PSY 456 Final Prt. 1

The idea that one can die of a "broken heart

Is being investigated scientifically and is considered plausible.

According to Therese Rando, which of the following may especially complicate grief?
1. Death of a child.
2. Bereaved person's perceived lack of social support.
3. Relationship between bereaved and deceased that was intimate and friendly.
4. Bereaved's per

1. Death of a child.
2. Bereaved person's perceived lack of social support.
4. Bereaved's perception that the death was somehow preventable.

Which of the following typically occurs during the middle period of grief?

Sadness and longing

Anniversaries, birthdays, special occasions, and holidays

can reawaken and reactivate unexpected feelings of grief.

Telling the "story" of grief can help in coping with loss in which of the following ways?
1. Sharing the story provides emotional relief and promotes the search for meaning.
2. The story can be told without the constraint of having to conform to a particu

1. Sharing the story provides emotional relief and promotes the search for meaning.
2. The story can be told without the constraint of having to conform to a particular model of how it should be.
3. The story brings people together in support of one anoth

Grief experienced in connection with a loss that is not socially supported or acknowledged through the usual rituals is


Which of the following statements best describes how bereavement is an opportunity for growth?

Energy that was bound to the past is freed up.

Which of the following is generally considered a high-grief death?

The death of a teenager in a car accident

The grief-work model has been widely accepted as the standard formulation for

understanding and helping people accommodate to loss.

Wearing a black armband traditionally signifies

a conventional mourning behavior.

The concept of adjusting to a world without the deceased is associated with

J. William Worden's tasks of mourning.

A theme common to mourning behaviors cross-culturally is that the bereaved

are different and this difference diminishes with time.

When a person experiences grief physically, as restlessness or mental activity, Terry Martin and Kenneth Doka would identify this pattern of grieving as


In the intuitive (systemic) pattern of grieving, individuals experience and express grief

via feelings and emotions.

According to Neimeyer, Prigerson, and Davies, What is the "inability to reconstruct a meaningful personal reality" after loss?

Complicated grief

Which of the following is a helpful behavior when lending support to the bereaved?

Simply listening without judgment

What is a way of signifying mourning among some Native Americans?

Cutting one's own hair short

Which of the following are usually identified as physical symptoms of grief?
1. Shortness of breath
2. Muscle weakness
3. Empty feeling in the abdomen
4. Cerebral placidity

1. Shortness of breath
2. Muscle weakness
3. Empty feeling in the abdomen

In contrast to the reaction to loss, what is the PROCESS by which a bereaved person integrates a loss into his or her ongoing life?


The emotional reaction and responses of anguish, anger, or relief to the death of a loved one are collectively termed


Attachments and the processes by which we relinquish them were central concerns in the work of

John Bowlby.

In the wake of multiple losses, survivors may feel they have "run out of tears," resulting in bereavement


According to the dual-process model of coping, what coping behavior includes mastering tasks that had been taken care of by the deceased and developing a new identity?


According to Simon Shimson Rubin's Two-Track Model of Bereavement, which of the following considers quality of family relationships, health concerns, and investment in life tasks?

Track I: general biospychosocial functioning

Factors that can restimulate grief for survivors of a homicide are termed

trigger events.

Complicated mourning is best described as

failure to realize the implications of a loss.

Of the following modes of death, which is most likely to be characterized as a low-grief death?

Terminal illness of an elderly man

Unfinished business is best described as

issues or "business" that goes on after a death.

What is our "assumptive world?

The world we expect to be stable and reliable

Which of the following typically occurs during the initial period of grief?

Sense of confusion and disorganization

According to Edgar Jackson, what factors are especially important in a survivor's response to loss?

Personality, social roles, values, and perception of the deceased's importance

What is an example of loss-oriented coping?

Looking at old photographs

Bereavement is defined as the

objective event of loss.

Children can experience "survivor's guilt" as young as

four years old.

The well child in a family where a sibling or parent is terminally ill

can balance conflicting emotions by participating in the family process.

Which of the following age groups of seriously ill children had major concerns about discomforting and possibly disfiguring effects of the disease and related medical procedures?

Children roughly five to nine

Which of the following coping mechanisms are used by children to cope with a serious illness?
1. Making a deal that allows a desire to be filled once the pain is endured
2. Limiting the number of people with whom they have close relationships
3. Taking a

1. Making a deal that allows a desire to be filled once the pain is endured
2. Limiting the number of people with whom they have close relationships
4. Regressing to behaviors that are less demanding

In helping children cope with loss, adults must strive to

answer questions honestly and directly.

When a child is ill or a death occurs in the family, sudden changes in family communication patterns can be

alarming to a child and can heighten anxiety.

When caring for a seriously ill child, all of the following are true EXCEPT

parents should try to play the role of nurse.

