New Jersey Drivers Ed

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Nausea, Lightheaded, Vomiting, Loss of consciousness

Habitual Offender

When license is suspended 3 times in 3 years

A motorist who operates a motor vehicle must carry a valid driver license: a ________________________

valid probationary license

A motorist who changes addresses must report this change to the MVC within ________________ after moving

1 week

A motorist who changes his/her name must report this change to the MVC within ________________

2 weeks

A motorist with a valid out-of-state license who moves to New Jersey must apply for a New Jersey license within ___________

60 days

Drivers under age 21, who possess an examination permit or probationary licence shall not operate a motor vehicle without displaying _____________________ on the license plates of the vehicle

2 visible, red reflective GDL decals distributed through the MVC

Vehicle Code

Laws of the Road

Driver Error

Reason for collisions

Smith System

Keep eyes high
Keep eyes moving
Get the big picture
Make others see you
Leave yourself safe

Altering a drivers license or presenting an altered driver license may result in 1._________________, 2._______________, and/or 3.______________

1. The loss of a motorist's driving privilege
2. A fine of up to $1,000
3. and/or imprisonment

Obtaining a driver license illegally may result in 1.________________ and/or 2. ______________

1. A fine of up to $500
2. and/or imprisonment

Special Learner Permit and Probationary Driver License Restrictions include
No driving between ____________ and ___________

11:01 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.

Special Learner Permit and Probationary Driver License Restrictions include
No using ________________ while driving

hand-held or hand-free cell phones or any other electronic devices

Probationary Driver License Restrictions include
Passengers being limited to ________________________

Dependents of the probationary license holder and one additional person, unless accompanied by a parent/guardian

All motorists who possess a probationary driver license must visit a(n) _____________ to upgrade to a __________ driver license after the end of the standard 12 months

1. MVC agency
2. basic

Children under age eight who are less than 57 in. tall must ride in either _____________________________ or ______________________________

A federally approved forward facing child passenger restraint system OR a federally approved booster seat in a rear seat of the vehicle

Average Reaction Time of a Motorist

3/4 of a second

Do not slam the brake pedal when there is no emergency. Instead ______________________________________________

gently apply pressure to the brake

Stop/Slowing Down

Hand and arm out and pointed downwards

Right Turn

Hand and arm pointed upwards

Left Turn

Hand and arm pointed straight outwards

__________ drive faster than weather, road or other conditions safely allow, regardless of the posted speed limit


A motorist should always try to _______________ with the normal flow of traffic, while not exceeding the posted speed limit.

keep up

Both center lines are solid

No passing allowed

One center line is broken

Passing is allowed only on the side with the broken line

Both center lines are broken

Passing is allowed on both sides

A motorist should not pass

On a hill or a curve with limited foresight
At a street crossing or intersection
At a railroad crossing
On narrow bridges or in underpasses or tunnels
When a sign or center line prohibits passing
When behind a vehicle that has stopped to let a pedestrian

Motorists must drive on the __________ half of the roadway unless driving on a one-way street


A motorist must yield for

Emergency vehicles with warning signals
Trains when they approach a railroad crossing
Buses when re-entering the flow of traffic
Postal vehicles when re-entering the flow of traffic
Motorized or mobility-assistance devices when in a crosswalk or seeking t

A motorist must stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, failure to stop carries 1.____________, 2.___________, 3.________________ 4.__________

1. A fine of up to $500
2. Up to 25 days in jail
3. Community service
4. A driving privilege suspension of up to 6 months and 2 points

Controlled Intersection

When there are traffic signals, police officers, and signs in any direction

Uncontrolled Intersection

When there are no traffic signals, police officers, and signs in any direction

General Rule of uncontrolled intersections

The vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right

If a motorist misses a exit ramp on a highway, parkway or turnpike, he/she should _______________

go to the next exit

When leaving a highway, parkway or turnpike, never

back up on an exit ramp or deceleration lane

Cars must stop __ feet away from school bus with flashing red lights


When traveling on a dual-lane highway, a motorist should slow to ______ if on the other side of a safety island or raised median

