Praxis I math

in order to convert a percentage to a decimal you need to divide by ______


in order to decimal to a percentage you need to ______ by 100


if you want to convert a fraction to a percentage you need to make it =

x over 100

the _______ tells how many times the root needs to be multiplied by itself


what is 4 to the power of 1/2 or 4^1/2


1/a^n can also be written as a to the ______


what property of equality says that a=a


for each real number a, for each real number b, if a= b, then b=a


what property of equality ways for each real number a, for each real number b, for each real number c, if a=b and b=c, then a=c


what is the closure property of addition -for every real number a, for every real number b ______________ is a real number


what is the closure property of multiplication for every real number a, for every real number b _________ is a real number


the __________property of multiplicaiton for every real numver a, for every real number b ab= ba


the _________property of addition says that for every real number a, for every real number b for every real number c (a+b) + c = a + (b+c)


the associative property of multiplicaiton for every real number a, for every realy number b for every real number c (ab)c = ______


the __________property of additon says that fro every real number a, ther is a real number such that a + -a = -a+ a = 0


the inverse property of multiplication says that for every real number a, a cannot = 0 ther is a real number a^____such that a X a ^____ = a^____ X a =1


the _______says for every reals number a, for every real number b and for every real number c, a(b+c) = ab + ac


a _________ number is a number that can be written in the form of a + bi


in complex numbers the square root of -1 = ______


the square of a real number cannot be ___________


the square of 0 is _____


the square of both a positive number and a negative real number is _____________


i^2 = _____________


every real number is a ______________


the least common multiple is the smallest quantity divisible by ______ number of the set


the greatest common factor is the largest __________that is common to all member of the set


y2-y1 divided by x2- x1 = the ____________


the value of y where a point intersects the x axis = __________


the value of x where a point intersects the Y axis= ___________


to find the x intersept we need to make __________= 0


the ____________ says y-y1= m(x-x1)

point slope formula

what is the linear equation where a, b and c are constants b cannot = 0

ax+ by = c

when you have a linear equation such as ax + by = c you may use ___________ or _____________ to solve the problem, (you may first have to multiply through one of the equation to make either the x or y value equal)

addition subtration

the possible solution of a quadratic equatin ax^2 + bx + c= 0 are called the_______


x= -b (+ or -) square root of (b^2-4ac) divided by 2a, is called the _____________ and can be used to find the roots of a problem

quadratic formula

once you find the roots of a radical equation you must check them to see if any are __________roots (which means they are not equal when plugged back into the original formula) these roots must be ___________

extranous excluded

the graph of y= ax^2 + bx + c is a curve know as a ____________


the x value of the vertex of a parabola is the equation


the y value of the vertex of parabola is the equation


in a quadratic formula if the a value of the parabola is _______0 the parabola open upward


in a quadratic formula if the a value of the parabola is less than 0 the parabola opens ___________


if a=0 in a quadratic formula, the quadratic is reduced to a linear function and a ____________

straight line

to solve a system of equations you must first make the two equations ___________to each other, then use the discrimant to find if the system has any real roots


in a quadratic equation in 2 unknowns has the general formula ax^2 + bxy + cy^2+dx ey+ f = 0 the graph is called an __________ (if a, b and c are not zero)


in a quadratic equation in 2 unknowns has the general formula ax^2 + bxy + cy^2+dx +ey+ f = 0 the graph is called an __________or a __________ or __________(b=0 and a=c)

point circle does not exist

in a quadratic equation in 2 unknowns has the general formula ax^2 + bxy + cy^2+dx +ey+ f = 0 the graph is called an __________ (b^2-4ac greater then 0)


in a quadratic equation with 2 unknown which has the formula ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 + dx + ey + f the graph is _____________ or a pair of __________ if ( b^2-4ac= 0) which may be coincident or it does not exist

parabola parallel line

when solving a system of equation involving quadratics and one is linear and the other is quadratic, solve the _______ first , then substitue the found value into the quadratic and solve for the other unknown

linear substitute

when solving a system of equation with 2 quadratic function, first __________ one equation from the other equation to find isolate one variable, solve for that variable, then ______ and solve for the other variable

subtract substitute

in the law of proportion if a/b = c/d then ad =


in the law of proportion if a/b = c/d then b/a =


in the law of proportion if a/b = c/d then a/c


in the law of proportion if a/b = c/d then (a+b)/ b =


in the law of proportion if a/b = c/d then (a-b)/b =


a point has no ________or thickness


a series adjacent points that connect


a collection of points lying on a flat surface that extend indefinitely in any direction


the set of all points on a half line and the dividing point itself


three or more points are said to be ___________if an only if they lie on the same line


the absolue value of the difference of the coordinates of any two points on the real number line


a line that divides a line segment into two congruent segments


the union of two rays having the same end point


if all points lie in the same plane they are __________


two angles with a common vertex and a common side but no common interior points


two angles with a common vertex and with sides that are 2 pairs of opposite rays


an angle whose measure is larger than 0 degrees but smaller than 90 degrees


an angle whose measure is 90 degrees

right angle

an angle whose measure is larger than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

obtuse angle

an angle whose measure is 180 degrees


an angle whose measure is greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees


