Asvab Practice math

Which of the following is the smallest prime number greater than 200?
A. 201.
B. 205.
C. 211.
D. 214


If 40% is equal to the fraction x/30, what is the value of x?
A. 0.4
B. 15
C. 1,200
D. 12


The expression "5 factorial" equals
A. 125.
B. 120.
C. 25.
D. 10.


What is the result of subtracting 3x� - 5x - 1 from 8x� + 2x + 9?
A. 5x� - 3x - 10
B. -5x� - 3x - 10
C. 5x� +7x - 8
D. -5x� - 7x + 8

5x� +7x - 8

What is the meaning of the statement -30 < -5?
A. 30 is greater than 5.
B. 30 is less than minus 5.
C. Negative 30 is less than negative 5.
D. Negative 30 is greater than negative 5.

Negative 30 is less than negative 5.

Solve for x: 8x - 2 - 5x = 8.
A. x = 1.3
B. x = 2�
C. x = 3 and 1/3
D. x = -7

x = 3 and 1/3

A woman has $500 in a bank account. Every week, she writes out a check for $50. If she doesn't make any new deposits, what will her bank account hold x weeks from now?
A. $500 + $50x
B. $500 - $50x
C. $500 - x
D. $500 + $50 + x

$500 - $50x

When the temperature is 20�C, what is it the Fahrenheit (F) scale? (Use the following formula).
F = (9/5 � C)+32
A. 93 and 3/5 degrees
B. 78 degrees
C. 62 and 7/5 degrees
D. 68 degrees

68 degrees

The perimeter of a rectangle is 38 inches. If the length is 3 inches more than the width, find the width.
A. 17� inches
B. 8 inches
C. 11 inches
D. 14� inches

8 inches

Find the square root of 85 correct to the nearest tenth.
A. 9.1
B. 9.2
C. 9.3
D. 9.4


If 5x = 30, then x is equal to
A. 150
B. 25
C. 6
D. 0.6


What is the product of (a - 5) and (a + 3)?
A. a� - 15
B. a� + 2a - 15
C. a� - 2a - 15
D. a� - 2

a� - 2a - 15

Solve for z: 3z - 5 + 2z = 25 - 5z
A. z = 0
B. z = 3
C. z = -3
D. no solution

z = 3

A park commissioner designs a new playground in the shape of a pentagon. If he plans to have a fountain at every corner of the park, how many fountains will there be?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7


If one of the angles of a right triangle is 30 degrees, what are the other two angles?
A. 30 degrees, 120 degrees
B. 60 degrees, 45 degrees
C. 60 degrees, 90 degrees
D. 45 degrees, 90 degrees

60 degrees, 90 degrees

What is the value of x in the equation x/2 = 7?
A. x = 14
B. x = 3�
C. x = 9
D. x = 5

x = 14

Divide 15a�b�c by 5abc.
A. 10abc
B. 3abc
C. 5a�b�
D. 3a�b


Two circles have the same center. It their radii are 7 inches and 10 inches, find the area that is part of the larger circle but not the smaller one.
A. 3 square inches
B. 17 square inches
C. 51? square inches
D. 70? square inches

51? square inches

My average grade on a set of five tests was 88%. I can remember only that the first four grades were 78%, 86%, 96%, 94%. What was my fifth grade?
A. 88
B. 86
C. 84
D. 82


How many cubic yards of concrete are needed to make a cement floor that is 9 feet by 12 feet by 6 inches thick?
A. 2
B. 18
C. 54
D. 648