Chapter 33- Pediatric Emergencies

When administering multiple IV fluid boluses to an infant or small child, it is important to:
Select one:
A. obtain two large-bore IV lines.
B. frequently assess breath sounds.
C. use an 18- or 20-gauge IV catheter.
D. assess the BP every 3 to 5 minutes.

B. frequently assess breath sounds.

The MOST important reason for not separating a sick or injured child from his or her parent or caregiver is because:
Select one:
A. you must obtain consent to legally treat the child.
B. the parent or caregiver may feel angry or helpless.
C. separation an

C. separation anxiety can exacerbate a child's condition.

Children under 5 years of age who drown most commonly due so as a result of:
Select one:
A. diving or boating accidents.
B. falling into swimming pools.
C. abuse by a parent or caregiver.
D. immediate pulmonary edema.

B. falling into swimming pools.

A 5-year-old male presents with respiratory distress, a decreased level of consciousness, bradypnea, and poor muscle tone. When treating this child, you should:
Select one:
A. conclude that his PCO2 is markedly decreased.
B. recognize that his minute volu

B. recognize that his minute volume is reduced.

When assessing a child in compensated shock, you would MOST likely find:
Select one:
A. central cyanosis.
B. weak central pulses.
C. pallor or mottling.
D. severe bradycardia.

C. pallor or mottling.

Tracheal tugging, a sign of respiratory distress, is more prominent in children because the:
Select one:
A. cricoid cartilage is the narrowest part of the airway.
B. trachea is poorly supported by the neck muscles.
C. trachea is very narrow and is easily

C. trachea is very narrow and is easily collapsible.

Compared to adults, burns in children tend to be more severe because:
Select one:
A. children have less subcutaneous (fatty) tissue.
B. their skin is not as elastic as an adult's skin.
C. children have a much smaller volume of plasma.
D. their body surfac

A. children have less subcutaneous (fatty) tissue.

A 4-year-old male is found unresponsive by his father. When you arrive at the scene, you perform a primary assessment, which reveals that the child is unresponsive and breathing shallowly. He is also tachycardic and diaphoretic. You obtain a blood glucose

C. assisted ventilation and 1 to 2 mL/kg of 50% dextrose IV.

When assessing or performing a procedure on a toddler, you should expect him or her to:
Select one:
A. resist separation from his or her parents.
B. remain reserved when being restrained.
C. localize any areas of pain or discomfort.
D. understand why a pr

A. resist separation from his or her parents.

In addition to supplemental oxygen, treatment for a child who is experiencing an acute asthma attack includes:
Select one:
A. albuterol.
B. a beta-1 agonist.
C. antibiotic therapy.
D. epinephrine 1:10,000

A. albuterol.

After being struck by an automobile, the area of greatest injury in the child depends on the:
Select one:
A. age of the child and the speed of the vehicle upon impact.
B. size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact.
C. age of the child and

B. size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact.

When suctioning the oropharynx of a 3-year-old child, you should:
Select one:
A. closely monitor the child for heart rate changes.
B. suction while inserting and removing the catheter.
C. limit your suction attempts to less than 15 seconds.
D. decrease su

A. closely monitor the child for heart rate changes.

When caring for a 4-month-old infant, it is MOST important to keep his or her nares clear of mucus because:
Select one:
A. nasal occlusion is the most common cause of hypoxia.
B. thick mucus production is very common at this age.
C. the nares are inherent

D. infants may not have the intuition to mouth breathe.

In which of the following situations should you perform CPR?
Select one:
A. A 2-year-old unconscious, apneic female with a heart rate of 90/min
B. A 3-year-old unconscious, apneic male with a rapid, irregular pulse
C. A 5-year-old unconscious male with se

D. A10-month-old unconscious male with weak breathing and a heart rate of 50/min

A nonrebreathing mask is ONLY effective if a child has:
Select one:
A. respiratory failure.
B. shallow respirations.
C. reduced minute volume.
D. adequate tidal volume.

