Discrete Math from Rosen

Mathematical Induction

the statement ∀n P(n) is true if P(1) is true and ∀k[P(k) → P(k + 1)] is true. Cannot be used to find new theorems, or explain why a particular theorem is true.

Basis Step

the proof of P(1) in a proof by mathematical inductionof ∀nP (n)

Inductive Step

the proof of P(k) → P(k + 1) for all positiveintegers k in a proof by mathematical induction of∀nP (n)

Inductive Hypothesis

the assumption that P(k) is true

Well-ordering property

Appendix 1


A declarative sentence (that is, a sentence that declares a fact) that is either true or false, but not both. e.g. Washington, DC is the capital of the United States of America; or 1+1=2; but NOT x + 1 = 2.

Propositional variables

aka statement variables; a variable that represents a proposition

Truth value

If it is a true proposition, denoted by T and the truth value of a proposition is false, denoted by F, if it is a false proposition

Propositional logic

The area of logic that deals with propositions

Compound propositions

New propositions that are formed from existing propositions using logical operators.

Truth table

A table with a row for each of the possible truth values of a proposition p. Each row shows the truth value of ¬p corresponding to the truth value of p for this row.


(aka material implication) A conditional statement, consisting of a hypothesis , followed by a conclusion. Often expressed as p->q. Statement only false if the hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false. If the conclusion is true, the truth of the hypothesis doesn't matter. Helpful to think of as a contractual obligation that you expect to be fulfilled. Example: If I am elected, then I will lower taxes.

Truth Value

(of a proposition) This value is true, denoted by T, if it is a true proposition, or value is false, denoted by F, if it is a false proposition.

Propositional calculus

(aka propositional logic) The area of logic that deals with propositions

Compound Propositions

New propositions that are formed from existing propositions using logical operators

Propositional Variables

(aka statement variables) variables that represent propositions, just as letters are used to denote numerical variables. By convention p,q,r,s... are used.

Inclusive or

(aka Inclusive Disjunction) True when at LEAST one of the two propositions is true.

Exclusive or

(aka Exclusive Disjunction) True when at MOST one of thetwo propositions is true.


(aka antecedent or premise )The first portion of an implication


(aka consequence) The second portion of an implication.


the conditional statement q → p. Does NOT have the same truth value as p->q for all possible truth values of p and q. e.g. Converse of "If it is raining, then the home team wins" is "If the home team wins, then it is raining


the conditional statement ¬q →¬p. Always has the same truth value as p -> q. e.g. Contrapositive of "If it is raining, then the home team wins" is "If the home team doesn't win, then it isn't raining


the conditional statement ¬p →¬q. Does NOT have the same truth value as p->q for all possible truth values of p and q. e.g. Inverse of "If it is raining, then the home team wins" is "If it isn't raining, then the home team doesn't win

Equivalent propositions

When two compound propositions always have the same truth value, e.g. a conditional statement and its contrapositive, or it's converse and inverse.


The proposition "p if and only if q". Denoted p <-> q. Can also be expressed "p is necessary and sufficient for q" or "p iff q". Example: If and only if I am elected, I will lower taxes.


A compound proposition that is always true, no matter what the truth values of the propositionalvariables that occur in it


A compound proposition that is alwaysfalse

Logical Order of Operations

Parens, Neg, Conj, Disj, Cond, Bicond

Product rule


Sum rule


Boolean variable

A variable that is either true or false. Can be represented using a bit.


A symbol with two possible values, namely 0 and 1. Can be used to represent a truth value, customarily 1= T and 0 = F.

Bit operations

An operation on a bit or bits. Correspond to logical connectives, i.e. OR=∨, AND=∧, and XOR=⊕


The proposition with truth value opposite to the truth value of p. Read "not p". In English, "It is not the case that p

Logical operators

operators used to combine propositions


the proposition "p or q," which is false when both p and q are false and is true otherwise


the proposition "p and q," which is true if and only if both p and q are true, and is false otherwise.

