined terms

Words, usually readily understood, that are not formally explained by means of more basic words and concepts.


a statement that is accepted as true without proof


a statement or conjecture that can be proven true by undefined terms, definitions, and axioms

Synthetic Geometry

the study of geometric figures without the use of coordinates

Analytic Geometry

The study of geometry using a coordinate system.


A location with no size or shape


made up of points and has no thickness or width. There is exactly one line through any two points


A flat surface made up of points that extends infinitely in all directions. There is exactly one plane through any three points not on the same line.


a boundless three-dimensional set of all points. Can countain lines and planes.


The set of points two or more geometric figures have in common.

Line Segment

a measurable part of a line that consists of two points, called endpoints, and all of the points between them. The two endpoints are used to name the segments

Betweeness of points

There is a real number between a and b.


Having the same measure.

congruent segment

segments that have the same length


the length of the segment between the points.

Directed line segment

has an initial endpoint and a terminal endpoint

Fractional distance

A calculable coordinate that is a fraction of the length of the segment


A point that divides a segment into two congruent segments


a point that has an equal distance to other points around it


When the segments is has a middle point in it that point is called a

Segment Bisector

Any segment, line, plane, or point that bisects a segment