Child Development SGA Study Guide

Confidential Adoption

Adoption in which birth parents do not know the names of the adoptive parents.

Open Adoption

Adoption in which the birth parents and adoptive parents know something about each other.

Developmental Milestones

Key skill used to check a child's progress with a certain skill such as walking.

Fine Motor Skills

Involves the smaller muscles of the body such as those in the fingers.

Gross Motor Skills

Skill that involves the large muscles of the body such as those of the legs and shoulders.

How to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

-Put babies to sleep on their backs.
-Avoid smoking during pregnancy and after the baby is born.
-Avoid exposing the baby to smoke from others.

Failure to Thrive

Condition in which babies do not grow and develop properly and it can be caused by neglect, abuse, or stress.

Object Permanence

Concept that objects will continue to exist, even when they are out of sight, which occurs at about 10 months of age.

Developmentally Appropriate

Toys, activities, and tasks that are suitable for a child at a specific age.

Cooperative Play

Children play and interact with one another.

Solitary Play

When child is alone and focuses on their activity.

Parallel Play

When children play near but not with other children.

Onlooker Play

Child watches others at play but does not engage in it.

Associative Play

Children are playing the same game but they are not working together or connecting with each other.



Piaget's 4 Period of Learning

-Sensorimotor (Birth-2 years): Children learn through their senses and own actions.
-Preoperational (2-7 years): Children think in terms of their own activities and what they perceive at the moment.
-Concrete Operations (7-11 years): Children can think lo


Process of the sperm fertilizing the ovum.

Stages of Prenatal Development

-Germinal: First stage in baby's development; formation of zygote (fertilized egg).
-Embryonic: Second stage of pregnancy; embryo is what the baby is called from 3rd to 8th week of pregnancy.
-Fetal: Third and final stage of developmental stage; developin


Tissue that connects the developing baby to the uterus; rich in blood vessels that allow food and oxygen to flow to the baby.


Long tube that connects the baby to the placenta; takes carbon dioxide and other waste products away from the baby.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

An incurable condition found in some children of mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes

Form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy.

Warning Signs During Pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding, Unusual weight gain or loss, excessive thirst, diminished need to urinate or pain during urination, severe abdominal pain, persistant headaches, severe vomiting, fever, increased vaginal mucus, swelling of the face, hands, or ankles, blu

How to Prevent Spina Bifida

Pregnant women should take a folic acid supplement.


Best source of nutrition for baby.


Mixture of milk or milk substitute, water, and essential nutrients.


Doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth.


Healthcare professional trained to assist women in childbirth.


Process in which the baby gradually moves out of the uterus and into the vagina to be born.

False Labor

Strong contractions that are not regular or rhythmic, that do not get stronger, and they end with light exercise.


Thick, white, pasty substance made up of the fetus's old skin cells and the secretions of skin glands; protects against exposure to amniotic fluid.


Fine, downy hair growing on newborns' foreheads, backs, and shoulders.

Last thing to develop in the womb


Natural ways a baby is able to move through the birthing canal.

The cervix dilates and thins, head moves out of uterus into the birth canal, head and shoulders pass through canal, placenta exits the body.


A high calorie, high protein early breast milk.

Postpartum Depression

Condition in which new mothers feel very sad, cry a lot, have little energy, feel overly anxious about the baby, or have little interest in the baby, and in extreme cases, thinks of harming the baby.

Natural Sucking Reflex

Stimulated when something is put in baby's mouth; allows a newborn to feed.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Condition that occurs when someone severly shakes a baby, usually in an effort to make them stop crying.

Prenatal Development

Baby's development during pregnancy; grouped into three stages: germinal, embryonic, and fetal.

Reproductive Cells

Ovaries and testes.

3 Stages of Labor

1) Contractions open the cervix.
2) The baby is born.
3) The placenta is expelled.

Chorionic Villi Sampling

Prenatal test that uses a sample of the tissue from the membrane that encases the fetus to check for specific birth defects.


The process of withdrawing a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the newborn baby.

Negative Reinforcement

Response aimed at strengthening desired behavior by removing an unpleasant trigger.


A condition that causes the baby's skin and eyes to look slightly yellow.

Apgar Scale

A system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby.

Parenting Styles

The way parents and other caregivers care for and discipline children.
-Authoritarian: Believes children should obey their parents without question.
-Assetive-Democratic: Children have more input into the rules and limits of the home.
-Permissive: Parents


Federal Medical Leave Act; 6 weeks maternity leave.


Parents know child best.


Childhood has profoud effect on adulthood.


Children learn best in a certain style.


Heirarchy of needs: basic needs, safety, love, self esteem, self actualization.


Positive and negative reinforcement.


Children learn by imitating others.


Three parenting styles: Permissive, Authoritarian, and Authoritative.


Heredity more important.


Environment more important, relationship between parent and caregiver.


Social, children learn best when playing.


Crisis, children learn because of something bad happening.


Children learn best in centers on their own.