HEA 338 Final Review

Life-threatening bleeding includes blood that is spurting from a wound and________

Bleeding that fails to stop after all measure have been taken

Which of the following represents a life-threatening condition?
-A conscious person with persistent chest pain
-A conscious person who refuses to give you consent
-A conscious person with a broken arm
-An unconscious person who wakes when you genlty tap h

A conscious person with persistent chest pain

When beginning a head-to-toe examination of a conscious adult, which of the following would you do first?
-Tell the what you are going to do
-Place the person in a comfortable postition
-position yourself at the person's feet so you can observe his or her

Tell the what you are going to do

Which of the following would be the most appropriate for a person who can move all body parts without pain or discomfort?
-Tell him or her not to move and to wait for EMS personnel
-Allow the person to continue on his or her way, since nothing is wrong

Encourage the person to rest in a comfortable position

When giving rescue breaths to an unconscious person, you determine that the breaths are effective when which of the following occurs?
-You feel air coming out of the mouth
-The chest clearly rises each breath
-You hear air escaping from the nose
Less air

The chest clearly rises each breath

Which of the following would be most important when giving care for a person until EMS personnel arrive?
-Explain a victims injuries
-Keep the victim warm
-Prevent a victim from moving
-Do not further harm

Do not further harm

True or false: It is imprtant during head-to-toe examination to have the injured or ill person lie completely still, not moving any body parts, so as to avoid further injury.


Which of the following would be an easy way to tell if an injured or ill person is conscious and shows signs of life?
-Look for severe bleeding
-Ask the person if he or she is okay
-Feel the carotid pulse at the neck

Ask the person if he or she is okay

An adult is conscious and breathing normally. Your head-to-toe examination reveals only a small bruise on this forehead. As you continue talking to him, you notice that he or she becomes increasingly confused and disoriented. Which of the following should

Immediately call EMS personnel, as this person might be developing a life-threading condition

Breathing into a person with too much force wile giving rescue breaths may cause________

gastric distention

What should you do if a person vomits while giving rescue breaths?
-Continue rescue breathing, forcing your breaths past the vomit
-Roll the victim onto one side as a unit and clear the mouth

Roll the victim onto one side as a unit and clear the mouth

True or false: A person whose heart has stopped beating will also have stopped breathing


A person who is unconscious and lying on his or her back could stop breathing if which occurs?
-Lungs push down on his or her diaphragm
-Diaphragm falls on top his or her spine
-Tongue falls to the back or his or her throat
-Epiglottis fall down his or he

Tongue falls to the back or his or her throat

Which of the following would you do first when checking an unconscious person?
-Check for breathing
-Open the airway
-Check for severe bleeding

Open the airway

To check to see if an injured or ill person is unconscious, you would:
-Gently jostle or shake the person by the shoulder
-Tap the person, asking "Are you okay?"
-Vigorously squeeze the person's hand while shouting at him or her
-Shout loudly at the perso

Tap the person, asking "Are you okay?

The Check step of the emergency action steps of CHECK-CALL-CARE is a check for safety and for which of the following?
-Signs of life
-An open airway


It is important to ask a bystander simple questions about what happened and the person's condition for which reasons?
-The injured or ill person will likely embellish details to encourage your sympathy
-The injured or ill person's memory of the traumatic

The injured or ill person may be unable to describe these things

True or false: A person who is conscious, has a heartbeat and signs of life can have a life-threatening emergency


You are checking an unconscious adult and find that he or she is not breathing normally. Which of the following would you do next?
-Look,listen and feel for movement and breathing
-Focus on watching the chest carefully to see if it rises and falls

Look,listen and feel for movement and breathing

Which method would be most appropriate to use to open unconscious person's airway?
-Pushing down on the bony part of the jaw to lower the chin with one hand while lifting the neck with the other hand
-Turning the person on one side to allow blood and vomi

Pushing down on the forehead with one while using the other hand to pull up on the bony part of the jaw, lifting the chin

Which of the following would you do when applying a roller bandage?
-Bandage the injured part and keep it below the level of the heart
-Keep the fingers and toes covered so they do not get cold
-If bandages are blood soaked, remove the bandages but not th

Check feeling, warmth and color of the area below the injured site before and after application

An occlusive dressing may be made from from which if the following?
-Clean gauze
-Clean cloth
-Clean gauze soaked in water
-Clean plastic wrap

Clean plastic wrap

You have a severe cut on your knee. After a few, you see red lines or streaks at the site of the wound.What is happening to the wound?
-The wound is healing normally
-The wound has become infected
-The wound needs stitches to stop the red streaks
-The wou

The wound has become infected

Which of the following would be classified as a closed wound?
-Crush injury


A friend has a severe cut on her arm. After a few days of caring for the cut, your friend says she is not feeling well and shows you red lines starting at the cut and progressing up her arm. She asks your advice on what to do next. You should tell your fr

Contact her physician to determine further care

Body structures that include the layers of skin, fat and muscle are called __________

soft tissues

You suspect that an injured person has a severe closed wound. Which of the following would you except to see?
-Pink, warm skin over the injured area
-Mild pain at the injured site
-Ability to move the injured area
-Tenderness and hardness in the injured a

Tenderness and hardness in the injured area

How often should you get a tetanus shot to protect against infection?
-Every 5 to 10 years or when a wound is contaminated by dirt
-The first time you get a severe cut
-Every year to make sure you have maximum protection
-Every time you get an open wound

Every 5 to 10 years or when a wound is contaminated by dirt
-The first time you get a severe cut

You are playing golf when it suddenly starts to rain. You see a nearby golfer struck by lightning. Your first action is to send someone to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. What additional care would you give?

-Make sure the scene is safe.
-Check for life-threatening injuries and give care, if necessary.
-Check for non-life-threatening injuries, which may include entry and exit wounds from the lightning and broken bones.
-Do not move the victim unless necessary

A person has sustained a partial-thickness burn to his or her arm. Which of the following would you expect to find?
-Brown-appearing skin
-Absence of pain
Swollen, reddened area


Which type of wound is more readily infected by the bacteria that may cause tetanus?
-Puncture wound

Puncture wound

Burns may be classified by their source and________


An injured person suffers a puncture wound. You would anticipate that this person is at high risk for which of the following?
-Crash injury
-External hemorrhage


Which type of burn may directly affect the heart?
-Electrical burn
-Radiation burn
-Thermal burn
-Chemical burn

Electrical burn

A burn that only involves the top layer of the skin is classified as which of the following?
-Deep burn
-Third-degree burn
-Superficial burn
-Dermal burn

Superficial burn

You should call 9-1-1 or the local emergency for a burn victim over the age of 60 because________

The skin of a person over the age of 60 generally is thinner and more delicate, making it easier for burns

A person reports to you that she heard a snapping noise when she fell while bicycling. The person is cradling her arm, and her forearm looks bruised and swollen. She also tells you that her fingers feel cold and numb. You would suspect which of the follow

