Unit 6: The Gospel and Letters of John

Who wrote the Gospel of John?

John, the Beloved Disciple and his followers

When and where was the gospel of John written?

It was most likely written between 90 and 100 AD in Ephesus in Asia Minor

What is the primary image of Jesus in the gospel of John?

God Incarnate

Who was the audience of the gospel of John?

Mixed group of Jewish, Gentile, and Samaritan Christians

With what event does John's gospel begin?

The creation of the world

What is "the Word" in John's gospel? What different meanings could "the Word" have to different groups within John's audience?

The word is a duel reference. For Jews, it recalls God creating the world with His Word in Genesis 1. For Gentiles, it alludes to a Greek philosophical concept (logos) - the divine force that unites and orders all of reality.

Explain the difference between an ascending and a descending Christology. Which of these approaches did John use?

Descending Christology begins with God and shows how God became a man in Jesus. Ascending Christology begins with Jesus earthly ministry and then moves to show how Jesus is God. John's gospel uses ascending Christology.

What is Johanine irony? Give an example.

When a character unknowingly speaks a truth that is known to the reader (They aren't aware of its significance, but the reader is). Example:
The woman at the well said to give her the water that Jesus had. She thought it was some kind of magic water that

How are the narratives (stories) in John's gospel different from those in the synoptic gospels?

John leaves characters unnamed, there are different views of faith and love, there are no mentions of demon possessions, and it uses literary techniques like irony.

How are Jesus' teachings different in John's gospel than in the synoptics?

They are more detailed than in the synoptics and they are presented in long speeches instead of short parables.

What is the significance of "I Am" statements made throughout the gospel of John. Give two examples of such statements.

I Am" refers to Yahweh. Two examples are when he says "I Am the good shepherd" and when he says, "I Am the way, and the truth, and the life.

The Gospel of John includes polemic against what group of people? What is the significance of this polemic? (Why is it there and what does it mean?)

The polemic is against the Jews. This is significant because it shows the harsh feeling that the Christians and some Jews had for each other when the Gospel was being written.(Because the Christians were being prosecuted at the time.)

What is the central quesiton being explored in the gospel of John?

Who are you?

How does John 1: 19-51 explore and answer this question?

It explains that Jesus is not the one they should be interested in, but instead the one whom they should be asking questions.

To what Old Testament event does Jn 1:51 refer? What is the significance of this reference?

It refers to Jacob's ladder. It means that Jesus is the gateway to heaven.

In what ways can John's gospel be said to be the "most Jewish" of all the gospels?

Greatest familiarity with the Palestinian geography, demonstrates detailed knowledge of Jewish feasts and customs, and has many, many Old Testament allusions, references, and parallels.

What two central characters are left unnamed in the gospel of John? Why?

Mary ("Jesus' Mother") and John ("The Beloved Disciple"). He does this out of respect for them. He leaves them out because he feels that the audience should already know who they are from reading earlier passages in the Bible.

What special connection do these two have to one another?

When Jesus dies, he asks John to take Mary into his home and treat her as his mother and vice versa.

Around what series of events is the first half of John's gospel structured?

It is structured around the seven signs.

What is Jesus' first miracle in John's gospel?

Turning water into wine

What is the last of the seven signs Jesus performs?

Raising of Lazarus from the Dead.

Who is Nicodemus?

He is a Pharisee who came to Jesus at night and eventually becomes one of Jesus' followers

What does John 3:16 say?

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

Woman at the Well:
Why is the woman surprised Jesus is talking to her?

Because he is a Jew and she is a Samaritan and he is a man and she is a woman. These were both not allowed.

Woman at the Well:
How does Jesus convince the woman that he is the Messiah?

He tells her all about the husbands that she has had and all about her past.

The Raising of Lazarus:
Who was Lazarus?

Mary and Martha's brother and a friend of Jesus who was ill

The Raising of Lazarus:
What was Jesus' reaction when he saw Lazarus' tomb?

He wept.

The Raising of Lazarus:
How long had Lazarus been dead when Jesus brought him back to life?

Four days

The Raising of Lazarus:
Why do the Jewish leaders decide t have Jesus killed after he raises Lazarus?

Because so many people started following Jesus and so they feared that it would cause conflict with the Romans and that they would then destroy the whole nation. They thought it would be "better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so th

The Woman Caught in Adultery:
What does Jesus tell those who want to stone the woman?

Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." He wants us not to judge others.

The Woman Caught in Adultery:
What does Jesus tell the woman?

Neither do I condemn you. Go, [and] from now on do not sin any more." He doesn't want us to sin.

What "surprise" occurs in John's account of the Last Supper? Why is this a surprise?

Instead of the Eucharist, there is a washing of feet. This is a surprise because in ever other gospel, they tell about the Eucharist.

What disciple questions the truth of Jesus' resurrection in John's gospel and what does it take to convince him?

Thomas questions Jesus' resurrection. He says he has to see the mark of the nails in his hands and put his finger into them and put his hand into his side.

Explain the significance of the focus in John's gospel on the relationship between Peter and the Beloved Disciple.

It acknowledges "the primacy of Peter" (i.e. Peter's authority over the other disciples, even John). This is seen when Peter becomes the first Pope.

In John 21, what question does Jesus ask Peter three times? Why does he do this?

Peter asks him, "Do you love me". He does this because Peter denied him three times. He said this signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God.

Chapter 21 of John's gospel includes an explanation of whose death?

John, the Beloved Disciple/

Compare and contrast the synoptic gospels to John's gospel. Identify at least four differences and four similarities between John's gospel and the synoptics.

1. John uses a descending Christology whereas the synoptics had used an ascending christology.
2. John's gospel was most likely a team effort.
3. John's stories and teachings are much longer and more detailed.
4. There is a greater focus on J