Discrete Math Midterm 1


A statement that is always true


A statement that is always false

De Morgan's Law

~(P ^ Q) = ~P v ~Q~(P v Q) = ~P ^ ~Q

Idempotent Laws

P ^ P = PP v P = P

Distributive Laws

P ^ (Q v R) = (P ^ Q) v (P ^ R)P v (Q ^ R) = (P v Q) ^ (P v R)

Identity Laws

P ^ t = P P v C = P

Absorption Laws

P v (P ^ Q) = P P ^ (P v Q) = P

Sufficient condition

R is sufficient condition for s" means "if r, then s

If P, then Q

P is sufficient for Q

Necessary condition

R is necessary for s" means "if not r, then not s

If not P, then not Q

P is necessary for Q

If Q, then P

necessary condition

If not q, then not p

Contrapositive of "if p, then q

Not p and not q

Conditional statement ("if p, then q") expressed as or

Modus tollens

If P, then Q.Not Q.Therefore, not P.

Modus ponens (primero)

If P, then Q.P.Therefore, Q.

Converse error (affirming the consequent)

If P, then Q.Q. Therefore, P.

Inverse error (denying the antecedent)

If P, then Q. Not P.Therefore, not Q.


An "and" gate followed by a "not" gate. (sheffer stroke)


An "or" gate followed by a "not" gate. (pierce arrow)


A circuit that outputs a 1 for only one combination of input signals

Two's complement

A way to represent the negative of a binary number.

2^n - a

Form of the two's complement

Proposition (statement)

A sentence that can either be true or false


A sentence whose truth value cannot be determined because there is a variable or missing information

Vacuously true

If p is false, then q is true. This statement is True.If p is false, then q is false. This statement is True.Every time p is false, the statement is True! What is this called?

For all x, if P(x) then Q(x).P(a) is true for a particular a.Therefore, Q(a) is true for that particular a.

Universal modus ponens

For all x, if P(x) then Q(x).Q(a) is false for a particular a.Therefore, P(a) is false for that particular a.

Universal modus tollens

For all x, if P(x) then Q(x).For all x, if Q(x) then R(x).Therefore, for all x, if P(x) then R(x).

Universal transivity

Constructive proof of evidence

Showing at least one possible x such that P(x) proves that "there exists some x such that P(x)

Direct proof

Showing that P(x) is true for any x proves that "for all x, P(x)

Zero product propert

If neither of two real numbers is zero, then their product is also not zero.

1. Write the 8-bit binary notation for a. 2. Flip the bits.3. add 1 in binary notation

How do you convert a positive integer into the two's complement?

Every integer greater than 1 is divisible by a prime number.

Divisibility by a prime number theorem states...

Any integer greater than 1 is either prime or a factor of prime numbers.

Unique factorization of integers theorem states...

An irrational number

A non-terminating real number is

10 (base 2)

1 (base 2) + 1 (base 2) =

11 (base 2)

1 (base 2) + 1 (base 2) + 1 (base 2) =