Exclusive Or

the proposition "p XOR q," which is true when exactly one of p and q is true, but not both. E.g. this entree comes with a choice of soup or salad. Denoted by p ⊕ q

Bit string

a list of bits

Bitwise operations

operations on bit strings that operate on each bit in one string and the corresponding bit in the other string

Logic gate

a logic element that performs a logical operationon one or more bits to produce an output bit

Logic circuit

a switching circuit made up of logic gates thatproduces one or more output bits


a compound proposition that is sometimes trueand sometimes false

Consistent Compound Propositions

compound propositions for which there is an assignment of truth values to the variables that makes all these propositions true

satisfiable compound proposition

a compound proposition for which there is an assignment of truth values to its variables that makes it true

logically equivalent compound propositions

compound propositions that always have the same truth values


part of a sentence that attributes a property to thesubject

propositional function

a statement containing one or more variables that becomes a proposition when each of its variablesis assigned a value or is bound by a quantifier

domain of discourse

the values a variable in a propositional function may take

existential quantification

the proposition ∃x P(x) that is true if and only if there exists an x in the domain such that P(x) is true

universal quantification

the proposition ∀xP(x) that is true if and only if P(x) is true for every x in the domain

logically equivalent expressions

expressions that have the same truth value no matter which propositional functions and domains are used

free variable

a variable not bound in a propositional function

bound variable

a variable that is quantified

scope of a quantifier

portion of a statement where the quantifier binds its variable


a sequence of statements

argument form

a sequence of compound propositions involvingpropositional variables


a statement, in an argument, or argument form, otherthan the final one


the final statement in an argument or argumentform

valid argument form

a sequence of compound propositionsinvolving propositional variables where the truth of all thepremises implies the truth of the conclusion

valid argument

an argument with a valid argument form

rule of inference

a valid argument form that can be used inthe demonstration that arguments are valid


an invalid argument form often used incorrectly as arule of inference (or sometimes, more generally, an incorrect argument)

circular reasoning

(aka begging the question) reasoning where one or more steps are based on the truth of the statementbeing proved


a mathematical assertion that can be shown to betrue


a mathematical assertion proposed to be true, butthat has not been proved


a demonstration that a theorem is true


a statement that is assumed to be true and that can beused as a basis for proving theorems


a theorem used to prove other theorems


a proposition that can be proved as a consequenceof a theorem that has just been proved

vacuous proof

a proof that p → q is true based on the factthat p is false

trivial proof

a proof that p → q is true based on the fact thatq is true

direct proof

a proof that p → q is true that proceeds by showingthat q must be true when p is true

proof by contraposition

a proof that p → q is true that proceedsby showing that p must be false when q is false

proof by contradiction

a proof that p is true based on thetruth of the conditional statement ¬p → q, where q is acontradiction

exhaustive proof

a proof that establishes a result by checkinga list of all possible cases

proof by cases

a proof broken into separate cases, where thesecases cover all possibilities

without loss of generality

an assumption in a proof thatmakesit possible to prove a theorem by reducing the number ofcases to consider in the proof


an element x such that P(x) is false

constructive existence proof

a proof that an element with a specified property exists that explicitly finds such an element

nonconstructive existence proof

a proof that an element with a specified property exists that does not explicitly find such an element

rational number

a number that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers p and q such that q = 0

uniqueness proof

a proof that there is exactly one element satisfying a specified property


A finite, nonempty set of objects called symbols

Argument (of a function)

An input to a function

Binary Relation

A relation whose domain is a set of pairs

Boolean operation

An operation on Boolean values

Boolean value

The values TRUE or FALSE, often represented by 1 or 0

Cartesian product

An operation on sets forming a set of all tuples of elements from respective sets


An operation on a set, forming the set of all elements not present


An operation that joins strings together

Connected graph

Boolean AND operation


A path that starts and ends in the same node

Directed graph

A collection of points and arrows connecting some pairs of points


The set of possible inputs to a function


A line in a graph


An object in a set

Empty set

The set with no members

Empty string

The string of length zero

Equivalence relation

A binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive


An operation that translates inputs into outputs


A collection of points and lines connecting some pairs of points


An operation on sets forming the set of common elements


A list of k objects


A set of strings


An object in a set


A point in a graph

Ordered pair

A list of two elements


A sequence of nodes in a graph connected by edges


A predicate


The set from which outputs of a function are drawn


A predicate, most typically when the domain is a set of k-tuples


A list of objects


A group of objects

Simple path

A path without repetition

Singleton set

A set with one member


A finite list of symbols from an alphabet


A member of an alphabet


A connected graph without simple cycles


An operation on sets combining all elements into a single set

Unordered pair

A set with two members


A point in a graph


two sets A and B have the same cardinality ifthere is a one-to-one correspondence from A to B