D. adequate tidal volume.

When assessing a conscious 5-year-old male with suspected epiglottitis, you should:
Select one:
A. perform up to 5 abdominal thrusts.
B. separate the child from his mother.
C. give oxygen via nasal cannula at 2 L/min.
D. avoid anything that will agitate t

D. avoid anything that will agitate the child.

A 4-year-old male presents with acute respiratory distress. His mother tells you that she saw him put a small toy in his mouth shortly before the episode began. The child is conscious and alert, crying, and has good skin color. You should:
Select one:

A. give supplemental oxygen as tolerated, and transport.

After performing the jaw-thrust maneuver on a semiconscious child with a traumatic injury, you should:
Select one:
A. assess the rate and regularity of respirations.
B. insert the appropriately-sized airway adjunct.
C. ensure that the airway is clear of o

C. ensure that the airway is clear of obstructions.

Abnormalities in normal bone growth and development will MOST likely occur in children when:
Select one:
A. the diaphysis of the bone is damaged.
B. a fracture occurs at the epiphyseal plate.
C. an IO needle punctures the medial tibia.
D. he or she experi

B. a fracture occurs at the epiphyseal plate.

A 6-year-old female is unconscious and in severe hypovolemic shock. Three attempts at obtaining intravenous access have been unsuccessful. You should:
Select one:
A. continue IV attempts using a larger sized catheter.
B. insert an intraosseous catheter in

B. insert an intraosseous catheter in the proximal tibia.

When treating a conscious and alert 5-year-old child who has ingested an unknown substance, you should:
Select one:
A. be prepared to assist ventilations.
B. induce vomiting with ipecac syrup.
C. administer prophylactic dextrose.
D. give 5g/kg of activate

A. be prepared to assist ventilations.

Your MOST immediate action when caring for a child who is experiencing a grand mal seizure should be to:
Select one:
A. call for paramedic backup.
B. administer 100% oxygen.
C. begin ventilatory assistance.
D. secure and protect the airway.

D. secure and protect the airway.

Which of the following respiratory diseases is characterized by respiratory distress, high fever, and drooling?
Select one:
A. Croup
B. Acute asthma
C. Bronchiolitis
D. Epiglottitis

D. Epiglottitis

Decompensated shock in a 2-year-old child is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. a decreased mental status.
B. weak and rapid central pulses.
C. a systolic BP of 80 mm Hg.
D. marked tachypnea or bradypnea.

C. a systolic BP of 80 mm Hg.

According to the JumpSTART triage system, an injured child should be assigned a "deceased" category if he or she:
Select one:
A. is not breathing upon initial contact.
B. remains apneic after 5 rescue breaths.
C. is breathing fewer than 15 times/min.
D. d

B. remains apneic after 5 rescue breaths.

According to the JumpSTART triage system, if an injured child has a respiratory rate of 50 breaths/min, you should:
Select one:
A. begin assisting his ventilations.
B. assign him an immediate category.
C. determine his level of consciousness.
D. give oxyg

B. assign him an immediate category.

Which of the following pediatric patients with respiratory distress is MOST likely experiencing bronchiolitis?
Select one:
A. A 36-month-old child with high fever and drooling
B. A 30-month-old afebrile child with inspiratory stridor
C. A 42-month-old afe

D. A 20-month-old child with low-grade fever and wheezing

A 7-year-old male presents with severe diarrhea and vomiting of 3 days' duration. He is anxious, tachypneic, and has a systolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg. Further assessment reveals that he has weak and rapid radial pulses, but a strong carotid pulse. Th

B. compensated shock.

When obtaining vascular access in a semiconscious child with hypovolemic shock, you should use a/an _____________ and insert it in the ______________.
Select one:
A. over-the-needle catheter, antecubital vein
B. butterfly catheter, dorsal vein of the hand

A. over-the-needle catheter, antecubital vein

By 2 years of age, a child should be able to:
Select one:
A. pronounce approximately 300 words.
B. differentiate physical from psychological pain.
C. name a common object when you point to it.
D. provide specific details about his or her pain.