A serious musculoskeletal injury

A splint is a device that maintains an injured part in place if the person must be moved. To be effective, which of the following would you do when splinting an injury?
-Include the joints above and below the injury site
-Apply a splint to a limb ha been

Include the joints above and below the injury site

A person tells you that her fell and now cannot move his shoulder. He is also complaining of severe pain in the area. You notice a bump in the area that would normally not be present. You would suspect that the person is most likely suffering from which o


A child was playing on an outdoor gym set when the child suddenly fell off, landing hard on the ground. The child is conscious and lying on the ground but is reporting some tingling in his hands and feet. There is no obvious swelling, although the skin on

Call 9-1-1 or local emergency number

Bones are classified as:
-Proximal, distal, medial or lateral
-Short,long, flat or irregular
-Hard, soft, medium or porous
-Arm, chest, leg or hand/foot

Short,long, flat or irregular

A person appears to have a lump near his elbow. How might you determine if the lump is deformity?
-Ask the victim to move the elbow
-Look for signals of swelling or redness
-You cannot determine without an X-ray
-Compare one elbow to the other

Compare one elbow to the other

A person sustains a musculosketetal injury resulting from being hit in the arm by a baseball. This example of which type of force as the cause of the injury


Generally, musculorskeletal injuries arenot life threatening. You should call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number immediately, however, if which of the following condition exists?
-The person is unable to write his or her name
-The person can walk but is

You see an obvious deformity

An open fracture occurs when:
-Bone ends bleed profusely, causing shock
-The bone is broken but the skin is intact
-The bone is broken completely in two
-Bone ends cause the skin to tear

Bone ends cause the skin to tear

A_________ force is most likely caused when an ankle is injured, such as from stepping off a curb


After tying a splint on an injured arm, you find that the person's fingers are turning blue and are cool to the touch. What should you do?
-Cover the victim's fingers to keep them warm
-Place the fingers in warm water
-Pad the splint further to protect th

Loosen the splint to allow for circulation

A person with an upper arm injury can comfortably bend his elbow, which of the following would you use to splint the area?
-Rigid splint
-Soft splint
-Other arm
-Sling and binder

Sling and binder

A characteristic deformity associated with a fractured femur is the ______ turning of the lower extremity


A person who has an injured femur is likely to exhibit signals of shock because:
-EMS personnel will put a traction splint on the leg
-A fractured femur can result in serious bleeding
-The injured leg often turns outward from the body
-The femur is the bi

-A fractured femur can result in serious bleeding

When splinting an injured body part, which action would be most appropriate?
-Support the injured part in the position you find it
-Use a rigid splint for all injured body parts
-Keep the injured body parts
straight as possible
-Lower the injured part bel

-Support the injured part in the position you find it

A fracture of the femur may cause the injured leg to appear shorter than the other leg due to the concentration of which of the following?
-Hip muscles
-Thigh muscles
-Calf muscles
-Back muscles

Thigh muscles

The forearm describes that portion of the upper extremity from the:
-Elbow to the wrist
-Shoulder to the elbow
-Finger to wrist
Shoulder to the fingers

Elbow to the wrist

After applying a splint, which of the following would be least appropriate to do?
-Apply heat to the injured area
-Allow the person to rest in the most comfortable position
-Elevate the area if doing so does not cause discomfort
-Comfort and reassure the

Apply heat to the injured area

If the person must be moved, the best way to immobilize an ankle or foot injury is with a:
-Rigid splint
-Soft splint
-Traction splint

Soft splint

A person has fallen is sitting on the ground complaining of pain in the lower left left. Someone else has already called 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. How could you help care for this person while waiting for EMS personnel to arrive?
-Lift the leg

Have the person rest in the most comfortable position

True or false: After you splinted an injured body part, you should always call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number to transport the person to the nearest medical facility


When applying a splint, which of the following would be most appropriate to do?
-Avoid padding splints to prevent further deformities
-Apply sterile pressure dressings over any open wounds
-Push any protruding bones below the skin
-Remove any clothing aro

Remove any clothing around the injured site

While in the park, your friend tells you that he fell down and that his knee is causing him severe pain. What care would you give?

-Stabilize the injury in the position
-Check for and control any bleeding
-Apply ice or an cold pack
-Help the person rest in the most comfortable position
-Call 9-1-1 or th elocal emergency number if a fracture is suspected and the knee is bent

You checked the person's fingers ( or toes) before splinting and they were warm. Why do you check the finger (or toes) of an injured person after you have applied a splint to the arm (or leg)?

You check the fingers(or toes) to make sure that the splint has not impaired circulation to body parts beyond the area

How does care for an injury to the check differ from care for other soft tissue injuries?
-You can control bleeding from both sides of the wound
-You should not use gloves or another barrier when controlling bleeding
-You should not apply direct pressure

You can control bleeding from both sides of the wound

When giving care to a person with a suspected head, neck or spinal injury, you observe the person's level of consciousness and which of the following?
-Skin color
-Body temperture
-Heart rate


You are playing and someone on the other team gets hit in the head with a baseball bat. The person is conscious, but you notice blood coming from his right ear canal. Which action would be most appropriate?
-Cover the ear lightly with a sterile dressing a

-Cover the ear lightly with a sterile dressing and call 9-1-1

A concussion refers to:
-A weakening of the blood vessels in the brain
-Long-term memory loss due to repetitive violent blows to the head
-Blood trapped in the skull due to a violent blow to the head
-A temporary impairment to brain function

-A temporary impairment to brain function

Paralysis from the vertebral injury results from:
-Sprains to ligaments around the spinal cord
-Damage to the spinal cord
-Damage to the vertebral column
-Fractures to the vertebrae

-Damage to the spinal cord

Which of the following is a signal of a serious head, neck or spinal injury?
-Loss of balance
-An irregular heartbeat
-Elevated body temperature
-Impaired hearing

-Loss of balance

When caring for a large laceration to the neck, you should apply:
-Direct pressure to the carotid arteries
-A cold pressure dressing on the back of the neck
-An occlusive dressing to avoid getting air into a vein
-A large dressing tied around the neck

-An occlusive dressing to avoid getting air into a vein

You come upon the scene of an accident and suspect that a passenger has a head, neck or spinal injury. You notice that the person is face-down, lying motionless. How would you begin to care for this person?
-Perform rescue breathing on the person on the p

-Roll the person onto his or her back without twisting the spine to check for breathing

General care for head, neck and spinal injuries includes which of the following?
-Cooling the body
-Placing a splint on the neck only
-Care for life-threatening conditions
-Performing CPR

-Care for life-threatening conditions

While giving care to a person with a head, neck or spinal injury and manually stabilizing the area, you find that you are unable to maintain an open airway. Which action would be most appropriate?
-Release stabilization to look for a foreign object

-Place the person in the modified H.A.IN.E.S recovery position

You would use which technique to minimize movement of the head and neck?
-Manual stabilization
-The jaw thrust
-The chin-lift