countable set

a set that either is finite or can be placed inone-to-one correspondence with the set of positive integers

uncountable set

a set that is not countable

ℵ0 (aleph null)

the cardinality of a countable set


the cardinality of the set of real numbers

Cantor diagonalization argument

a proof technique used toshow that the set of real numbers is uncountable

computable function

a function for which there is a computerprogram in some programming language that finds itsvalues

uncomputable function

a function for which no computerprogram in a programming language exists that finds itsvalues

continuum hypothesis

the statement there no set A existssuch that ℵ0 < |A| < c


a rectangular array of numbers

matrix addition

see page 178

matrix multiplication

see page 179

In (identity matrix of order n)

the n × n matrix that hasentries equal to 1 on its diagonal and 0s elsewhere

At (transpose of A)

the matrix obtained fromAby interchangingthe rows and columns

symmetric matrix

a matrix is symmetric if it equals its transpose

zero-one matrix

matrix with each entry equal to either 0 or1


a collection of distinct objects


a logical inconsistency

element, member of a set

an object in a set

roster method

a method that describes a set by listing itselements

set builder sotation

the notation that describes a set by statinga property an element must have to be a member

∅ (empty set, null set)

the set with no members

universal set

the set containing all objects under consideration

Venn diagram

a graphical representation of a set or sets

S = T (set equality)

S and T have the same elements

S ⊆ T (S is a subset of T)

every element of S is also anelement of T

S ⊂ T (S is a proper subset of T)

S is a subset of T andS = T

finite set

a set with n elements, where n is a nonnegativeinteger

infinite set

a set that is not finite

|S| (the cardinality of S)

the number of elements in S

P(S) (the power set of S)

the set of all subsets of S

A ∪ B (the union of A and B)

the set containing those elements that are in at least one of A and B

A ∩ B (the intersection of A and B)

the set containing those elements that are in both A and B

A − B (the difference of A and B)

the set containing those elements that are in A but not in B

A' (the complement of A)

the set of elements in the universal set that are not in A

A ⊕ B (the symmetric difference of A and B)

the set containing those elements in exactly one of A and B

membership table

a table displaying the membership of elementsin sets

function from A to B

an assignment of exactly one elementof B to each element of A

domain of f

the set A, where f is a function from A to B

codomain of f

the set B, where f is a function from A to B

b is the image of a under f

b = f(a)

a is a pre-image of b under f

f(a) = b

range of f

the set of images of f

onto function, surjection

a function from A to B such that every element of B is the image of some element in A

one-to-one function, injection

a function such that the images of elements in its domain are distinct

one-to-one correspondence, bijection

a function that is both one-to-one and onto

inverse of f

the function that reverses the correspondencegiven by f (when f is a bijection)

f ◦ g (composition of f and g)

the function that assignsf (g(x)) to x

x (floor function)

the largest integer not exceeding x

x (ceiling function)

the smallest integer greater than or equal to x

partial function

an assignment to each element in a subset ofthe domain a unique element in the codomain


a function with domain that is a subset of the set ofintegers

geometric progression

a sequence of the form a, ar, ar2, . . . ,where a and r are real numbers

arithmetic progression

a sequence of the form a, a + d,a + 2d, . . . , where a and d are real numbers


a finite sequence

empty string

a string of length zero

recurrence relation

a equation that expresses the nth term an of a sequence in terms of one or more of the previous terms of the sequence for all integers n greater than a particularinteger