C. name a common object when you point to it.

Which of the following factors would be of LEAST pertinence when determining whether or not to immediately transport a sick or injured child?
Select one:
A. The AEMT's comfort level
B. The type of clinical problem
C. Transport time to the hospital
D. The

D. The age and sex of the child

When positioning and managing the airway of a small child, it is important to remember that the child's:
Select one:
A. larynx is lower and is located more posteriorly than an adult's.
B. epiglottis is relatively stiff and is more oval shaped than an adul

C. occipital skull is proportionately larger and rounder than an adult's.

A 5-year-old male presents with respiratory distress. He is conscious, clinging to his mother, has an oxygen saturation of 94% on room air, and will not tolerate a nonrebreathing mask. You should:
Select one:
A. deliver low-flow oxygen with a pediatric na

C. allow his mother to hold blow-by oxygen near his face.

Immediate transport for a child with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is critical because:
Select one:
A. he or she desperately needs glucose.
B. the child will require IV rehydration.
C. airway management is often difficult.
D. insulin can only be given at th

D. insulin can only be given at the hospital.

Use of a pediatric nonrebreathing mask is indicated:
Select one:
A. for children with rapid and shallow respirations.
B. for hypoxic children with adequate tidal volume.
C. when low concentrations of oxygen are required.
D. when the child will not tolerat

B. for hypoxic children with adequate tidal volume.

Which of the following statements regarding the adolescent patient is correct?
Select one:
A. They have a basic understanding of the purpose and meaning of pain.
B. They prefer not to be observed by their caregivers during a procedure.
C. They have great

B. They prefer not to be observed by their caregivers during a procedure.

When assessing a conscious 4-year-old child in the early stages of respiratory distress, you would expect the child to exhibit:
Select one:
A. bradypnea.
B. restlessness.
C. poor muscle tone.
D. central cyanosis.

B. restlessness.

Which of the following statements regarding febrile seizures is correct?
Select one:
A. A temperature of greater than 102.5�F will cause a seizure.
B. An abrupt rise in body temperature may cause a febrile seizure.
C. Febrile seizures are not associated w

B. An abrupt rise in body temperature may cause a febrile seizure.

How much IV crystalloid fluid (per bolus) should you administer to a 4-year-old child with severe dehydration?
Select one:
A. 320 mL
B. 380 mL
C. 410 mL
D. 440 mL

A. 320 mL

Which of the following questions is the MOST important to ask the parent or caregiver of a child with an acute asthma attack?
Select one:
A. When was your child diagnosed with asthma?
B. When did your child last have an asthma attack?
C. How often does yo

D. Has your child ever been intubated or in the ICU?

Which of the following is the MOST accurate definition of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
Select one:
A. Unexpected death of an infant secondary to a terminal disease process
B. Sudden death of an infant or child in which there is no obvious cause.

D. Unexpected death of an infant that cannot be explained after an autopsy.

Appropriate management for an unresponsive 6-month-old infant with a severe foreign body airway obstruction includes:
Select one:
A. blind finger sweeps.
B. chest compressions.
C. subdiaphragmatic thrusts.
D. back slaps and chest thrusts.

B. chest compressions.

During early infancy, infants respond mainly to:
Select one:
A. the presence of strangers.
B. crying of other infants or children.
C. his or her parents or caregiver.
D. physical stimuli such as hunger.