two angles whose sum totals 90 degrees


two angles whose sum totals 180 degrees


angles that are equal


a ray _________ divides the angle into 2 angles that have equal measure


two lines are said to be ______________ if they intersect and form right angles


distance from a ___________ to a _________ is the measure of the perpendicular line segment from the point to that line

point line

two or more distinct lines are said to be ____________ if and only if they are coplanar and they do no intersect


two distinct straight lines can intersect at most at only one point


if a triangle has two congruent sides then it is an _________triangle


_____________ of angles is an equivalance relation - it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive


a ___________is a figure with the same number of sides as angles


is a polygon whose sides are equal in measure

equilateral polygon

is a polygon whose angles are equal in measurement

equiangular polygon

is a polygon that is both equilateral and equangular

regular polygon

when calculating the number of sides in a polygon make 360 degrees/ n = ______________

exterior angle

the perimeter of a polygon is equal to the ________of sides X the _____________ of sides

length number

the segment from the center of the polygon perpendicular to as side of the polygon


the __________ of a regular polygon is the segment joining an vertex with the center of the polygon


use ____________= 1/2a X p (where a = apothem and p = the perimeter)

area of a polygon

the perimeter of two similar polygons have the same ratio as teh measure of any pair of corresponding line segments of the polygon


a closed three sided figure is called a ____________


that points of intersection on a triangle are called its _____________


when proving 2 polygons are similar -what is the formula you use (hint: n= the number of sides)

((n-2) (180))/n

a triangle with no equal sides


a triangle with having at least 2 equal sides


a triangle whose sides are equal


a triangle whose angles all equal 60 degrees


the sum of the interior angles of a triangle = ___________


a triangle with one obtuse angle (angle greater than 90 degrees) is


a triangle with three acute angles (less than 90 degrees)


a triangle with a 90 degrees angle


the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle


in the pythagorean theorm a^2 + b^2 = c^2, c is called the ______


the __________of a triangle is a line segment from a vertex of the triangle perpendicular to the opposite side


what is the formula for the area of a triangle


a line segment connecting a vertex of a triangle and the midpoint of the opposite side is called a __________ of a triangle


a line that joins the midpoint of two sides of a triangle is called the__________


___________is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel


2 angles that have their vertices at the endpoints of the same side of a parallelogram are called ____________________

consecutive angles

how do you calculate the area of a parallelogram -what is the formula


a parallelogram with right angles and equal diagonals


what is the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle


a parallelogram that has tow adjacent sides that are equal and whose sides are perpendicular to each other


wha tis the formula for the area of a rhomus- (hint d= diagonal)

1/2 (d1 + d2)

a rhomus with a right angle


to calculate the diagnol of a square you multipy any ______by the _______________of 2

side square root

what is the formula for the area of a square


what is the formula for a square if you only know the length of the diaganol

1/2 (d)^2

what is a quadrilateral with 2 and only 2 sides parallel


how do you calculate the area of a trapezoid (hint h= altitude -perpendicular segment)

1/2h (b1 + b2)

what type of trapezoid has its non parallel sides equal


a set of points in teh seame plane equidistant from a fixed point- called its center


a __________of a circle is a line segment drawn from the center of the circle to any point on the circle


a portion of a circle is called an ________ of the circle


a line that intersects a circle in tow point is called the _______


a line segment joining two poing on a circle is called a ________


the measure of a minor arc is the measure of the __________that intercepts the arc

central angle

a __________________ is a circle passing through all the vertices of a polygon

circumscribed circle

what are the 2 formulas to calculate the circumference of a circle

pi(d) 2(pi)r

what is the formula for the area of a circle

(pi)r ^2

what is the formula the formula for an arc if you know the radius and the n= central angle

(n/360) X 2pi r

the volume of a cube is


the surface area of a cube is what formula


wha tis the volume of a right circular cylinder with a radius of r and a height of h

pi r^2 h

what is the surface area of a right circular cylinder with a radius of r and a height of h

2pi r^2 + 2pi rh

what is the volume of a sphere with a radius r

4/3 pi r^3

what is the surface area of a sphere with a radius r

4pi r^2

what is the area of a pyramid or cone (hint B= area of Base)


what is the volume of a cone

1/3 pi r^2 h

what is the square of ((x1-x2) + (y1-y2)) =

distance between 2 points

a __________is any process that assigns a ___________value of y to each number of x

function single

in a function the x value is the ___________variable


when you see f of g replace the x in f(x) with the ___________

g value

when you find the inverse of a function switch the x value with a ____, solve for y


in a logarithm the answer following the = sign is the __________


log base b to the 1 = ____________


log base b to the b = ____________


log base b to the b^x =


when calculating the probability of mutually exclusive event y (can not occur simultaniously) you need to ______their seperate probabilities (uses the word "or")


when calculating the probability of independent events you need to __________ (words like and &" followed by" )


the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set is called the ___________


operation in steps = if an event a ways and followed by b ways followed by c ways the total number of ways it can be done is

a x b x c

positions= number of position can be calculated by finding the ______ of the total number of items


to calculate a permutation (order does not matter) what is the formula

n!/ (n-r)!

what is the formula for a combination (where order matters)
