Geom HB 2.1-2.6

Addition Property of Eqaulity

if AB = 4 and BC = 2then AB + BC = 4 + 2

Subtraction Property of Equaltiy

If m<A +20 = 60then m<A = 40

Multiplication Property of Equality

If 1/2AC = ABthen AC = 2AB

Division Property of Equality

If 2m<A = 40then m<A = 20

Substitution Property of Equality

If m<A = m<1 and m<1 + m<B = 90then m<A + m<B = 90

Reflexive Property of Equality

DE = DE m<1 = m <1

Symmetric Property of Equality

If DE = AB, then AB = DE

Transitive Property of Equaltiy

If m<1 = m<2 and m<2 = m<3,then m<1 = m<3

Reflexive Property of Congruence


Symmetric Property of Congruence

If AB ≅ DE, then DE ≅ AB

Transitive Property of Congruence

If AB ≅ CD and CD ≅ EF, then AB ≅ EF

Definition of Congruence

Two objects that have the same shape and size.

Segment Addition Postulate

If B is between A and C, then AB + BC = AC

Segment Addition Postulate

adding 2 segment pieces to equal a whole segment

Angle Addition Postulate

Suppose you break an angle into two smaller angles. This postulate says that the sum of the measures of the two angles should add up to the measure of the big angle.

Angle Addition Postulate

if point B lies in the interior of <AOC then m<AOB+m<BOC=m<AOC

midpoint of a segment

The point that divides the segment into two congruent segments

midpoint of a segment

the point where the bisector intersects a segment

congruent segments

two segments are congruent if they have the same length. segment AB is congruent to segment XY if and only if distance AB = distance XY

bisector of a segment

a line, segment, ray, or plane that intersects a segment at its midpoint

Angle Addition Postulate

is B lies in the interior of angle AOC then the measure of angle AOB + the measure of angle BOC = Angle AOC.if angle AOC is a straight angle and point B is any point not on line AC, then the measure of angle AOB + the measure of angle BOC = 180 degrees

congruent angles

Use tick marks to signify, angles with the same measure

congruent angles

angles that have equal measures

adjacent angles

are a pair of angles with a common vertex and a common side, but no common interior points

angle bisector

a ray that divides an angle into two congruent, adjacent angles

Substitution Property

if a=b then either a or b may be substituted for the other in any equation ( or inequality)

Subsitution Property

If m<1 + m<2 = 180 and m<3 + m<4 = 180then m<1 + m<2 = m<3 + m<4

Midpoint Theorem

if M is the midpoint of segment AB, then AM=1/2AB and MB=1/2AB

Anlge Bisector Theorem

if ray BX is the bisector of <ABC, thenm<ABX = 1/2mXBC and m<XBC = 1/2m<ABC

Complementary Angles

two angles whose measures have a sum of 90 degrees

Supplementary Angles

two angles whose measures have a sum of 180 degrees

Vertical Angles

2 angles whose sides are opposite rays

Vertical Angle Theorem

Vertical Angles are congruent

Perpendicular Lines

Two lines that intersect to form right angles

Perpendicular Lines

Lines that intersect at 90 degree angles.

Perpendicular Lines

two lines that intersect to form a right angle. the symbol for "is perpendicular to" is ⊥

Vertical Angles are Congurent

If <1 and <2 are vertical angles, then <1 ≅ <2

Segment Addition Postulate

If XY = WZ, then XY + TU = WZ + TU

Angles supp to same angles are congurent

IF m<1 + m<2 = 180 and m<2 + m<3 = 180,then <1 ≅ <3

Midpoint Theorem

If E is the midpoint of line segment BC, then BE = 1/2BC

Angle Bisector Theorem

If ray BD bisects <ABC, then m<2 = 1/2m<ABC

Addition Property of Equality

if 6x - 7 = 29, then 6x = 36

Division Property of Equality

If 2m<1 = 100, then m<1 = 50

Conditional Statement

A logical statement that has two parts, an hypothesis and a conclusion.


The "If" part of a conditional statement


The "then" part of a conditional statement

Property of Perpendicular Lines

If two lines are congruent, then they form congruent adjacent angles.

Property of Perpendicular Lines

If two lines form congruent adjacent angles, then the lines are perpendicular.

Property of Perpendicular Lines

If the exterior sides of 2 adjacent acute angles are perpendicular, then the angles are complementary.

Congurent Comps Theorem

If 2 angles are comps of congruent angles (or of the same angle), then the 2 angles are congruent.

Congruent Supps Theorem

If 2 angles are supps of congruent angles (or of the same angle), then the 2 angles are congruent.


if a conditional and its converse are both true, then the statement can be written using the words if and only if (iff)


a statement that contains the words "if and only if


the statement formed by switching the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement

Angles comp to same angles are congruent

IF m<1 + m<2 = 90 and m<2 + m<3 = 90,then <1 ≅ <3