D. physical stimuli such as hunger.

You respond to the scene of an "injured child". When you arrive, you find a 4-year-old male lying next to a ladder that is leaning against his house. He is semiconscious, but has no external signs of trauma. As you are maintaining stabilization of his hea

A. closed head trauma.

Proper insertion of an intraosseous (IO) catheter involves:
Select one:
A. using a twisting motion and inserting the catheter at a 90� angle.
B. locating the flat plate of the lateral aspect of the proximal tibia.
C. inserting the catheter at a 45� angle

A. using a twisting motion and inserting the catheter at a 90� angle.

Compared to over-the-needle catheters, butterfly catheters are associated with a higher rate of vein infiltration in children because the:
Select one:
A. Teflon catheter usually nicks the vein wall.
B. catheter is shorter and moves around easily.
C. stain

C. stainless steel needle lies directly in the vein.

You are dispatched to the city park for a 9-year-old female with difficulty breathing. When you arrive at the scene and assess the child, you note that she is anxious, and that she has a generalized rash, facial swelling, and marked respiratory distress.

A. administer 100% oxygen, start an IV line, and administer epinephrine 1:10,000. Correct

A 4-year-old female presents with tachypnea, intercostal retractions, and nasal flaring. Several minutes after applying 100% oxygen via pediatric nonrebreathing mask, you note that her respirations have slowed and her retractions have become less prominen

C. be prepared to perform ventilatory assistance.

During your assessment of a 2-year-old male in respiratory distress, you find that he is conscious and his airway is patent. You should:
Select one:
A. assess the quality of his pulses.
B. determine his breathing adequacy.
C. apply blow-by oxygen with a m

B. determine his breathing adequacy.

An 8-year-old child requires fluid resuscitation to treat severe dehydration. The child's mother is so upset that she cannot tell you how much her child weighs. On the basis of the child's age, you should administer a _____ mL bolus of an isotonic crystal

D. 480

After you have completed the primary assessment and initiated any required treatment for a 2-year-old child, you should:
Select one:
A. perform a secondary assessment.
B. determine if immediate transport is needed.
C. repeat the primary assessment and tak

B. determine if immediate transport is needed.

A 12-year-old female complains of nausea and abdominal pain. When assessing and treating her, you should:
Select one:
A. obtain as much of the medical history from her as possible.
B. ask her simple questions but turn to the parent for answers.
C. reward

A. obtain as much of the medical history from her as possible.

When dealing with a suspected case of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), in which the infant is obviously dead, it is important for the AEMT to:
Select one:
A. appreciate his or her own feelings regarding the event.
B. begin full resuscitative efforts i

A. appreciate his or her own feelings regarding the event.

A 20 kg conscious male presents with acute respiratory distress. Your assessment reveals expiratory wheezing and tachycardia. Appropriate treatment for this child includes:
Select one:
A. ventilatory assistance and an IV of normal saline.
B. 100% oxygen a

B. 100% oxygen and 1 to 2 mL of nebulized albuterol.

Your primary assessment of a 5-year-old male reveals that he has a decreased level of consciousness and slow, shallow breathing. You should:
Select one:
A. assist ventilations and obtain baseline vital signs.
B. apply a nonrebreathing mask and transport a

C. assist ventilations and perform a rapid assessment.

You are assessing an 18-month-old female who, according to her mother, is "not acting right." The mother tells you that her daughter has been ill recently, but denies vomiting or diarrhea. The child is lethargic and her blood glucose level reads 65 mg/dL.

A. give 2 to 4 mL/kg of 25% dextrose.

When treating a child with suspected meningitis, it is important to:
Select one:
A. administer 100% oxygen.
B. follow standard precautions.
C. transport as soon as possible.
D. start an IV of normal saline.

B. follow standard precautions.

A 5-year-old female presents with an altered mental status. Her mother states that her daughter did not eat lunch and has been playing outside all day. After ensuring a patent airway and administering oxygen, you should:
Select one:
A. obtain a blood gluc

A. obtain a blood glucose reading.

The length-based resuscitation tape is accurate for estimating the weight of children up to:
Select one:
A. 34 kg.
B. 40 kg.
C. 42 kg.
D. 50 kg.

A. 34 kg.

During shock due to blood loss, children can maintain their blood pressure for longer periods of time than adults can because they:
Select one:
A. have a smaller absolute blood volume than do adults.
B. have a proportionately larger circulating blood volu

B. have a proportionately larger circulating blood volume.