English Vocab - Characters


A character or force in conflict with a main character or protagonist.

Character Motives

The reason why a character acts, thinks or feels a certain way.

Character Traits

Aspects of a character's personality that are permanent and consistent, unlike feelings and emotions.


The techniques a writer uses to create and develop characters.


A conversation between characters used to reveal character traits and to advance action.

Direct Characterization

The author directly states a character's traits or describes the character physically.

Dynamic Characters

Characters that develop and grow throughout the course of a story.


A moment of sudden understanding; enlightenment.

Flat characters

Characters who are simple and one dimensional.

Indirect characterization

Reveals personality through the character's looks, words, and actions as well as other character's comments.

Main Characters

The character about whom a story or drama is focused and around whom the plot revolves.

Minor characters

Characters that interact with the main character and help move the story along.


A speaker or character who tells a story.


The main character of a literary work.

Round Characters

Characters who are complex and three dimensional.

Static Characters

Characters that remain the same throughout the story.

Stock Characters

Characters who fit our preconceived notions about a specific type.