Chem Math

To convert to scientific notation move the decimal to...

After the first number that is not a zero

If you make the significand larger...

Make the exponent smaller


Any exponent to the power of 0 = 1

Simplify 1/(1/X)


To divide exponentials...

Subtract the exponents

To bring an exponent from the bottom of a fraction to the top...

Change its sign

1 cc = 1 ____ = 1 ____

1 cc = 1 cm^3 = 1 ml

.0018 in scientific notation

1.8 x 10^-3

1 L = ___ mL = dm^3

1 L = 1000 mL = 1 dm^3

To multiply exponential terms...

Add the exponents

Simplify 1/10^X


74 in scientific notation

7.4 x 10^1

Historical definition of 1 gram

The mass of 1 cm^3 of liquid water at 4 degrees Celsius