2nd 6 Week Allusions 2012


Def- (noun) a plant of the ancients held to be a lily,larkspur or gladiolus// Mythological
Origin- Greek hero was the prince of Sparta noted for unusual beauty


Def- (noun)Complex problem,which grows worse even as a part of it is solved: Constant evil that take persistence// Mythological
Origin-Hydra had 9 heads and very poisonous breath


Def- (noun) A condition or practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness//Myhtological
Origin-Greek goddess of wealth


Def- (adj.) Sun related,representation of life or beauty//Mythological
Origin- one of the 12 titans gods which were later supplanted by the Olympics. He was the brother of Cronus, and son of Gaea and Uranus. He was also the lord of light, and the titans o


Def- (noun) Light,colorless,no- flammable gaseous element//Mythological
Origin- Greek word Helios, which means "the sun". Helios was one of the second generation titans, son of Hyperion and Theia


Def- (n.) place or state of punishment of the wicked after death; the devil's or demon world// Biblical + Mythological
Origin- Hell is the goddess of death


(n.) heroic in proportion, degree, or character; epic// Literary
Origin- A period of major advances in Greece. Also called "Age of Heroes" because it is the source of the mythological heroes and epics like Hercules


Def- (n.) an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestions// Mythological
Origin- Hypnos god of sleep


Def- (adj.) Rash or taking too big of a risk// Mythological
Origin- Icarian comes for the name Icarus who was the song of the great inventor named Deadulus. Him and his son escaped their imprisonment in Crete by using wings Deadulus create. He told Icarus


Def- (adj.) Produce a rainbow effect// Mythological
Origin- Comes from the Greek word Iris. It means rainbow, which derives from the goddess Iris of the Greek Mythology


(n.) a rainbow or rainbow like display of colors// Mythological
origin The goddess of the rainbow along which she traveled to earth as a messenger of the Gods


(n.) 2 faced; hypocritical; 2 side// Mythological
origin- Janus is a roman god. he associated with doorways beginning, and transitions. he is 2-faced because he can look into the future and past


Def- (adj.) Characterized by a hearty, joyous houmor or a spirit of good-fellowship// Mythological
Origin- Jupiter or Jove is the king of all gods, and the god of the sky and thunder. He is the equivalent of Zeus in the Greek Pantheon


(n.) person treacherous enough to betray a friend: traitor// Biblical
origin- Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of sliver


(adj.) Suitable for young people (n.) immature; childish; infantile// mythological
origin- Roman god of youth


(n.) An intricate structure of interconnceting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze OR something highly intricate// Mythological
origin- Constructed for King Minos or Crete by Daedalus to hold the Minotaur, a creature half and


(adj.) Concise to the point of being rude// Mythological
Origin- Lakonians were blunt


(adj.) causing great harm or destruction// Mythological
Origin- lethal was a river in the underworld of Hades


(n.) The state of being free within society from the oppressive restriction imposed by authority on one's way of life// Mythological, historical
origin- liberty derives from the roman god Liberias. She was the goddess of freedom and then later she because


(n.) archangel cast from the heave for leading a revolt of the angle Satan// Biblical
Origin- story of a fallen angle


(adj.) Dishonesty// historical
origin- comes from Niccolo Machiavelli an Italian civil servant who came up with the word working on his work "The Prince


Def- (n.) an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, especially by the confusion of words that are similar in sound// Literary
Origin- The play called "rivals


(n.) relating to war or warlike// mythological
origin- roman god mars who was god was war

Midas (touch)

Def- (n.) a person with great wealth// Mythological
Origin- Midas ruled a kingdom and saw a saytr asleep but let him go without punishment. Diyonisis saw this and granted him one wish. Midas ask for everything he touch turn to gold, but accidentally turn


(n.) device like a rhyme use to assist memory (adj.) related to the purpose of aiding memory// mythological
origin- associated with the goddess of memory Mnemosyne


Def- To think or be in deep though (v.) A poet or someone who inspires a poet (n.)// Mythological
Origin- Muse refers to the Greek goddesses that inspire creative work and the people that do them, especially poets. There were said to be nine of these godd


(n.) force that cannot be conquered or an act/factor of justice// mythological
origin- Nemesis meant the giver of fortune that was neutral. Nemesis was the goddess of Rhamunous


(n.) person expert in or devoted to hunting// Biblical
origin- Nimrod was the son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah and the King of Shinar. he was a very mighty hunter


(adj.) having enormous strength// mythological
origin- comes from Hercules, a Greek hero


(n.) narrow minded or petty person//
origin- Small island in Jonathan Swift


(n.) shameless women// biblical
origin- a Phoenician princes who was denounced by Elijah for introducing the worship of Baal into Israel


(adj.) weakly emotional// biblical
origin- Maudlin took Mary evil spirits away


(n.) to wander aimlessly; ramble// historical
origin- came from a river in turkey called Maeander River that has many twist and turns


(n.) a wise and trusted teacher/counselor// mythological
origin- comes from when Odysseus left for war he assign a mentor for his son


(n.) Ugly// mythological
origin- snake hair that turn when looked into her eyes you turn to stone


(adj.) Changeable; fickle; erratic// mythological
origin- messenger of the roman gods


(n.) an institution procurement, care stud, and display of objects of interest or value// mythological
origin- a seat or shrine of the Muses


(adj.) being obsesses// Mythological
Origin- Naris was in the forest and saw his reflection in the river and feel in love with himself.


(n.) someone who doesn't like outcast// biblical
origin- Abraham's wife cast away his brother for causing trouble.