-Manual stabilization

Which of the following would be effective in helping to prevent head, neck and spinal injuries?
-Pulling heavy objects out of reach over the head
-Using small area rugs on the bare floors
-Keeping hallways dimly lit at all times
-Wearing lap and shoulder

-Wearing lap and shoulder restrains when in the car

True or False: Blood or other fluid draining from the mouth is an indication of a serious head, neck or spinal injury


A person has an open wound on the scalp that is bleeding. While beginning to apply pressure to the area, you feel a depression.Which action would be most appropriate?
-Apply pressure directly on the depression with a sterile dressing
-Apply pressure on th

-Apply pressure on the area around the wound

Approximately half of all head, neck and spinal injuries result from which of the following?
-Diving mishaps
-Motor vehicle collisions

-Motor vehicle collisions

While attempting to perform manual stabilization with a person who has a head, neck or spinal injury, which action would be the most appropriate?
-Support the person's head in the position you found it
-Splint the neck so that the head does not move any f

-Support the person's head in the position you found it

True or False: Lay responders are generally able to determine the exact extent of damage in the head, neck and spinal injuries so that they can tell EMS personnel about the injury


Which of the following would be the first and most important signal of a serious head injury?
-Epileptic seizures
-Change in level of consciousness
-A serve headache

-Change in level of consciousness

Which of the following may indicate a serious head, neck or spinal injury?
-A person involved in a diving accident
-A laceration to the face
-A severe blunt force to the extremities
-A gunshot would to the thigh

-A person involved in a diving accident

The best method for saving a dislodged tooth until it can be replanted into the person's mouth is to place the tooth into which of the following?
-A cup of milk
-The person's hand
-The person's mouth
-A sterile, dry gauze pad

-A cup of milk

True or false: When caring for a person with a head, neck or spinal injury, you would move the person's head so that it would be in line with the body


You can consider the possibility of a serious head, neck or spinal injury by:
-Evidence of a facial injury and broken teeth
-Bystanders telling you a person may have hit his or her head
-Checking the scene and thinking about the forces involved in the inj

-Checking the scene and thinking about the forces involved in the injury

Which if the following would be the most likely cause of a closed chest injury?
-Fractured ribs
-Knife wound
-Blunt trauma

-Blunt trauma

The signals of a pelvic injury are the same as those for:
-A chest injury
-A leg injury
-A head injury
-An abdominal injury

-An abdominal injury

An occlusive dressing is used for penetrating injury that results in a sucking chest wound. It is important to leave a corner of the dressing loose so that:
-Air can escape during exhalation but not enter during inhalation
-Water can enter the wound, keep

-Air can escape during exhalation but not enter during inhalation

A person who is coughing up blood, is having trouble breathing and has bruising on his or her shoulder might be suffering from:
-An injury to the spleen or liver
-A dislocation of the sternum
-A serve injury to the chest
-A dislocation of the collar bone

-A serve injury to the chest

An injury to the spleen can be severe and quickly fatal because the spleen:
-Contains bile, which can leak into the abdomen causing infection
-Connects to the stomach, you cannot live without a stomach
-Is attached to the intestine, which can cause food t

-Stores blood and injury can cause severe loss of blood

You suspect that a person has a closed abdominal injury. You have already called 9-1-1, positioned the person on his or her back (assuming no head, neck or spinal injury is suspected) and have taken other steps to minimize shock. What other care might you

-Bend the person's knees slightly, if this does not cause additional pain

General care for a person who has an injury to the chest, abdomen or pelvis includes:
-Limiting the person's movement
-Giving small sips of water, if the person is conscious
-Keeping the person moving to prevent dyspepsia
-Always applying a full-body spli


True or False: The organs within the pelvis are well protected on the sides and back, but not in the front


True or False: Rib fractures are less common in children than in adults because children's ribs are so flexible they bend rather than break


The second leading cause of trauma deaths each year is related to which of the following?
-Knife or bullet wounds
-Chest injuries
-Fractured ribs that puncture internal organs
-Motor-vehicle collisions

-Chest Injuries

Care for a closed wound to the genitals:
-Is the same as you would care for any closed wound
-is embarrassing and should be avoided if at all possible
-Requires application of a sterile dressing and direct pressure

-Is the same as you would care for any closed wound

A male has sustained a blow to his scrotal area. Which of the following would you apply first?
-Saline-moistened gauze
-Ice pack
-Sterile gauze dressing
-Warm compresses

-Ice pack

A female has sustained an injury to her genital area. Which of the following would you do when giving care?
-Place dressing inside the vagina
-Wrap the area in a sterile dressing, to prevent infection
-Use a moistened saline pressure compresses to control

-Use a moistened saline pressure compresses to control bleed

You suspect that a person has a fractured rib. You should care for this injury by:
-Asking the person to take in several deep breaths in succession
-Encouraging the person to bend over from the waist
-Having the person lie down flat with his or her head s

-Using a sling and binder to hold the person's arm against the injury side of the chest

If the AED pads risk touching each other such as with a small child or an infant you should:
-Place one pad on the stomach and one pad on the chest
-Reveres the pads' position on the chest
-Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the bac

-Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back

Before the AED analyzes the heart rhythm, you should:
-Ensure the no one, including you, is touching the person
-Ensure that the person is breathing
-Make sure the head-tilt/jaw-thrust is maintained
-none of the above

-Ensure the no one, including you, is touching the person

A middle-aged man was playing tennis when he suddenly felt pain in his chest. He stopped playing and the pain went away after a short while. Since the man had recently eaten a large meal, he assumed that the pain was just indigestion. What is most likely

-Angina pectoris

Cardiac arrest is the condtion in which:
-The heart attack is left untreated too long
-Angina pectoris develops into a heart attack
-The heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood
-Blood pressure fall too low for blood to be circula

-The heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood

Performing CPR on an infant is similar to performing CPR on an adult except that for an infant, you would:
-Compress the infant's chest at a rate over 100 per minute
-Compress the infant's chest about 1-1/2 inches
-Compress the infants chest about 1/2 inc

-Compress the infant's chest about 1-1/2 inches

You are walking down the street when a young boy collapses in front of you. You come to his aid and discover that he is unconscious and not breathing. After having a bystander call 9-1-1, you begin CPR. After about three minutes, the child begins to breat

-Stop CPR, keep the airway open and continue to monitor the child

CPR compression on the infant are performed using:
-Thumb and single finger
-The pads of two fingers
-Fingers of one hand
-The heel(s) of one hand

-The pads of two fingers

Chest pain or pressure that comes and goes at different times is sometimes called:
-Atherosclertic injury
-Cardiac arrest
-Angina pectoris
-Cardiovascular discomfort

-Angina pectoris

Early CPR and early defibrillation can:
-Eliminate the need for advanced medical care
-Save the lives of more people in cardiac arrest
-Result in more effective CPR
-Help to recognize when a person is not breathing

-Save the lives of more people in cardiac arrest

Atherosclerosis refers to:
-A congenital defect in the vessels around the heart
-The build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries
-A state of total disorganization of the heart's electric activity
-A condition that develops relatively qui

