9: Vocabulary Builder 1

Yo voy al consultorio del m�dico

I'm going to the doctor's office

Necesito hablar con mi abogado

I need to talk to my lawyer

El ingeniero conoce bien el proyecto

The engineer knows the project well.

La recepcionista y yo vamos a comer en la cafeter�a

The receptionist and I are going to eat in the cafeteria

Yo conozco a la secretaria de tu oficina

I know the secretary from your office

No s� si el hijo de Paco es farmac�utico o contable

I don't know if Paco's son is a pharmacist or an accountant.

El arquitecto sabe de arte y matem�ticas

The architect knows about art and math

El maestro conoce bien a sus alumnos

The teacher knows his students well

La dependienta no sabe el precio de los pantalones

The store clerk doesn't know the price of the pants.

Yo comparto mi despacho con el oficinista nuevo

I share my office with the new office worker.

El representante va a muchas oficinas

The representative goes to many offices