flash cards

flash cards

Equilateral Triangle

flash cards

Isosceles Triangle

flash cards

Angle Bisector

flash cards


flash cards

Perpendicular Lines

flash cards

Collinear Points

flash cards

Scalene Triangle

flash cards

Perpendicular Bisector

flash cards

Parallel Lines

flash cards


flash cards

Vertical Angles

flash cards

Linear Pairs

flash cards

Complementary Angles

flash cards

Supplementary Angles

flash cards

Alternate Interior Angles

flash cards

Alternate Exterior Angles

flash cards

Corresponding Angles

flash cards

Same Side Interior Angles

flash cards

Same Side Exterior Angles

flash cards

Remote Interior Angle Theorem

flash cards

Auxiliary Line

flash cards


flash cards

Congruent Triangles

flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards

Isosceles Triangle Theorem

flash cards

Converse of the Isosceles Triangle Theorem

flash cards

Hyp- Leg

flash cards

Properties of a Parallelogram

flash cards

Properties of a rectangle

flash cards

Properties of a Rhombus

flash cards

Properties of a Square

flash cards

Slope Formula

flash cards

Midpoint Formula

flash cards

Slope Intercept Formula

flash cards

Vertical Line Equations

flash cards

Horizontal Lines Equations

flash cards

Point Slope Formula

flash cards

Equations for Parallel Lines

flash cards

Equations for Perpendicular Lines

flash cards

Writing the equation of a Median

flash cards

Writing the equation of a Altitude

flash cards

Writing the equation of a Perpendicular Bisector

flash cards

Distance Formula

flash cards

Proving an Isosceles Triangle

flash cards

Proving an Equilateral Triangle

flash cards

Proving a Scalene Triangle

flash cards

Proving a Right Triangle

flash cards

Proving a Parallelogram

flash cards

Proving a Rectangle

flash cards

Proving a Rhombus

flash cards

Proving a Square

flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards

Relationship between Sine and Cosine

flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards

Reflection over x-axis

flash cards

Reflection over y-axis

flash cards

Reflection over y=x

flash cards

Reflection over y=-x

flash cards

Reflection over x=#

flash cards

Reflection over y=#

flash cards

Reflection over the origin

flash cards


flash cards

Clockwise Rotation

flash cards

Counterclockwise Rotation

flash cards


flash cards

Center of Dilation on the line

flash cards

Center of Dilation not on the line

flash cards

Rigid Motion

flash cards

Scale Factor

flash cards

Point Symmetry

flash cards

Rotational Symmetry Formula

flash cards


flash cards

Similar Figures

flash cards

Side Splitter Theorem

flash cards

Ratio of the Sides

flash cards

Ratio of the perimeters

flash cards

Ratio of the areas

flash cards

How to find perimeter

flash cards

Mid-Segment Theorem

flash cards

Proving triangles similar to AA

flash cards

Proving triangles similar by SAS

flash cards

Proving triangles similar by SSS

flash cards

Angle Bisector Theorem

flash cards

Altitude Rule

flash cards

Leg Rule

flash cards

Section Formula

flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards


flash cards

Minor Arc

flash cards

Major Arc

flash cards


flash cards

Central Angle

flash cards

Inscribed Angle

flash cards

Angle Inscribed in a Semi-Circle

flash cards

Floating Angles

flash cards

Tangent Radius

flash cards

Common Tangent

flash cards

Tangent Chord Angle

flash cards

Tangent Tangent Angle

flash cards

Secant Secant Angle

flash cards

Tangent Secant Angle