-The build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries

A heart attack usually result from which of the following?
-Sudden traumatic injury
-Poor lifestyle choices
-Hereditary traits
-Coronary heart disease

-Coronary heart disease

A complete cycle of compression and breaths when performing CPR for an adult should take about:
-18 seconds
-24 seconds
-12 seconds
-30 seconds

-24 seconds

A person with asthma tell you that his asthma attacks are set off when exposed to animal dander. You identify animal dander as which of the following
-Airway obstruction


A person has just used his or her asthma inhaler. You would anticipate that the person could repeat the medication after which time frame?
-1 to 2 minutes
-5 to 7 minutes
-7 to minutes
-3 to 5 minutes

-1 to 2 minutes

After pressing down on the inhaler, you ask the person to try to hold his breath for a count of:


A conscious person is choking and you are preparing to give bacl blows. You would give blows between the the should blades with which of the following?
-The tips of your finger
-Heel of one hand
-Your whole hand, flat against the body

-Heel of one hand

A child is eating a piece of candy and appears to start chocking on it. You determine that the child who is conscious is indeed, choking. What should you do?
-Perform cycles of 5 back blows and abdominal thrust until the candy dislodged or the child becom

-Perform cycles of 5 back blows and abdominal thrust until the candy dislodged or the child becomes unconscious

A small-volume nebulizer administers asthmas medication in which form?
-Dry powder


After properly placing hands to give abdominal thrusts to a conscious adult who is chokin, which action would you do next?
-Give 5 quick sideways trusts into the abdomen
-Give 5 quick upward thrust into the abdomen

-Give 5 quick upward thrust into the abdomen

Because of the choking hazard, children should not be give peanuts to eat until they are what age?


A condition in which breathing has stopped is called:
-Respiratory distress
-Airway obstruction
-Respiratory arrest

-Respiratory arrest

A person appears to be choking but can cough forcefully. Which action would be most appropriate?
-open the air way using the head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver
-Immediately give abdominal thrust or back blows
-Do nothing and leave the person alone while he or s

-Stay with the person and encourage the person to continue coughing

An adult is not breathing because he has been involved in a drowning incident. After checking for breathing, which of the following would you do first?
-Give 2 rescue breaths
-Check for bleeding
-Begin chest compression
-Call 9-1-1

-Give 2 rescue breaths

Which blood component is outnumbered by red blood cells 1000 to 1?
-White blood cells
-Blood cell fragments

-White blood cells

The most effective action you can take to minimize disease transmission when caring for a person with external bleeding is to:
-Give care but do not touch any of the victim's blood
-Avoid touching your hands to your face
-Wash your handing thoroughly befo

-Wear disposable gloves while giving care

How does the body initially respond to severe bleeding?
-Blood pressure decreases in order to conserve all remaining blood within the body
-The body attempts to maintain an oxygen-rich blood flow to the neck and head
-The body attempts to maintain an oxyg

-The body attempts to maintain an oxygen-rich blood flow to the vital organs

Severe bleeding is considered life threatening because:
-Body wastes become over concentrated and toxic in the remaining blood
-Too little oxygen is carried to the vital organs
-The body overheats since too little blood is available for cooling
-cells die

-Too little oxygen is carried to the vital organs

Once a tourniquet is positioned around the limb and strap is pulled tightly and secured in place, you tighten the rod until:
-The person has no pulse in the limb
-The person's limb becomes pale blue
-Any bright-red bleeding stops
-The person says he or sh

-Any bright-red bleeding stops

True or False: Bleeding can be either internal(bleeding inside the body) or external (bleeding you can see coming from wound)


One of the major functions of blood is to:
-Create rigidity in limbs and organs through blood pressure
-Transport solid wastes through the body
-Help maintain a constant body temperature
-Cleanse dirt and bacteria from wounds via bleeding

-Help maintain a constant body temperature

A person has sustained a contusion to his lower leg. Which of the following would you do?
-Apply firm pressure to the skin over the area to slow the bleeding
-Compress a pressure point between the injured area and the heart
-Immediately call 9-1-1

-Apply an ice pack to the injured area to help reduce pain and swelling

Identify the correct order when caring for a victim who is bleeding.
-Apply direct pressure to the wound, then apply a pressure bandage
-Elevate the wound and then apply tourniquet
-Elevate the wound and then apply pressure bandage, if necessary

-Apply direct pressure to the wound, then apply a pressure bandage

The microscopic vessels that serve to transfer oxygen and nutrients from the blood into the cells are called:


An occlusive dressing may be made from which if the following?
-Clean plastic wrap
-Clean cloth
-Clean gauze
-Clean gauze soaked in water

-Clean plastic wrap

A person has sustained a partial-thickness burn to his or her arm. Which of the following would you expect to find?
-Absence of pain
-Swollen, reddened area
-Brown-appearing skin


In addition to keeping an infected wound clean, what additional care would you give?
-Apply an antibiotic ointment if you known allergies
-Keep the wound covered at all times
-Flush the area with water
-Apply an antiseptic, such as alcohol

-Apply an antibiotic ointment if you known allergies

A person working in a factory has sustained an injury in which portion if his thumb got caught in a cutting machine and became completely severed. You would identify this type of wound as:
-Crush injury


An injured person suffers a puncture wound. You would anticipate that this person is at high risk for which of the following?
-External hemorrhage
-Crush hemorrhage


A friend has a severe cut on her arm. After a few days of caring for the cut, your friend says she is not feeling well and shows you red lines starting at the cut and progressing up her arm. She asks your advice on what to do next. You should tell your fr

-Contact her physician to determine further care

A chemical burn to the eye should be cared for by:
-Flushing the eye with cool running water until EMS personnel arrive
-Using cool wet compresses over the eyes
-Encouraging the person to blink and letting tears wash the chemical out of the eye
-Giving no

-Flushing the eye with cool running water until EMS personnel arrive

A student was playing a sport in gym class. She forgot, however, to remove a pair of large hoop earrings she was wearing. During the game, an earring was caught in another player's finger and the girl suffered a completely avulsed earlobe. After wrapping

-Put it in a plastic bag, then in an ice and water slurry

A burn that only involves the top layer of skin is classified as which type?
-Superficial burn
-Third-degree burn
-Deep burn
-Dermal burn

-Superficial burn

A gunshot wound is an example of which type of wound?


