Freshman Algebra 1 (Chapter 1 and 2)


A mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign to state that two expressions represent the same number or are equivelant. An equation may be true, flse or, if it contains a variable, open.

Open Sentence

An equation or inquality that contains at least one variable.

Solve an equation

To find the solution set of an equation.

Solution Set of an Equation

The value or values of the variable that make the equation true.


equal in amount or value.


Whole numbers and their opposites.


A statement that compares two quantities using <, >, ≤,≥, or ≠.

Postive Integers

The integers that are above the zero.

Negative Integers

numbers that are less than zero.


two numbers that are the same distance from zero on a number line, but are in opposite directions. (-2 and 2).