\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i}

the sum a_1 + a_2 + ... a_n


a finite sequence of precise instructions for performinga computation or solving a problem

searching algorithm

the problem of locating an element in alist

linear search algorithm

a procedure for searching a list elementby element

binary search algorithm

a procedure for searching an orderedlist by successively splitting the list in half


the reordering of the elements of a list into prescribedorder

f(x) is O(g(x))

the fact that |f (x)| ≤ C|g(x)| for all x > kfor some constants C and k

witness to the relationship f (x) is O(g(x))

a pair C and ksuch that |f (x)| ≤ C|g(x)| whenever x > k

f (x) is \omega{(g(x))}

the fact that |f (x)| ≥ C|g(x)| for all x > kfor some positive constants C and k

f (x) is \theta{(g(x))}

the fact that f (x) is bothO(g(x)) and(g(x))

time complexity

the amount of time required for an algorithmto solve a problem

space complexity

the amount of space in computer memory required for an algorithm to solve a problem

worst-case time complexity

the greatest amount of time required for an algorithm to solve a problem of a given size

average-case time complexity

the average amount of time required for an algorithm to solve a problem of a given size

algorithmic paradigm

a general approach for constructingalgorithms based on a particular concept

brute force

the algorithmic paradigm based on constructingalgorithms for solving problems in a naive manner from the statement of the problem and definitions

greedy algorithm

an algorithm that makes the best choice ateach step according to some specified condition

tractable problem

a problem for which there is a worst-casepolynomial-time algorithm that solves it

intractable problem

a problem for which no worst-casepolynomial-time algorithm exists for solving it

solvable problem

a problem that can be solved by an algorithm

unsolvable problem

a problem that cannot be solved by an algorithm

linear and binary search algorithms

(given in Section 3.1). Linear = O(n) worst case, Binary = O(n log n) worst case

bubble sort

a sorting that uses passes where successive itemsare interchanged if they in the wrong order

insertion sort

a sorting that at the j th step inserts the j th elementinto the correct position in in the list, when the firstj − 1 elements of the list are already sorted

a | b (a divides b)

there is an integer c such that b = ac

a and b are congruent modulo m

m divides a − b

modular arithmetic

arithmetic done modulo an integerm ≥ 2


an integer greater than 1 with exactly two positiveinteger divisors


an integer greater than 1 that is not prime

Mersenne prime

a prime of the form 2p − 1, wherep is prime

gcd(a, b) (greatest common divisor of a and b)

the largest integer that divides both a and b

relatively prime integers

integers a and b such that gcd(a, b) = 1

pairwise relatively prime integers

a set of integers with the property that every pair of these integers is relatively prime


the smallestpositive integer that is divisible by both a and b

a mod b

the remainder when the integer a is divided by thepositive integer b

a ≡ b (mod m) (a is congruent to b modulo m)

a − b is divisible by m

n = (akak−1 . . . a1a0)b

the base b representation of n

binary representation

the base 2 representation of an integer

octal representation

the base 8 representation of an integer

hexadecimal representation

the base 16 representation of an integer

linear combination of a and b with integer coefficients

an expression of the form sa + tb, where s and t are integers

Bézout coefficients of a and b

integers s and t such that the Bézout identity holds

Bézout identity

sa + tb = gcd(a, b)

inverse of a modulo m

an integer a such that aa ≡ 1 (mod m)

linear congruence

a congruence of the form ax ≡ b (mod m), where x is an integer variable

pseudoprime to the base b

a composite integer n such that bn−1 ≡ 1 (mod n)

Carmichael number

composite integer n such that n is a pseudoprime to the base b for all positive integers b with gcd(b, n) = 1

primitive root of a prime p

an integer r in Zp such that every integer not divisible by p is congruent modulo p to a power of r

discrete logarithm of a to the base r modulo p

the integer e with 0 ≤ e ≤ p − 1 such that re ≡ a (mod p)


the process of making a message secret


the process of returning a secret message to itsoriginal form

encryption key

a value that determines which of a family ofencryption functions is to be used

shift cipher

a cipher that encrypts the plaintext letter p as(p + k) mod m for an integer k

affine cipher

a cipher that encrypts the plaintext letter p as(ap + b) mod m for integers a and b with gcd(a, 26) = 1

character cipher

a cipher that encrypts characters one by one

block cipher

a cipher that encrypts blocks of characters of afixed size


the process of recovering the plaintext from ciphertextwithout knowledge of the encryption method, orwith knowledge of the encryption method, but not the key


a five-tuple (P, C,K, E,D) where P is the setof plaintext messages, C is the set of ciphertext messages,K is the set of keys, E is the set of encryption functions,and D is the set of decryption functions

private key encryption

encryption where both encryption keys and decryption keys must be kept secret

public key encryption

encryption where encryption keys are public knowledge, but decryption keys are kept secret

