Module 7 and 8

Physical Development

body changes in a growing individual (bone thickness, size, weight, vision, coordination)

Social-Emotional Development

growth in the 2 related areas of social and emotional skills, social development (learning to relate to others), emotional development (refining feelings and expressions of feelings)

Language Development

process by which children come to understand and communicate during early childhood

Cognitive Development

growth in the mental processes used to gain knowledge (thought, reasoning, imagination)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

when healthy baby unexpectedly dies during sleep, most occur due to poor sleep environment


thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.


penalty for some offense; pain, loss

Predictable stages of development

rolls over, sits with support, crawls, pulls to stand, walk

Toilet training

primarily a biological process which parents/caregivers can not and should not control, a developmental issue that typically occurs during the toddler years

Receptive Language

receiving the message (listening and reading), gaining understanding


traits that make up an individuals style of behaving


an extra part or extension that is or can be attached to something to perform a particular function.

Separation Anxiety

anxiety provoked in a young child by separation or the threat of separation from their mother


people, places, things (stimulation, stress)

Head-to-toe development

baby moves head first, gains strength in shoulders, rolls over, crawls, walks

Inside-out development

babies roll over with their torsos, crawl with their arms and legs


strict, enforce obedience, to control

Interrelated activities or development

learning as whole people (every area of development)

Individual rates of development

how each child develops differently

Expressive language

conveying the message (talking and writing), show understanding


change from one place/activity to another, good time to incorporate movement/motor activities into daily routines

Parallel Play

when children play next to each other, but not engaging with each other

Private Speech

talking aloud, helps brain organize itself and helps with problem solving


growth and change over time


family specifics (feeding, crawling, male/female respect)


do things their way (give choices)

role model

someone a child looks up to or wants to be like


set up the learning environment, developmentally appropriate materials, safety and space for exploring


resource, uninterrupted play, ask open ended questions, encourage problem solving


boundaries, expectations

Physical (Birth-1 year)

reflexes, fine and gross motor skills, rolling over, pushing up from belly, sit with support, begin to crawl

Language (Birth-1 year)

crying, cooing sounds, babble and laugh, understanding meanings of words, 2-3 clear words,

Cognitive (Birth-1 year)

eyes crossing, vision blurry, pathways organizing and strengthening, seeing further away, cause and effect, hand eye coordination, trial and error, stranger anxiety, object permanence, curiosity

Social-Emotional (Birth-1 year)

attachment, recognizing faces, response to name, wanting interactions, prefers to play with caregivers, imitations

Physical (1-3 years)

balance on 1 foot, throw bounce and kick ball, jumps with one foot, climb stairs, run, pedal, puzzles, pre-cutting skills, drawing, building blocks

Language (1-3 years)

repeating words and phrases, enjoy looking at books, have conversations with not at,

Cognitive (1-3 years)

recalls past events, repetition and visuals are key, imagination, problem solving, categorizing, matching, understand acceptable behavior, anticipates consequences

Social-Emotional (1-3 years)

shows feelings in socially acceptable ways, show pride in accomplishments, enjoy companionship of other children, take care of their own needs

Physical (3-5 years)

control impulses, helps others

Language (3-5 years)

talking, asking questions, pretending to read and write, knows up to 5000-8000 words, make up words, play around with sounds, read signs in the community, love rhymes and finger plays

Cognitive (3-5 years)

notices how things are alike and different, sorts and matches objects, able to count a few items, begins to understand the rules of games, matches letters to words, recognizes patterns in the spoken word, recognizes patterns in nature and environment, enj

Social-Emotional (3-5 years)

cooperative play, parallel play, empathy, control impulses, understand logical consequences, role play, adjust or make up rules to games