Nclex Review (15?--Uworld

Dystocia ??

difficult labor

megavitamin therapy ?????

-massive doses of vitamins
-can cause toxicity
-might result in minimal desired effect
-discontinuing megavitamin therapy needs to occur gradually to prevent vitamin deficiency

agoraphobia ?????

fear or avoidance of situations, such as crowds or wide open places, where one has felt loss of control and panic

coitus interruptus ????????????????
(coitus:['ko?t?s ???

pull out method

amniotomy . [??] ??????????

artificial rupture of membranes

increased VC can increase kidney stone formation???

Daily recommend dose is 90mg/day

constitutional delay ???????

Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP) is a term describing a temporary delay in the skeletal growth and thus height of a child with no physical abnormalities causing the delay. ... CDGP is the most common cause of short stature and delayed pub


Gastrografin is an X-ray contrast medium that acts like an X-ray dye when X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract are being taken. It is provided as a solution for drinking or diluted for use as an enema. Gastrografin has a sweet taste.
SE: diarrhea???

The correct procedure for administering oral liquid medication to an infant--Using a syringe to instill the medication at the back of the cheek ???

Using a syringe to instill the medication at the back of the cheek decreases the risk of choking and ensures that the correct amount is consumed.
Do not use dropper(???????Infants have an extrusion reflex ????(outward extension of tongue when it i

Postoperative hypotension ?prior to other cases)

Postoperative hypotension can be a manifestation of bleeding, hypovolemia, and sepsis. Changes in vital signs (eg, decreased systolic pressure, tachycardia, tachypnea) and cool, pale skin can indicate decreased cardiac output and altered tissue perfusion.

cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade)????

Compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood or other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cardiac output.

S/S of a Cardiac tamponade

- Chest pain
- Dsypnea
- Beck's Triad (Decreased BP?Narrow pulse pressure), Muffled heart sounds?, JVD)
- Kussmaul sign

Delirium/ Dementia/Depression

Delirium has a sudden onset and involves fluctuating mental status and inattention with disorganized thinking and/or altered level of consciousness. Dementia has a slow onset, usually with normal attention. Depression involves loss of interest in previous

Iron deficiency in toddler

An overweight toddler is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Which is the most likely explanation for the anemia?
--ans?Excessive intake of milk???
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common chronic nutritional disorder in children. There are many risk

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death among infants age <1 year. Risk factors for SIDS include loose bedding, prone/side sleeping, and maternal substance abuse (eg, alcohol, tobacco). Protective factors include room sharing wit

Herbal supplements that can increase risk for bleeding include:
?herb ??word ???

Gingko biloba

operating a fire extinguisher?PASS???

PASS is a mnemonic to help people remember the steps used in operating a fire extinguisher:
P - Pull the pin;
A - Aim the spray at the base of the fire;
S - Squeeze the handle; and
S - Sweep the spray.
??The extinguisher does not need to be shaken before