CNA Study Guide Exam #3

Def'n of Pulse

Heart beat

Def'n of Respiration

Inhaling and outhaling. Each in and out is 1

Vital signs are taken with the person in what position?

Sitting up or Laying down

How long is a temperature taken when using a glass thermometer?

2-3 mins

What is the value of each short line between full degrees for a fahrenheit temperature on a glass thermometer.


What do we use to rinse a glass thermometer?

cold water

When measuring temperature for a person experiencing diarrhea, which route cannot be used?


Your person has heart disease. When measuring temperature, which route cannot be used?


How long do we wait to take an oral temperature after a person has smoked a cigarette?

15-20 minutes

What position do you assist someone to when taking a rectal temperature?


Where do we assess the apical pulse?

Below the left nipple

What is the current dias


Normal Pulse range for adults

60-100 bpm

For how long apical pulse?

1 min

What is the current diastolic B/P range?

60 mmhg/ 80 mmhg

What is the current diastolic B/B range?

90 mmhg/ 120 mmhg

The first sound we hear when taking the blood pressure is?

Systolic reading

What should you do when you cannot hear a person's blood pressure? You have already done troubleshooting.

Tell the nurse

Is the blood pressure cuff applied over clothing?


How many mmHg is the cuff inflated above where you last felt the radial pulse in the estimated B/P method?

30 mmHg up

Truth about pain


Calculation for I & O


What do you need to know from the nurse and the resident's care plan to check their height?

What scale to use

What is a ketone? When does it occur

-Monosaccharide made from ketone, -C=O in the middle

Define hematuria

presence of blood leaving

Process for specimen collection


Sputum specimen collection

Performed in the early morning, before eating or drinking; patient produces a deep productive cough.

Midstream urine collection


What is external rotation?

rotating away from the body

Define flexion

bending a joint

Define plantar flexion

movement that bends the foot downward at the ankle

Why does the physician order bedrest

To promote healing

What are the various possible bedrest orders?


How do we prevent orthostatic hypotension?


What time of day is it easier to collect a sputum specimen?


What are the signs of orthostatic hypotension?

Dizziness, light headedness, sports before your eyes

Which joints are protected from contratures by hand grips?

Fingers, thumbs, and wrists

Who does AAROM?

Resident with another individual

When is the only time we can do ROM to the neck?

If allowed by agency or nurse

What information do you need to know from the nurse and care plan when delegated the task of ROM?


What ROM exercises can be done for the knee?

Flexion and extension

ROM exercises for the wrist

flexion, extension, hyper extension, radial flexion ulnar flexion

Flexion and extension for the toes

flexion- curl toes, extension-stretch toes

What action will or will not promote comfort while performing range of motion with your resident?


Important elements of appropriate can usage


Elements for the appropriate use of the wheeled walker


Important elements of assisting a person with the use of a brace


Purpose and benefits of recreational activities

Important for quality of life

Common causes of wounds

Surgery injuries, unrelieved pressure

An open wound on the legs or feet caused by decreased blood flow through veins or arteries is called?

Circulatory ulcer

When a person has an open wound on the lower leg and experiences poor blood return through the veins, this would called what?

Venous ulcer

What are measures to help prevent skin tears when the person in bed cannot reposition self?

Keep sheets are without wrinkles, reposition

circulatory ulcer

An open sore on the lower legs or feet caused by decreased blood flow through the arteries or veins; vascular ulcer

venous ulcers

Monitor observations, avoid tight clothing, etc

Your resident has an arterial ulcer. What are the care measure to promote healing


An open wound on the foot caused by complications of diabetes is called?


Facts about diabetes foot ulcers


What is another name for elastic stockings?


We generally apply elastic bandages where?

Arms and legs

How often must limb be checked for color and temperature when an elastic bandage has been applied to it?

Every 1 Hour

List the purposes of wound dressings.


What can happen to the wound if the dressing is loose or comes off?

Microbes can enter the wound

What are important elements in removing dressings from a wound during a dressing change?


If safety pins are used to secure a binder, in which direction should they point?


What should you do if a binder is loose or out if position?

Replace it

What is cold application used for?

Causes vasoconstriction and used in instances of injury and the inflammatory response

What are heat applications used for?

Can be dry or moist
Usually requires physician's order
Heat applied to skin provides general comfort and speeds healing process
May be used to:
Relieve pain, reduce congestion, relieve muscle spasm
Reduce inflammation and swelling
Provide comfort, elevate

What happen to blood vessels when heat is applied too long?

They constrict

Considerations before applying moist or dry heat applications


Why is the aquathermia pad never place under a body part