RSA cryptosystem

the cryptosystem where P and C are both Z26, K is the set of pairs k = (n, e) where n = pq where p and q are large primes and e is a positive integer, Ek(p) = pe mod n, and Dk(c) = cd mod n where d is the inverse of e modulo (p − 1)(q − 1)

key exchange protocol

a protocol used for two parties to generate a shared key

digital signature

a method that a recipient can use to determine that the purported sender of a message actually sent the message

division algorithm

Let a and d be integers with d positive. Then there are unique integers q and r with 0 ≤ r < d such that a = dq + r.

Euclidean algorithm

for finding greatest common divisors by successively using the division algorithm (see Algorithm 1 in Section 4.3)

Bézout's theorem

If a and b are positive integers, then gcd(a, b) is a linear combination of a and b.

sieve of Eratosthenes

A procedure for finding all primes not exceeding a specified number n, described in Section 4.3

fundamental theorem of arithmetic

Every positive integer can be written uniquely as the product of primes, where the prime factors are written in order of increasing size.

Chinese remainder theorem

A system of linear congruences modulo pairwise relatively prime integers has a unique solution modulo the product of these moduli.

Fermat's little theorem

If p is prime and p | a, then ap−1 ≡ 1 (mod p).

Markov chains


computational model

idealized computer

finite state machine

aka finite automaton

state diagram




start state


accept state

aka final states







transition function


language of machine M


M recognizes A

aka M accepts A

regular language






unary alphabet


nondeterministic finite automaton

aka NFA

equivalence of machines


regular expressions


circular definition


inductive definition




lexical analyzer


generalized nondeterministic finite automaton


pumping lemma


pumping length


pigeonhole principle


negation operator

constructs a new proposition from a single existing proposition


logical operators used to form new propositions from two or more existing propositions

bitwise OR

The bitwise OR of two strings is the string obtains by taking the OR of the corresponding bits from both strings

bitwise AND

The bitwise AND of two strings is the string obtains by taking the AND of the corresponding bits from both strings

bitwise XOR

The bitwise XOR of two strings is the string obtains by taking the XOR of the corresponding bits from both strings

logic circuit

aka digital circuit; receives input signals p1, p2, . . . , pn, each a bit [either 0 (off) or 1 (on)], and produces output signals s1, s2, . . . , sn, each a bit


basic logic circuits, AND, OR, and NOT


A compound proposition where there's at least one assignment of truth values to its variables that makes it true


An assignment of truth values that makes a compound proposition true


When a compound proposition is false for ALL possible assignments of truth values to its variables

Predicate logic


Propositional function

The statement P(X)

Uniqueness quantifier

There exists exactly one unique X such that P(x) is true


Refers to a property that the subject of the statement can have. Also a function whose range is {TRUE, FALSE}.


A sequence of statements that end with a conclusion.


A sequence of statements that end with a conclusion


The conclusion must follow from the truth of the preceding statements



Validity (of an argument)

The conclusion must follow from the truth of the premises. An argument is valid if and only if it is impossible for all the premises to be true andthe conclusion to be false.

Premises (of an argument)

In the context of an argument, the statements leading to a conclusion.

Conclusion (of an argument)

The final statement of an argument


Common forms of incorrect reasoning, which lead to invalid arguments

Modus ponens

(p ∧ (p → q)) → q

Modus tollens

(¬q ∧ (p → q))→¬p

Hypothetical syllogism

((p → q) ∧ (q → r)) → (p → r)

Disjunctive syllogism

((p ∨ q)∧¬p) → q

Addition (rule of inference)

p → (p ∨ q)

Simplification (rule of inference)

(p ∧ q) → p

Conjunction (rule of inference)

((p) ∧ (q)) → (p ∧ q)

Resolution (rule of inference)

((p ∨ q) ∧ (¬p ∨ r)) → (q ∨ r)

