Math: ALL

Place Value Chart


Prime and Composite Numbers

- Numbers multiplied to form a product are factors of the product.Prime Number: a number with exactly 2 factors, one and itself.e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9Composite Number: a number with more than 2 factors.e.g. 2, 4, 6, 10, 100, etc


Common Factors: same factors for 2 numbers.Ways to show factors:- Factor Tree- Rainbow Method- Venn Diagram

Order of Operation

B E D M A S BracketsExponentsDivisionMultiplicationAdditionSubtraction


Positive and negative numbers are called integers.Positive Integers: +24Negative Integers: -18Opposite Integers-2 , +2-100 , +100

Comparing & Ordering Integers

< : Greater than> : Less than= : Equal*Include all numbers in between

Important Words: Geometry + Angles

Isosceles: 2 lines are the same length.Scalene: nothing is the same.Equilateral: every line is the same lengthAcute Triangle: all angles are less than 90 degrees.Right Triangle: one angle is 90 degrees.Obtuse Triangle: one angle is between 90-180 degrees.


- Acute (1-89 degrees)- Right (90 degrees)- Obtuse (91-179 degrees)- Straight (180 degrees)- Reflex (181-360 degrees)

Decimal Place Value


Compatible Number: close to actual numbers and easy to work with.Overestimate: the number is rounded up so the estimation is higher than the actual answer.Underestimate: the number is rounded down so the estimate is lower than the actual answer.Front End Estimate: use only the numbers before the decimal.

Multiplying Decimals


Divide: DadMultiply: MomSubtract: SisterBring Down: BrotherRepeat: Rover (the dog)

Using Variables

A variable is a letter, typically "n" that stands in place for a number.

Important Words: Polygons

Polygon: a closed shape where the lines do not cross.Non-Polygon: non-closed shapeRegular Polygon: all sides are angles are equalIrregular Polygon: sides and angles are not equal.Convex Polygon: all angles less than 180 degrees.Concave Polygon: angles greater than 180 degrees.


- Congruent shapes match exactly.- All sides and angles are the same- You can test using tracing paper~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Perimeters of PolygonsPerimeter is the distance around a polygon.e.g. Perimeter = side + side + side

Mixed Numbers

Improper Fractions: numerator is larger than the denominator.Mixed Number: a whole number combined with a proper fraction.


A ratio is a comparison of 2 quantities with the same unit.


A percent is a special ratio that compares a number to 100. The symbol is %- Fraction : 55/100- Decimal : 0.55- Percent : 55%

Relating Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Fractions, decimals and percents are all ways to describe parts of one whole.e.g. 25/100 = 0.25 = 25%Convert fraction to decimal:- Denominator is 100 or- Divide top by bottemConvert decimal to percent:- Multiply the decimal by 100 or- Move decimal two spaces from the rightConvert fraction to percent:- Divide numerator by denominator then multiply by 100


A translation is a sliding movement along a straight line.When we draw a shape in it's new position it is called a translation image.


A reflection is sometimes called a flip. A shape is reflected across the line of reflection to form the reflection image.


When a shape turns about a point.When it is in it's new position it is called a rotation image.After one complete turn the shape is back to where it started.Shapes can turn both:- Clockwise (-- Counterclockwise -)

Successive Transformation

Successive Transformation: when a shape is translated two or more times.- Same transformation may be repeated- Translations may be different

Combining Transformations

Combinations of 2 or 3 different types of transformations can be applied to a shape.

Interpreting Graphs

Series of Points: a type of graph where the points are not joined.Shows Discrete Data: represents things that can be counted.Line Graph: a type of graph where the points are joined.Shows Continuous Data: time, money, temperature, measurement and mass.


Theoretical Probability (likelihood an outcome will happen) = Number of possible/favorable outcomes*Written as a fraction- Compare fractions- Largest numerator is best oddsExperimental Probability (likelihood that something will occur based on the results of an experiment) = Number of times an outcome/experiment occurs

Ignore this.
