Logic and Proofs


A declarative statement which is true or false, but not both.


conjunction; "and


a proposition that is always true regardless of the truth values of its subpropositions, e.g. p or not-p


a proposition that is always false regardless of the truth values of its subpropositions, e.g. p and not-p

commutative law

p v q = q v p; p ^ q = q ^ p

Associative law

(p v q) v r = p v (q v r);(p ^ q) ^ r = p ^ (q ^r)

Distributive law

p v (q ^ r) = ( p v q) ^ (p v r); p ^ (q v r) = ( p ^ q) v ( p ^ r);

Idempotent law

p v p = p; p ^ p = p

Identity law

p v F = p, p ^ T = p; p v T = T, p ^ F = F

Complement law

p v not-p = T; p ^ not-p = F;

Double negative

not(not-p) = p

De Morgan's Law

not(p or q) = not-p ^ not-q ; not(pr ^ q) = not-p v not-q

Absorption law

p v ( p ^ q) = p; p ^ (p v q) = p

When is the conditional statement p -> q false?

when p is true, and q is false

When is the conditional statement p -> q true?

when p is false, regardless of whether q is true of false


if p then q == if not-p then not-q

Biconditional statement

p if and only if q

Modus ponens

p ^ (p ->q) -> q

modus tollens

(not-q ^ (p ->q)) -> not-p

transitivity (hypothetical syllogism)

((p->q)^(q->r)) -> (p -> r)

Elimination (disjunctive syllogism)

((p v q) ^ not-p) -> q


p -> (p v q)


(p ^ q) -> p


(( p ) ^ (q)) -> (p^q)


((p v q) ^ ( not-p or r)) -> (q v r)

Example: If it snows today, then we will go skiing. It is snowing today. Therefore we will go skiing.

Modus Ponens

Example: Not all CS majors play videog games = some CS majors do not play video games

not(∀x ∈ A) p(x) = (∃x ∈ A)not p(x) De Morgan universal quantifier

Universal quantifier

∀; all elements

Existential quantifier

∃; some