Math Terms

What is a theorem?

Must be proven to be true

What is a postulate?

Accepted to be true without truth

Example of theorem

The angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees

Example of postulate

A line grows infinitely and is straight


The segment of AB

A B →

The ray of AB

What is a line?

Extends in opposite directions without end.

What is a plane?

Extends in two dimensions without end.

What is a ray?

Consists of an endpoint and all points of a line on one side of the endpoint.

What is a coplanar?

Points that lie on the same plane

How can you name a plane?

By using any collinear points

How can you name segments on a line?

By starting from the left to the right; AC, CD, BD, BC

What does collinear mean?

points that lie on the same line

What is a point?

A location

When naming a line or plane make sure the letter is

Italicized/In Cursive

What are parallel lines

lines that never intersect

What is a coinciding line?

Lines that lie upon each other in such a way that when we look at them, they appear to be a single line, instead of double or multiple lines.

Two lines intersect at a


Two lines planes at a


What are line segments?

Consists of two endpoints and all the points between them

What are opposite rays?

two rays that share the same endpoint and form a line. You start at the middle point and go left and go right/ opposite directions: BA, BC

What is the symbol for congruent?

What is a midpoint?

A point that divides a segment into two congruent segments

If two segments are​ congruent, then their lengths are​


What does bisect mean?

to divide into two equal parts

What is bisector?

a line, segment, ray, or plane that intersects the segment at its midpoint

Two points determine a line


The midpoint of a line segment is halfway between the endpoints


theorems can be proven using undefined terms, defined terms, postulates, and other theorems


Collinear points are on the same line


a segment bisector divides a segment into two equal lengths


Two lines that intersect lie in exactly in one plane


Two lines in two points


Congruent segments have different measures


Two lines that are parallel intersect in a point


Coinciding lines intersect in exactly one point


postulates use undefined terms


Three points determine a plane


two planes intersect in exactly one line


coplanar points are on the same line


Two planes are parallel


two lines and a point lie in the same plane


Three planes intersect in three lines
