Chapter 24: Probability Using Tree Diagrams and Venn Diagrams

Possible outcomes

The possible results from an event

Sample Space

A list or diagram that shows the possible outcomes of two or more events

Independent events

An event whose outcome is not affected/influenced by what has occurred before

Mutually exclusive events

Events that can't happen at the same time

Combined events

One event followed by another event

Favourable combinations

Any outcomes that mean a desired event has occurred

What are tree diagrams and venn diagrams useful for?

Organising the outcomes of different stages in an event

For independent events you find the probability by

multiplying the probabilities on each branch of the tree; P(A and then B) = P(A) x P(B)

When events are mutually exclusive

add the probabilities obtained by multiplication

Conditional Probability

the probability that an event happens, given that another event has already happened