True or false: You should consider all household or drugstore products to be potentially harmful to children


For which sitation would you call Poison Control Center instead of 9-1-1?
-Person has persisent chest pressure
-Person has trouble breathing
-Person has slurred speech
-Person is conscious

-Person is conscious

The four ways that a poison can enter a person's body are:
-By being inhaled through the lungs, ingested, by being absorbed through the skin or injected into the body
-By being absorbed through the nail beds, lungs or skin or injected
-By being inhaled,ab

-By being inhaled through the lungs, ingested, by being absorbed through the skin or injected into the body

Over-the-counter antihistamine drugs are useful for
-Relieving itching associated with poisonous plant contact
-Reducing lesion associated with dry chemical poisoning
-Specific ailments, but only as prescribed by doctor

-Relieving itching associated with poisonous plant contact

A person with poisoning who develops hives, itching or burning skin or eyes and rapid or troubled breathing might be experiencing:
-A normal reaction to ipecac
-Anaphylactic shock
-A bacterial toxin
-Multiphylactic shock

-Anaphylactic shock

Exposure to carbon monooxide:
-Can cause the skin to turn pale to bluish in color
-Is only harmful if you exposed to it for a long time
-Does not cause the skin and lips to turn cherry red in color
-Cannot be reliably detected as it is colorless and odorl

-Cannot be reliably detected as it is colorless and odorless

After brushing dry chemicals off an affected person, which action would you do next?
-Have the person shake the affected area vigorously to remove any residual chemicals
-Flush the skin with large amounts of continuous running water
-Gently pick off any l

-Flush the skin with large amounts of continuous running water

A person who is allergic to bee stings develops signals suggesting anaphylaxis. The person tells you thathe or she has anaphylaxis kit in his or her briefcase and asks you can help him or her use the auto-injector. You would expect the person to administe

-Outer mid-thigh

A person who dies from anaphylaxis usually does so as a result of:
-Dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea
-An overdose of the drug epinephrine
-A collapse of the nervous system
-Severely impaired breathing

-Severely impaired breathing

Infections from human bites are caused by which of the following?
-Bacteria in the saliva
-Rabies virus in the saliva
-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in the saliva
-Mucus in the mouth

-Bacteria in the saliva

A child has been bitten by another child and there is minimal bleeding from the wound. Which action would be most appropriate to do first?
-Wash the area with soap and water
-Wrap the wound in sterile gauze dressings
-Call 9-1-1
-Apply an antibiotic ointm

-Wash the area with soap and water

A friend is stung on the arm by a jellyfish. Which of the following would be most appropriate to do immediately?
-Call 9-1-1
-Irrigate the injured arm with large amounts of vinegar
-Apply fresh water to rinse off the stingers
-Immobilize the arm and keep

Irrigate the injured arm with large amounts of vinegar

A friend tells you that he was bitten by what he thinks was a black-legged tick and is now experiencing a fever and chills. You suspect that your friend may have a Babesia infection. Which of the following would least likely support this suspicion?

-Spotted rash

A wound from animal bite is bleeding heavily. Which action would be most appropriate?
-Wash the wound with soap and water, then control the bleeding
-Apply an antibiotic ointment to a sterile dressing and then apply pressure
-Apply a pressure bandage to c

-Control the bleeding, then seek medical care to have the wound cleaned

How would you remove a bee stinger embedded in a person's skin?
-use your fingernails to pull the stinger away from the skin
-Use the point of a knife to gouge out the stinger
-Use a rubbing motion with a protected hand to push the away
-Use the edge of a

-Use the edge of a plastic card or tweezers to scrape the stinger away

True or false: The basic care for domestic and wild animal bites is the same as for a human bite


True or false:You should remove any tentacles from a jellyfish sting by scraping the affected area with a plastic card


Which of the following is a disease caused by a virus and transmitted by infected animals?
-Lyme disease
-Rocky Mountain spotted fever


Which of the following is the best way to remove an embedded tick from the skin?
-Scrape it away slowly and steadily using your fingernail or a plastic card
-Apply both an antiseptic and antibiotic to the affected area to kill the tick so it can be washed

-Pull slowly, steadily and firmly upward with fine-tipped pointed, non-etched, non-rasped tweezers as close to the skin as possible

Which of the following would most likely occur first if a person is bitten by a black widow spider?
-Dulling pain in the area
-Swelling at the site
-Sharp pinprick pain
-Muscle rigidity

-Sharp pinprick pain

Which of the following would you expect to find initially if a person is developing Ehrlichiosis?


Which signal would suggest a less severe reaction to a bite or sting?
-Redness around the entry site
-Redness throughout the body
-Redness on the face
-Redness on one side of the body

-Redness around the entry site

Why would you apply an ice pack to the entry site of the bite or sting?
-To reduce pain and swelling in the affected area
-To prevent skin damage at the entry site
-To reduce the possibility of anaphylaxis
-To neutralize any insect venom that entered the

To reduce pain and swelling in the affected area

You are swimming in the ocean and receive a bite on the leg from something in the water. As you exit the water, you notice there is a red painful area where you think the bite occurred. what should you do?
-Immediately soak your leg in hot water
-Call, or

-Call, or have someone else call, 9-1-1

You call 9-1-1 for a person who has been bitten by a copperhead snake. While waiting for help to arrive, which of the following would you do?
-Apply suction to remove the venom from the wound
-Wash the site with soap and water
-Apply ice to the affected a

-Wash the site with soap and water

You ensure that a person who has been bitten by a widow spider is taken to a medical facility for which reason?
-Medical professionals will want to record the bite for other health officials and statistics
-An antivenin is available for black widow bites;

-An antivenin is available for black widow bites; and other treatment may be needed as well

Your child is playing and in the park and tells you that a squirrel bit him. What care would you give your child?
-Take your child to try to capture the squirrel so it can be tested for rabies
-Wash the wound in soap and water and tell your child not to p

-Get the child to professional medical care as soon as possible

The most widely used illicit drug in the United States is:


Barbiturates, benzodiazepines and alcohol are classified as which of the following?


You come upon a person who has a flushed face and is claiming to hear noises that you cannot hear. The person, initially, is calm then suddenly becomes quite upset and agitated. You suspect that the person might have abused or misused which substance?


LSD, psilocybin, PCP and mescaline are all examples of which of the following


True or false: The treatment of substance abuse is more cost-effective than any efforts at prevention


Hallucinogens can alter one's perception of time and space and produce visual, auditory and tactile delusions. Other effects of hallucinogen use include which of the following?
-Feelings of being threatened and irrational behavior
-Irritation of the diges

-Feelings of being threatened and irrational behavior

Which of the following are slang names for stimulants?
-Weed, reefer and tea
-Purple hearts, reds and brew
-Bennies,speed and meth
-Acid, angel dust and buttons

-Bennies,speed and meth

The easiest way to prevent the accidental misuse of a medicinal substance is to:
-Mix medications only when they are different categories
-Never take a stimulant and depressant at the same time
Take only one medication at a time
-Read the product informat

-Read the product information and use it only as directed

Aspirin is used to relieve minor pain and reduce fever. When it is overused, aspirin can:
-Produce physical dependency by reducing pain
-Create constipation,but only if more than 600 mg are taken each day
-Lead to sterility and personality changes, such a

-Cause inflammation of the stomach and impair normal blood clotting

The most common stimulant in America are legal. Which of the following is the most commonly used stimulant?
-Crack cocaine
-Asthma medications


