math connect Ch. 1 1-9


find value of, power by multiplying the factor

standard form

numbers written without exponents


numbers written with exponents


two or more numbers that are multiplied together to form a product


tells how many times the base is used in a factor


the common factor

square roots

the factor multiplied to form perfect squares

radical sigh

is the symbol used to indicate a square root of a number

numerical expression

the expression 6+4

order of operation

to evaluate expression


is a symbol that represents an unknown quantity


the numerical factors of a multiplication expression that contains a variable


the branch of mathematics that involves expressions with variable

algebraic expression

the expression n+2


is sentence that contains two expressions separated by an equals sigh =


an equation is numerical value for variable that makes the sentence true

solving an equation

the process of finding a solution

defining the variable

choosing a variable to represent an unknown quantity

equivalent expressions

the expression 4($12)+ 4($8)

Distributive Property

combines addition and multiplication.


statement that are true for all numbers

Commutative Property

the order in which two number are added or multiplied does not change their sum or product

Associative Property

the way in which three numbers are grouped when they are added or multiplied does not change their sum or products

Identity Property

the sum of an addend and 0 is the addend. The product of factors and 1 is the factor


is an ordered list of numbers


each number in sequence

arithmetic sequence

term fund by adding the same number to the previous term