10 mph

After a motorist stops and waits for emergency vehicles, he/she should keep at least ________ behind a signaling emergency vehicle

300 feet

Headlights must be used between __________________________________

one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise

The bright beam is for _________________ driving when there is no traffic in sight


The dim beams are used for ___________ and driving in traffic on roadways

city driving

Parking regulations
No parking -

1. Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant
2. Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, or side of street
3. Within 50 feet of a railroad crossing
4. Within 50 feet of stop
5. Within 20 feet of driveway entrance to any fire station and within 75 feet on

____________ can greatly affect affect a motorist's ability to drive


When a motorist has been behind the for the long time, he/she may experience _____________

highway hypnosis

Keep one car length back (about 20 feet) for each ___________ of speed.

10 mph

Wet road surfaces can cause tires to _________________ starting at about __________

1. hydroplane
2. 35 mph

In New Jersey, motorists may use studded snow tires between ______________and__________

November 15 and April 1

If the rear end of the vehicle starts to slide, a motorist should _______________

take his/her foot off the gas pedal

To avoid a spin, the motorist should _____________________________

turn in the direction the rear of the vehicle is skidding

If the brakes suddenly fail, a motorist should

shift to a lower gear and pump the brake pedal fast and hard several times

If a motorist experiences a flat tire or blowout, he/she should

hold the steering wheel firmly and keep the vehicle straight while gradually slowing down

It is illegal for an individual who is 21 years of age or older to drive with a BAC of ____________________

.08% or higher

It is illegal for an individual who is younger than 21 years of age to drive with a BAC of ____________________

0.1% or higher

If a motorist has reached a BAC of slightly above .05% after drinking, the risk for causing a motor vehicle accident is _____________


If a motorist has reached a BAC of .10% after drinking, the risk for causing a motor vehicle accident is _____________

6 times as great

If a motorist has reached a BAC of .15% after drinking, the risk for causing a motor vehicle accident is _____________

25 times as great

One alcoholic drink equals

1.5 oz of liquor
12 oz bottle or can of beer
5 oz glass of wine

True or False
The type of alcohol consumed is the greatest contributing factor of alcohol consumption


New Jersey has a(n) _____________ consent law for breath tests


Motorists who refuse to take a breath test are subject to a violation surcharge of _________________________

$1000 per year for 3 years

After completion of a driver Improvement Program or after restoration of a motorist's driving privilege, he/she will be in a probationary period for _________. Any violations during this period result in a _____________________ of the motorist's driving p

1 year
scheduled suspension

Motorists who accumulate six or more points within 3 years are subject to a surcharge of _____ for 6 points and _____ for each additional point


Up to 3 points will be subtracted from a motorist's point total for every year that the motorist goes without _____________

a violation or suspension

Never tailgate or remain sandwiched between trucks. A motorist should maintain a sizable space cushion between __________________

his/her vehicle and larger vehicles

How much longer, as a percent, do trucks take when making wide turns?

20% longer

Under NJ law, bicyclists, skateboarders and inline skaters have the same rights and responsibilities as ___________________

moving motor vehicle

Report lost or stolen plates to the ________________ and retain a copy of the complaint

local police

If a motorist sells his/her vehicle and does not transfer the plates to another vehicle, he/she should __________________________

turn in the old plates at any MVC agency or mail them to the MVC

All gasoline-fueled vehicles, more than 5 model years old, registered in New Jersey must pass state emissions inspections every ______________ at a state inspection facility

two years

True or False
Every vehicle registered in New Jersey must have liability insurance



Identify and gather information
Predict possible conflict
Decide how to avoid conflict
Execute correct action

Warning Signs and Colors
White signifies

regulation (like speed signs)

Warning Signs and Colors
Blue signifies

Motorists' services and information

Warning Signs and Colors
Brown signifies

Public recreation and scenic guidance

Warning Signs and Colors
Green signifies

Direction guidance

Warning Signs and Colors
Orange signifies

Construction and maintenance

Warning Signs and Colors
Red signifies

Stopping and yielding

Warning Signs and Colors
Yellow signifies

Caution for upcoming hazards like
School signs
Railroad warning signs
Roadway hazard signs