A designer drug is:
-A chemical variation of another substance, such as a narcotic or amphetamine
-An hallucinogen, such as lysergic and diethylamide or phencyclidine
-A drug taken to enhance physical performance and increases muscle mass
-A narcotic or s

-A chemical variation of another substance, such as a narcotic or amphetamine

Which of the following is a major consideration when giving to a person who is abusing or misusing a substance?
-The person might become aggressive or uncooperative
-You will never be able to trust anything the person tells you
-You might be exposed to th

-The person might become aggressive or uncooperative

The most widely used and abused depressant in the united states is:


True or false: Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by a long-term refusal to eat food with sufficient nutrients


Nitrous oxide, acetone, butane and kerosene are all examples of:


The cycle of binging and purging is associated with which of the following disorders?
-The chronic use of marijuana
-The chronic use of hallucinogens
-Anorexia nervosa


True or false: For you to give care to a person who has overdosed on a substance you must determine what substance has been abused


Drugs like methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), often ecstasy, belong to a catergory of substance know as which of the following?
-Designer drugs

-Designer drugs

You should care for substance abuse or misuse use using the same general principles recommended for care for:
-Any emergency
-Psychiatric emergencies
-Life-threatening conditions


Amphetamines, dextroamphetamines and methamphetamines are classified as:


A person has taken several different drugs at the same time. the signals the person exhibits appear to be an exaggerated effect of what is expected from any drug taken alone. This heightened or exaggerated effect, produced when two or more substances are

-Synergistic effect

A person is experiencing increased mental and physical activity and temporary feeling of alertness. You feel that the person might have abused or misused which substance?


If exposed to the same conditions, which person would be at greatest risk for a heat-related illness or cold-related emergency?
-A 33-year-old male consrtuction worker working outside
-A 28-year-old office worker who drinks coffee throughout the day
-A 70

-A 70-year-old male with diabetes and heart disease

You next door neighbor has been working outside all day on a project in her backyard. When you go over to visit her, you find her sitting outside on a lawn chair. She seems to be disoriented and has rapid, shallow breathing. Her skin is also bright red an

-Heat stroke

Heat cramps:
-Occur in the involuntary muscles of the body
-Involve painful spasms of the skeletal muscles
-Happen primarily after the body temperature is unusually high
-Usually occur in the muscles of the arms and neck

-Involve painful spasms of the skeletal muscles

You are walking past a construction site on a hot day when you notice one the workers staggering about. The man is sweating profusely and tells you that he feels weak and dizzy. Which action would be most appropriate for you to do first?
-Call 9-1-1

-Move the person to a cooler environment

The body loses the majority of heat through which mechanism?


It is a typical late-fall day and your Father had been outside for a good part of the day working in the yard. When he enters the house, he is visibly shivering and appears to be somewhat confused and disoriented. His clothing is soaked (apparently from w

-Call 9-1-1

Which of the following would you identify as indicating frostbite?
-Impaired judgment
-Glassy stare
-Waxy, discolored skin

-Waxy, discolored skin

Which of the following would be a factor that a person could control to help prevent heat-related illness or cold-related emergencies?
-Clothing worn
-Air temperature

-Clothing worn

Frostbite refers to freezing:
-On a superficial level
-Primarily in the extremities
-Deep within the affected tissue
-Of body tissues

-Of body tissues

A person is experiencing dehydration. The person is conscious and able to swallow. You give the person cool water to drink. Which of the following would you tell the person to do?
-Gargle with the water and then swallow
-Take a sip to moisten your mouth a

-Sip the water at a slow pace

If the body's initial reaction to cold does not work, which of the following occurs next?


Excess heat is removed from the body when blood vessels:
-Near the skin constrict, keeping blood from being warmed at the surface
-Near the heart constrict, reducing blood flow and bodily activity
-Near the skin dilate, bringing more warm blood to the sur

-Near the skin dilate, bringing more warm blood to the surface

Which of the following would lead you to suspect that a person is experiencing worsening dehydration?
-Increased perspiration
-Lack of tears

-Lack of tears

True or false: Most heat-related illnesses are self-correcting if care is not given


Which of the following would be the most appropriate to do when giving care to a person with minor frostbite of the toes?
-Secure the toes closely against one another
-bandage the entire foot from the ankle to toes tightly with a clean dressing
-Rewarm th

-Rewarm the toes gently using skin-to-skin contact

When you have to work outside on a hot, summer day, you should wear:
-Dark-colored, woolen clothing
-Dark-colored polyfiber clothing
-Light-colored, heavy-weight clothing
-Light-colored clothing

-Light-colored clothing

A person suffering from hypothermia needs to be rewarmed, but not too quickly. Why?
-Rapid rewarming can burn the person's skin
-Rapid rewarming can cause loss of consciousness
-Rapid rewarming can cause dangerous heart rhythms
-Rapid rewarming can result

-Rapid rewarming can cause dangerous heart rhythms

A person suffering from a heat stroke may not sweating. Not sweating can result in:
-Ineffective body cooling and a rapidly rising body temperature
-Low levels of bodily fluids
causing tremors or convulsions
-The more serious condition of heat exhaustion

-Ineffective body cooling and a rapidly rising body temperature

True or false: The surrounding air must be below freezing before hypothermia can occur


Your first goal when finding a person who is in trouble in the water is to:
-Keep yourself safe
Get the person out of the water
-Call 9-1-1
-Rush into the water

-Keep yourself safe

A conscious drowning person is best described as which of the following?
-Someone who is not moving and is face-down in the water
-Someone who is trying but making little or no forward progress
-Someone who is vertical in the water but has no supporting k

-Someone who is vertical in the water but has no supporting kick

Which of the action would be the most appropriate to do to minimize head movement when using the head splint on a person who is in the water?
-Gently pull on the head with your hands to keep it in line with the body
-Use the person's own arms to stabilize

-Use the person's own arms to stabilize the head

To perform a throwing assist, you would throw a floating object with a line attached aiming so it lands at which location?
-In front of the person
-Just beyond the person
-To the right of the person
-Right at the person

-Just beyond the person

Which of the following is the priority when giving care in any water emergency?
-Getting the person out of the water
-Keeping the person's face out of the water
-Determining the person's level responsiveness
-Checking for breathing

-Keeping the person's face out of the water

True or fasle: Drowning primarily occurs with persons who are in the water intentionally


If a person is breathing and a head, neck or spinal injury is suspected, you should:
-Move the person to dry land and keep his or her steady using the head splint technique
-Immediately remove the person from the water
-No special precautions are needed i

-Hold the person steady in the water using the head splint technique until EMS arrives

A beach drag is the best used in a water-related emergency for a person who is:
-Conscious but drowning
-A distressed swimmer
-In very deep water


When performing a beach drag, you would move the person to safety in which direction?
-Head first
-Feet first
-Any way possible

-Head first

When faced with a water-related emergency, you would start the rescue by doing which if the following?
-Throwing the person a flotation device
-Letting the person know that help is coming
-Extending your arm to the person if within reach
-Asking the perso

