Text Quiz #5 (Ch. 4.1-4.3 Field)

The term degrees of freedom refers to the fact that the variation within a population is ______, whereas that within a sample is _______.Select one:a. finite; infiniteb. normal; skewedc. skewed; normald. infinite; finite

infinite; finite

Which measure of central tendency is used in statistical models because it is the most stable across multiple samples? Select one:a. modeb. middlec. meand. median


Match the variable type with its best measure of central tendency.ratio/intervala. meanb. medianc. mode


Match the variable type with its best measure of central tendency.nominal dataa. meanb. medianc. mode


Match the variable type with its best measure of central tendency.ordinal dataa. meanb. medianc. mode


The best fitting model will necessarily have the smallest amount of ________.Select one:a. variation b. fitc. dispersiond. error


An outlier will affect the mean ________ the variance. Select one:a. and diminishb. and somewhat increasec. and greatly increased. but not affect

and greatly increase

Match the statistic with its meaning.σa. sample varianceb. population variancec. population meand. population standard deviatione. sample standard deviation

population standard deviation

Match the statistic with its meaning.σ2a. sample varianceb. population variancec. population meand. population standard deviatione. sample standard deviation

population variance

Match the statistic with its meaning.µa. sample varianceb. population variancec. population meand. population standard deviatione. sample standard deviation

population mean

Match the statistic with its meaning.s2a. sample varianceb. population variancec. population meand. population standard deviatione. sample standard deviation

sample variance

Match the statistic with its meaning.sa. sample varianceb. population variancec. population meand. population standard deviatione. sample standard deviation

sample standard deviation

How many fewer degrees of freedom does a sample have compared with a population? Select one:a. 1 b. 3c. 0d. 2


Think back to the sealion bark dataset. In it, the briefest bark was recorded as 0.50 ms. As it turns out, that was a data entry error and the true bark was 50.00 ms long. Imagine that, rather than correcting this error, the researchers in charge of this study eliminate this score altogether. In that case, what happens to the mean of sealion bark duration?Select one:a. it increases b. it decreasesc. cannot determine from the information providedd. it stays the same

it increases

In the regression equation Yi = β0i + β1i + εi, Y represents...Select one:a. the outcomeb. a predictor c. errord. a parameter

the outcome

Imagine that a new island full of barking sealions was discovered near Australia. Researchers decide to record the lengths of their barks and add these values to the previous dataset of n = 1,240 (new n = 1,450). Knowing only that the value of these barks differ from each other (and not their actual values) you can only be sure that the ______ of the original sample has changed. Select one:a. mean b. sum of squaresc. standard deviationd. variation

sum of squares

σ = SS/N is an _______ estimate of the sample variance. Select one:a. parametricb. biasedc. approximated. unbiased


Which of the following measures of central tendency is most affected by a single outlier?Select one:a. standard deviationb. mean c. mediand. mode


In the regression equation Yi = β0i + β1i + εi, β represents...Select one:a. a parameter b. a variablec. the outcomed. error

a parameter

A statistical model that provides a better representation of the data collected than another competing model is said to have a better ________.Select one:a. spreadb. dispersionc. tendencyd. fit


Which of following terms describes the difference between the outcome and the model? Select one:a. residualb. errorc. deviance d. all of the above

all of the above