chapter 1 vocabulary --Math in Focus Singapore Math vocab

hundred thousand

10 ten thousands or 100,000

standard form

3 million 5 hundred in standard form is 3,000,500

word form

The word form of 7,010,000 is seven million ten thousand


a group of three places commonly used for reading numbers that are 1,000 or above.


10 hundred thousands or 1,000,000

place value

The value of a digit as determined by its place. In 5,873, the digit 8 is in the hundreds place, so it stands for 800.

expanded form

768,540 = 700,000 + 60,000 + 8,000 + 500 + 40 in expanded form

greater than (>)

512,374 > 412,374 (512,374 is greater than 412,374)

less than (<)

412,374 < 512,374 (412,374 is less than 512,374)


To approximate a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand (and so on). To round any number: look on place to the right of the digit you want to round to.


front-end estimation with adjustment

Take the value of the front-end, or left most, digits. Then add or subtract the values.

compatible numbers

Pairs of numbers close to the original number pairs that are easy to add, subtract, multiply, or divide mentally. Used to estimate sums, differences, products and quotients.
The numbers 240 and 6 are compatible numbers used for estimating 246/6