-Letting the person know that help is coming

Which of the following is the priority when faced with a water-related emergency?
-Ensuring your own safety
-Rescuing the person
-Calling for help
-Determining the person's condition

-Ensuring your own safety

Three teenagers are wading in the ocean. You hear lots of laughter and noise coming from the group. You see a large wave sweep one of the teenagers into deep water. His friends are laughing and waving to him. As you watch, he is trying to swim but making

-Distressed swimmer

In which situation would you use a reaching assist?
-Person is about five body lengths away from you
-Person is unconscious and face-down in the water
-Person is about 3 feet from the edge of the pool deck
-Person is submerged

-Person is about 3 feet from the edge of the pool deck

A wading assist may be considered when:
-There may be hazards that cannot be seen
-The water is not over your chest and the bottom is solid
-The current is moving very quickly
-The depth of the water is unknown

-The water is not over your chest and the bottom is solid

Which of the following would you identify as a signal of a distressed swimmer?
-inability to call for help
-Arms held at the sides
-Absent breathing
-Movements similar to treading water

-Movements similar to treading water

Which of the following would be associated with a motor impairment?
-Hearing loss
-Loss of a limb
-Vision loss


While preparing to give care to an older adult, you question a family member who is present for which reason?
-The older adult may not understand your question
-You may need a family member to help move the person if it becomes necessary
-It may help you

-It may help you determine if any signals are related to a previous injury or condition the the person has

Checking one side of the body against the other for non-life-threatening conditions may be difficult in a person with motor impairment for which reason?
-You cannot determine which conditions are preexisting and which are new
-You may not know how to oper

-Body parts may not look normal as a result of a specific condition

While at the mall, you notice several bystanders who have crowded around an older adult woman. She is sitting on a bench and appears quite confused or dazed. As you approach the crowd, you ask what's going on. One of the bystanders says the woman is askin

-Introduce yourself by speaking slowly and clearly at the woman's eye level

How would you care for an older adult who is suffering from a high body temperature as a result of extreme heat?
-Place the person in a tub of cold water
-call the person's family ember
-Give the person cold liquids to drink
-Slowly cool the person

-Slowly cool the person

True or false: You should enter the scene of a suspected suicide to determine if the person is still alive


When interacting with an injured child, you should do which of the following?
-Avoid looking at the child
-Ask questions that the parent can answer
-Speak only to the parent or guardian
-Speak slowly and distinctly

-Speak slowly and distinctly

When giving care to a child who is vomiting, which of the following would be appropriate?
-Allow bananas, rice, applesauce and toast
-Give the child clear liquids and no solid food for 24 hours
-Withhold liquids for abut a 1/2 hour after each vomiting epi

-Withhold liquids for abut a 1/2 hour after each vomiting episode

Which of the following is a progressive, degenerative disease that affects the brain, resulting in impaired memory, thinking and behavior?
-Alzheimer's disease
-Sensory impairment
-Motor impairment

-Alzheimer's disease

When checking for signals of injury or illness in an infant, you would check the infant while he or she is:
-In a parent's or guardians lap or arm
-In your lap or arms
-Lying in the most comfortable position
-Lying flat on a hard surface

-In a parent's or guardians lap or arm

When communicating with children and parents, which of the following would be most important?
-Limiting questions to specifics of the injury or illness
-Assuming that there is probably a developmental disability
-Displaying your emotions through your faci

-Observing the whole situation

Which of the following would most likely be a problem when there is a language barrier between you and the injured person?
-Caring for a life-threatening condition
-Obtaining a translator
-Calling 9-1-1
-Getting consent for care

-Getting consent for care

While giving care to a child you notice several signal that suggest possible abuse. Your first priority is to:
-Call 9-1-1
-Confront the abuser and tell him or her you will report him or her to the authorities
-Remove the child from the suspected abuser

-Care for the child's illness or injuries

Care for children with high fevers includes which of the following?
-Sponging the child with warm water
-Giving the child aspirin
-Keeping the child warm
-Gently cooling the child

-Gently cooling the child

A disorder that causes seemingly healthy infants to stop breathing while they sleep is called:
-Child abuse
-Sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS).
-Alzerheimer's disease
-Motor impairment

-Sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS).

When observing an injured child, which of the following would you need to keep in mind?
-The child will likely let you know that he or she is in pain
-The will readily allow you to touch him or her
-The child will respond better if he or she is separated

-The child will likely let you know that he or she is in pain

It is important to control bleeding from any child because:
- The parent or guardian will have more confidence in your skills
-The sight of blood creates more anxiety in children than in adults
-Doing so will prevent damage to internal organs
-Even a smal

-Even a small amount of blood loss may be serious because of the size of the child

The best way to begin your check of a conscious child who is upset is to start at which area?


True or false: If you get consent from a child to care for him or her, you do not need consent from any adult responsible for the child


While checking an older adult, which of the following would you need to keep in mind about normal aging?
-Lungs become more efficient
-Work of the heart increases
-Heart rate increases
-Reflexes become quicker

-Work of the heart increases

You and you friend are walking down the street one evening after seeing a movie. Across the street you see two teenagers hitting an older woman and trying to take her purse away. The woman is yelling for help. You can see a small amount blood on her foreh

-Call 9-1-1 and withdraw from the immediate area

Which of the following would be least likely to indicate an ear infection?
-Rubbing of the ear
-Loss of appetite


You are questioning a pregnant woman about her contraction. Which of the following would lead you to suspect that the woman is in labor?
-The contractions do not get closer together
-The contraction occur sporadically
-The contraction increase in how long

-The contraction increase in how long they last

Why is it useful to have a bulb syringe when assisting in the delivery of a newborn?
-To remove any secretion from the baby's ears after birth
-To suction secretions from the birth canal during labor
-To suction secretion from the newborn's mouth and nose

-To suction secretion from the newborn's mouth and nose immediately after birth

By focusing on an object in the room while breathing, an expectant mother can:
-Speed up deliverly
of the baby
-Ensure that oxygen to her and the baby is decreased
-Help reduce fear and apprehension
-Help focus on the pain involved

Help reduce fear and apprehension

Which if the following is the most common complication of childbirth?
-Prolapsed umbilical cord
-Abdominal pain
-Persistent vaginal bleeding
-Breech birth

-Persistent vaginal bleeding

What do contraction that are 2 to 5 minutes apart and 45 to 60 seconds in length indicate?
-It is time to call 9-1-1
-The first stage of labor has started
-The placenta is about to be delivered
-The baby is beginning to move through the birth canal

-The baby is beginning to move through the birth canal

While assisting with delivery, you can help the head of a baby emerge from the mother's birth canal by which of the following?
-Having the mother breathe slowly and deeply
-Applying light pressure to the baby's head
-Asking the expectant mother to mother

-Applying light pressure to the baby's head

True or false: Many new mothers experience shock-like signals after delivery so care for shock should be given