De Morgan's Laws

¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ∨¬q, and ¬(p ∨ q) ≡ ¬p ∧¬q

Identity laws

p ∧ T ≡ p; p ∨ F ≡ p

Domination laws

p ∨ T ≡ T; p ∧ F ≡ F

Idempotent laws

p ∨ p ≡ p; p ∧ p ≡ p

Double negation law

¬(¬p) ≡ p

Commutative laws

p ∨ q ≡ q ∨ p; p ∧ q ≡ q ∧ p

Associative laws

(p ∨ q) ∨ r ≡ p ∨ (q ∨ r); (p ∧ q) ∧ r ≡ p ∧ (q ∧ r)

Distributive laws

p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r); p ∧ (q ∨ r) ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)

Absorption laws

p ∨ (p ∧ q) ≡ p; p ∧ (p ∨ q) ≡ p

Negation laws

p ∨¬p ≡ T; p ∧¬p ≡ F

Affirming the consequent

a formal fallacy of inferring the converse from the original statement; In other words, treating an argument with premises p → q and q and conclusion p as a validargument form, which it is not. "If it is snowing, then it is below 32F" "It is below 32F", therefore "it is snowing

Denying the antecedent

a formal fallacy of inferring the inverse from the original statement; In other words, treating an argument with the premises p → q and ¬p and conclusion ¬q as a valid argument form, which it is not. "If it is snowing, then is it below 32F" "It is not snowing", therefore "it is not below 32F

Universal instantiation

the rule of inference used to conclude that P(c) is true, where c is a particular member of the domain, given the premise ∀xP(x). Universal instantiation is usedwhen we conclude from the statement "All women are wise" that "Lisa is wise," where Lisa is a member of the domain of all women.

Universal generalization

the rule of inference that states that ∀xP(x) is true, given the premise that P(c) is true for all elements c in the domain. Universal generalization is used whenwe show that ∀xP(x) is true by taking an arbitrary element c from the domain and showing that P(c) is true. "Any particular dog loves to wag its tail. Therefore, all dogs love to wag their tails.

Existential instantiation

the rule of inference that allows us to conclude that there is an element c in the domain for which P(c) is true if we know that ∃xP(x) is true. We cannot select an arbitraryvalue of c here, but rather it must be a c for which P(c) is true. Usually we have no knowledge of what c is, only that it exists. Because it exists, we may give it a name (c) and continue our argument. "Something loves to wag its tail. c loves to wag his tail

Existential generalization

The rule of inference that is used to conclude that ∃xP(x) istrue when a particular element c with P(c) true is known. That is, if we know one element c in the domain for which P(c) is true, then we know that ∃xP(x) is true. "Rover loves to wag his tail. Therefore, something loves to wag its tail.

Universal modus ponens

Combines universal instantiation with modus ponens∀x(P(x) → Q(x))P(a), where a is a particular element in the domain∴ Q(a)Example: Every truck that is a firetruck is red. I see a firetruck. Therefore, it must be red.

Universal modus tollens

Combines universal instantiation with modus tollens∀x(P(x) → Q(x))¬Q(a), where a is a particular element in the domain∴ ¬P(a)Example: Every truck that is a firetruck is red. I see a blue truck. Therefore, it cannot be a firetruck.


A valid argument that establishes the truth of a mathematical statement. Used to demonstrate that theorems are true.


(aka facts or results) A statement that can be shown to be true.


(aka postulates) Statements we assume to be true, the premises, if any, of the theorem, and previously proven theorems.


A less important theorem that is helpful in the proof of other results. Example: the pumping lemma


A theorem that can be established directly from a theorem that has been proved


a statement that is being proposed to be a true statement, usually on the basis of some partial evidence, a heuristic argument, or the intuition of an expert

Direct proof

A conditional statement p->q constructed when the first step is the assumption that p is true; subsequent steps are constructed using rules of inference, with thefinal step showing that q must also be true. Lead from the premises to the conclusion.


The even-ness or odd-ness of a number; All even numbers share the same parity, as do all odd numbers

Indirect proof

Proofs of theorems that are not direct proofs; i.e. they do not start with the premises and end with the conclusion

Proof by contraposition

Take !q as a premise, and using axioms, definitions, and previously proven theorems, together with rules of inference, we show that !p must follow.

Vacuous proof

A proof which uses the fact that the hypothesis is false

Trivial proof

A proof which uses the fact that the conclusion is true

Rational number

A real number where there exist integers p and q with q != 0 such that r=p/q.