When talking to children about death, it is important to

verify and clarify what they think you've told them.

In explaining death to children, statements like "gone away for a long sleep" and "up in heaven

allow for misconceptions and literal interpretations.

A sibling's death may represent which of the following?
1. Loss of playmate
2. Loss of birth order
3. Loss of caregiver
4. Loss of protector

1. Loss of playmate
3. Loss of caregiver
4. Loss of protector

For a school-age child experiencing a serious illness, major issues include
1. a sense of stigma.
2. impaired self-concept.
3. side effects of treatment.
4. questioning of beliefs.

1. a sense of stigma.
2. impaired self-concept.
3. side effects of treatment.

The Nick Snow Children's Hospice and Palliative Care Act

allows children to receive both palliative care and curative care.

Adolescents' (especially girls) responses to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks included

fear and concern about dying from other disasters.

When a child is dealing with emotional pain, admonishing the child to "be brave" is

bad because crying is a natural response to loss.

According to a study by Myra Bluebond-Langner, seriously ill children in a leukemia ward were able to guess their condition by

interpreting how people behaved toward them.

Which is a suggestion for communicating with a seriously ill two year old child?

Provide maximum physical relief and comfort

If a child believes that he or she may have played a role in the events leading to a death, what emotion might be expected to predominate?


Spontaneous drawings and art therapy are __________ methods for working with young children to help them explore feelings.


Of all the deaths that may be experienced in childhood, the most affecting is likely to be the death of a


When discussing death with a child, an adult should

tell the truth while considering the child's developmental level and ability to understand.

According to David Balk, which of the following is most likely to cause adolescents to ask questions about the nature of life and death, about good and evil, and about the meaning of life?

Death of a sibling

A parent's death is perceived as a loss of security, affection and


Which is a death "out of sequence?

A young or middle-aged adult dies while his or her parents live on

Why do many people consider the death of a mother to be a more difficult loss than the death of a father?

Because mothers are usually the primary nurturing caregiver

Parents of a child whose life is threatened by serious illness tend to have a somewhat easier time coping when they

derive their identity from more than the parental role.

Which of the following are reasons given by aged people for accepting death?
1. Death is preferable to inactivity.
2. Death is preferable to becoming a burden.
3. Death is preferable to living alone.
4. Death is preferable to loss of mental faculties.

1. Death is preferable to inactivity.
2. Death is preferable to becoming a burden.
4. Death is preferable to loss of mental faculties.

Neonatal deaths are those occurring

during the first four weeks following birth.

Which of the following factors work to reduce conflict and promote positive interaction between grieving couples who have lost a child by death?
1. Open and honest communication
2. Expressing emotions in each other's company
3. Crying separately to minimi

1. Open and honest communication
2. Expressing emotions in each other's company
4. Ability of partners to reframe each other's behavior in a positive way

A major source of conflict among bereaved couples in grieving styles and coping with the death of a child relates to

differences in values, beliefs and expectations.

For newly bereaved parents of a stillborn child, a way of realizing and coping with loss is aided by

seeing and holding the baby.

Which of the following statements are TRUE about parental bereavement in couples?
1. A feeling of estrangement and a strong bond can occur between the parents at the same time.
2. A partner's behavior can be misinterpreted by the other and can cause confl

1. A feeling of estrangement and a strong bond can occur between the parents at the same time.
2. A partner's behavior can be misinterpreted by the other and can cause conflict.
3. Different grieving styles may decrease the couple's sense of commonality.

The term senescence is defined as the

process of becoming old.

The major cause of death among individuals between 5 and 24 years old is


The death of a fetus between the twentieth week of gestation and the time of birth is known as a


What cross-cultural example is given in the text to express universal feelings about the parental role of safeguarding and protecting children?

Among the Cree, infants wore "ghost-protective" moccasins.

If a marriage has involved the partners living traditional gender roles, which of the following statements is likely to be true in the case of spousal bereavement?

New skills may need to be learned to manage the needs of daily life.

The way a particular person adjusts to the role of newly widowed person depends on a host of
1. sociocultural factors.
2. personal factors.
3. circumstantial factors.
4. sociopolitical factors.

1. sociocultural factors.
2. personal factors.
3. circumstantial factors.

What is one of the most valuable resources for the recently widowed?

Contact with peers

Coping with grief resulting from stillbirth is facilitated by

acknowledging the baby's life and death.

Studies of spousal bereavement amongst homosexual couples

have been mostly ignored.

Cases of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) may be subject to criminal investigation because the

infant died of unknown causes.

A "developmental push" is associated with what type of bereavement in adulthood?

The death of a parent

Adverse effects of spousal death appear to be more common among


The twenty first century is being characterized as a century of