To stimulate contraction of the uterus and help slow bleeding after birth:
-Speed up delivery of the placenta
-Help the mother to begin nursing the newborn
-Cut the umbilical cord
-Place a towel in the vagina

-Help the mother to begin nursing the newborn

Which statement best describes the first stage of labor?
-The uterus contracts to control bleeding
-The baby's body emerges
-The baby moves into the birth canal
-The muscles in the uterus contract

-The muscles in the uterus contract

You have assisted in the delivery of the baby. Ater cleaning the mouth and nasal passages, the newborn is still not crying. What would you do next?
-Stimulate the baby to cry by gently flicking the soles of the feet
-Check for a pulse and immediately begi

-Stimulate the baby to cry by gently flicking the soles of the feet

While assisting in a delivery, you notice a prolapsed umbilical cord. What is the best care for a mother and child?
-Cut the cord so the baby can be delivered
-Push the cord back into the vagina to relieve the pressure
-Have the mother assume a knee-chest

-Have the mother assume a knee-chest position

When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, which of the following is formed?
-Amniotic sac
-Umbilical cord


Which of the following would be least likely to occur during the second stage of labor?
-Evidence of complete cervical dilation
-Mother experiencing a sensation of needing to "bear down"
-Emergence of the baby's head at the vagina
-Separation of the place

-Separation of the placenta

True or false: Breathing rapidly and deeply during labor often aids muscle contraction


What is the purpose of the fluid-filled amniotic sac?
-To attach the fetus to the placenta
-To protect the fetus from injury and infection
-To supply nutrients to the fetus
-To surround the fetus during development

-To protect the fetus from injury and infection

During the first stage of labor, the expectant mother's pain and discomfort may increase due to which of the following?
-Encouragement on the caregiver's part
-Tensing up because of fear
-Knowing what to expect from reading books on childbirth
-Regular br

-Tensing up because of fear

Labor begins at which time?
-With rhythmic contraction of the uterus
-At exactly 40 weeks after conception
-When the cervix dilates
-When the baby's head emerges

-With rhythmic contraction of the uterus

Crowning occurs during which stage of labor?
-Placental delivery


Which action would be most appropriate to do when using a bulb syringe on a newborn?
-Clean the nose first and then the mouth
-Place the tip about a 1/2 inch into nostril
-Insert the tip 2 inches into the nostril
-Compress the bulb syringe after inserting

-Place the tip about a 1/2 inch into nostril

A natural shelter that you could use in an emergency would be:
-A cave, over hang or a large tree
-A trap attached to the branches of nearby tree
-A car or other vehicle
-A tent or a bivouac sac

-A cave, over hang or a large tree

When sending for help, which of the following would you use as the most accurate way to describe your location?
-Identifiable landmarks
-Global positioning unit


Which of might create a situation in which advanced care would be delayed?
-You have never seen that type of injury before and do not know what to do
-You are in a new city where you do not know the local hospital(s)
-You are far from telephone other mean

-You are far from telephone other means of communication

The knowledge part of preparing for a possible delayed-care situation involves which of the following?
-Selecting the right equipment to take on your trip
-Learning a foreign language so you can communicate clearly
-Checking the weather before and during

-Planning your route of travel and deciding on checkpoints

When in a disaster, remote or wilderness emergency situation, which if the following would you do first?
-Check the disability of the extremities
-Protect the person from further harm
-Check the person's airways, breathing and circulation
-Evaluate the en

-Check the person's airways, breathing and circulation

When sending for help, which of the following would be the most important to ensure?
-The person going for help carries certain vital information in writing
-Only one person makes the trip, in case something happens
-The person going for help has limited

-The person going for help carries certain vital information in writing

Which of the following statements about leadership role is true?
-A leader is a leader regardless of the emergency situation
-Doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people is the goal
-A leader is typically the highest ranking individual on th

-Doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people is the goal

True or false: A series or set of three signal can be used to signal "Help!


In a delayed-help situation, you should gather information that you will need to plan how and when to get help. The kind of information you would gather includes:
-If the person has any allergies or other medical conditions
-Any muscloskeletal injuries th

-Any conditions that would make it difficult for you to get help

Which of the following would be most appropriate as an improvised help sign to signal an aircraft?
-A large "H" mark on the ground-
-The word "HELP" spelled out on the ground
-A circle with a large "H" placed inside it
-A large "X" mark on the ground

-A large "X" mark on the ground

A person with hypertension is at how many times greater risk of having a stroke than a person without hypertension?
-Ten times the risk
-Twice the risk
-Four times the risk
-Seven times the risk

-Seven times the risk

A person faints because blood flow to the:
-Brain is momentarily reduced
-Brain is momentarily increased
-Heart is momentarily reduced
-Heart is momentarily increased

-Brain is momentarily reduced

A person tell you that he has a history of diabetes mellitus and asks you for someone with sugar in it because he is feeling "a little shaky". Which of the following would be most appropriate to give to the person?
-Black coffee
-Diet soda
-Spring water

-Orange juice

Why does the administration of food or fluids with sugar help a person with hypoglycemia?
-The extra sugar helps in the production of extra insulin to help the cells function better
-The sweet taste of the food or fluids reassures the person until EMS per

-People with hypoglycemic shock have low blood sugar; extra sugar helps the cell function better

You are playing softball and one of the players on your team sits on the bench next to you. She is sweating and complains that she us feeling nauseous. You learn that she has no known long-term conditions that may account for these signals. Your teammate

-An acute sudden illness

You loosen restrictive clothing, such as tie or collar, of a person who has fainted to
-Cool the person's body temperature
-Allow the person to have something to drink
-Conduct a head-to-toe check
-Allow for unrestricted blood flow

-Allow for unrestricted blood flow

You are working out at the local gym. The man next to you, who appears to be around 60 years old, sitting on the floor stretching. As he gets up from the floor he appears a little pale and sweaty , then suddenly becomes unconscious. Before you have time t

-The man fainted

When would you call 9-1-1 number for a child having a febrile seizure?
-If the child is know to have epilepsy
-The first time the child has a febrile seizure
-For an infant who has febrile seizures
-If the child remains drowsy after more than 2 or 3 minut

-The first time the child has a febrile seizure

True or false: You should call 9-1-1 immediately if a person who is known to have seizures experiences seizures, one after the other


It is important to call 9-1-1 for any person having a stroke because:
-Many new treatments for stroke are time-sensitive and should be done immediately
-Stroke is classified as a sudden illness, and 9-1-1should be called in all cases of sudden illness

-Many new treatments for stroke are time-sensitive and should be done immediately

Someone you know has fainted. The person recovers quickly and is not complaining of any other injuries or signals. What further care might you give?
-Call 9-1-1; EMS personnel will take the person to the emergency department
-Take the person or have someo

-Take the person or have someone take the person, to a physician or emergency department for further evaluation

True or false: General care for a person with a sudden illness requires that 9-1-1 be called for every incident


Which signals might you see in a person having a diabetic emergency?
-Irregular breathing
-Muscular twitching
-Weakness on one side of the face

-Irregular breathing