Irrational number

A real number that is not rational.


A rectangular array of numbers. Plural is matrices. By convention, represented as A, B, C, etc.. with 1..j..m columns and 1..i..n rows. A particular cell in a matrix is denoted by a_{ij}, b_{kn}, c_{lo}, etc

Square Matrix

A matrix with the same number of rows and columns

Equality (matrices)

When two matrices have the same number of rows and columns and the corresponding entries in every position are equal.

Identity Matrix

The identity matrix of order n is the n × n matrix In = [δ_ij ], where δ_ij = 1 if i = j and δ_ij = 0 if i != j . Multiplying a matrix by an appropriately sized identity matrix does not change this matrix.

Element (matrices)

The value in the a_{ij} cell

Summation (matrices)

Let A = [a_ij] and B = [b_ij] be m × n matrices. Given the matrices being summed have equal size (rows and columns), the sum of A and B, denoted B, is the m x n matrix that has a_{ij} + b_{ij} as its (i, j)th element. Alternatively, A+B = [a_{ij} + b_{ij}]

Product (matrices)

Let A be an m x k matrix and B be a k x n matrix. The product of A and B, denoted by AB, is the m x n matrix with its (i, j)th entry equal to the sum of the products of the corresponding elements from the ith row of A and jth column of B. In other words, if AB = [c_ij], then:c_ij = a_{i1}b_{1j} + a_{i2}b_{2j} + ... + a_{ik}b_{kj}. Important note: The product of two matrices is not defined when the number of columns in the first matrix and the number of rows in the second matrix are not the same. Another important note: matrix multiplication is not commutative (AB != BA)

Join (matrix)

Given zero-one matrices A and B, the zero-one matrix with (i, j )th entry aij ∨ bij. Denoted by A ∨ B. Basically you OR every bit.

Meet (matrix)

Given zero-one matrices A and B, the zero-one matrix with (i, j )th entry aij ∧ bij . Denoted by A ∧ B.

Boolean product (matrix)

Let A = [aij ] be an m × k zero-one matrix and B = [bij ] be a k × n zero-one matrix. Then A and B, denoted by AB, is the m × n matrix with (i, j)th entry c_ij where: c_ij = (a_i1 ∧ b_1j ) ∨ (a_i2 ∧ b_2j ) ∨ · · · ∨ (a_ik ∧ b_kj).

Transposition (matrices)

Denoted by A^t, is the n × m matrixobtained by interchanging the rows and columns of A. In other words, if A^t = [b_ij], then b_ij = a_ji for i = 1, 2, . . . , n and j = 1, 2, . . . , m. Basically, every row i becomes a column j, and every column j becomes a row i.

Symmetric matrix

A square matrix where A = A^t. Thus A = [aij ] is symmetric if aij = aji for all i and j with 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ n. In other words, transposing the matrix doesn't change the matrix.

Zero-one matrix

A matrix all of whose entries are either 0 or 1.

Rank (matrices)

The A, denoted by rank A, is the dimension of the column space of A.

Vector (matrices)

A matrix with only one column is called a column vector, or simply a vector

Zero vector

The vector whose entries are all zero is called the zero vector and is denoted by 0.(The number of entries in 0 will be clear from the context.)

Scalar (matrices)

Given a vector u and a real number c, the scalar multiple of u by c is the vector cu obtained by multiplying each entry in u by c.The number c in cu is called a scalar; it is written in lightface type to distinguish it fromthe boldface vector u.

Subspace (matrices)

A subspace of Rn is any set H in Rn that has three properties:a. The zero vector is in H.b. For each u and v in H, the sum u C v is in H.c. For each u in H and each scalar c, the vector cu is in H. g

Basis (matrices)

A basis for a subspace H of Rn is a linearly independent set in H that spans H.

Dimension (matrices)

Given a nonzero subspace H, denoted by dimH, is the number of vectors in any basis for H. The dimension of the zero subspace f0g is defined to be zero.2

Linear independence

An indexed set of vectors fv1; : : : ; vpg in Rn is said to be linearly independentif the vector equationx1v1 C x2v2 C C xpvp D 0has only the trivial solution.