The Lord of the Flies

Protagonist of the story


Oldest boy on the island? How old?

Ralph; 12

What are the younger boys referred to as?


Primary Characters? How many boys?

Sam and Eric
about 12


Found conch
Dad's in the navy; daddy's boy thinks dad is going to save them
Harsh; authoritarian
12 years old
Uses/found the conch
Elected chief
Built shelters
Represents the last parts of the adult world
Organizes meeting/meetings
Father is a navy comman


Intellectual, smart
Physical limitation
Doesn't want to be left out
Keeps track/cares about people
Wants everyone to be heard because no one listens to him
Has glasses, asthma, overweight
Stereotypical, fat intellectual
Lived with his aunt (owned a candy


Faints, quiet, nice to the littluns Chosen as the third person even though he fainted
It is implied that he has epilepsy
Seen as a Christ-like figure
Known as thinker - meditator
Part of the three original explorers
Small, thin, vivid with coarse black ha

Sam and Eric

Happy kids
Soon their name changes into one, Samneric

Jack Meridew

head of the choir boys
"assistant leader" to Ralph in the beginning
works on the fire
At first, wearing a chorus cloak and a gold pin cross
Jack initially has a knife
Leader of the hunters
About 11 years old
Wanted the power very badly
Tried to turn the k


Roger represents the sadist, the individual who enjoys hurting others
His evil motives are different from Jack's, who pursues leadership and stature and enjoys the thrill of the hunt
Roger just likes to hurt people.
He is described in Chapter 1 as a boy


The only thing Percival has is his name and address: "Percival Wemys Madison, of the Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony"
Eventually forgets his own name

Initially, what is Ralph's attitude toward Piggy?

Rude, indifferent, but superior; doesn't respect him; Ralph is very athletic and Piggy is not

What are Piggy's physical limitations?

weight, glasses, size, ad asthma

What is the significance of Piggy's plea to join the initial expedition?

He was large and smart so it showed a difference in character; it is clear that he was made fun of before the island so it is evident that he wants to be able to fit in and not be treated the same way; wanted a sense of belonging; if Piggy hadn't told Ral

Why is Ralph elected chief?

Ralph is athletic, good looking, smart, authoritarian; he also had the conch

Why is Jack unable to kill the first pig that he sees?

He couldn't bring himself to kill an animal; not in his nature; this changes; the mask unleashed a different person in him

What do Piggy, Simon, and the little with the birthmark have in common?

They are all "defective" because they are have some sort of limitation; all outsiders; all have something that physically makes them stand out

What question does the little with the birthmark raise in the 2nd chapter?

The Littlun asks what they are going to do with "the beast

How do Jack and Ralph answer the question about the beast in chapter two?

They deny it and say that the little boy had a nightmare; Ralph says that there is no beastie but Jack said that if there is one, the hunters will just kill it

In Chapter 3, what two groups with differing goals emerging?

Ralph's side: aiming to survive and get attention to leave; trying to establish some sort of order and rules; when he was building the shelters it turned out to be Ralph and Simon
Jack's side : Hunting and having fun; hunters had the obligation of the fir

Why does Simon go to his bower?

He wants to be alone and in solitude from the rest of the group and get away from everyone; wants to think "meditate

Why does Roger, when he is throwing stones, aim to miss?

He is still restrained by the rules of society' doesn't want to get in trouble because he did once get in trouble for hurting a kid

What definite stand does Ralph make in Chapter 4?

Ralph takes a stand against Jack who let the fire go out as a ship passed the island

Why does Jack refuse to give Piggy meat? Who does give Piggy meat?

Jack refuses to give Piggy meat because he can physically mess with Piggy and Piggy is close to Ralph and at this point in the novel, Jack cannot directly attack Ralph so he indirectly attacks Ralph by attacking Piggy; Simon gives Piggy meat; a lot of cri

What is the paradox of the boys' attitude toward the beast?

The paradox of the boys' attitude toward the beast is that they fear it, but they also want to go and hunt the beast as well; even though some claim there is no beast

Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from giving up his position as chief?

Piggy thinks Ralph is their only Hope of being rescued and might be their only chance and thinks that if Ralph is not chief, Jack might hurt him; Ralph is still in the mindset of the adult world and civilization; Piggy is personally afraid of Jack

What is the irony of the dead parachutist landing on the mountain?

The irony of the dead parachute of landing on the mountain is that the parachute landed on the mountain and the mountain was supposed to be the place where the boys wold be saved from the fire but the man came from the parachute dead; the order from the a

Why is Simon the only one to doubt the existence of the beast?

Simon is the only one to doubt the existence of the beast because he understands that the beast comes out of the boys human nature and fear; he believes that the beast is something inside themselves, that each person has the chance to do evil, or to do go

Why do Ralph and Jack both insist on going after the beast?

Jack insists on going to find the beast because he wants to go hunting and go killing; the idea of another thing being able to kill. Ralph doesn't want to appear as a coward in that regard but doesn't want to lose the respect of the littluns

Why does Jack say that they don't need the conch any longer?

Jack says that they don't need the conch anymore because he thinks everybody knows who should talk, not littluns only the older kids, but the conch is symbolic of law and order which shows that Jack is straying away from law and order

How does Simon try to reassure Ralph about the future?

Simon says, "I just think you'll get back to where you came from." He says this 3 times to Ralph to reassure him but what Simon isn't saying that anyone else will get back alright including himself, just Jack

In Chapter 7, what important question does Ralph ask Jack?

Ralph asks Jack "why do you hate me?" Jack does not answer him; Jack wants to be in control and have fun but Ralph is too much about order; Jack cant say what he wants to Ralph because he will sound like a child

Why do the boys run from the dead parachutist?

The boys run from the dead parachutist because they thinks he is the beast.

What does Jack ask the boys to vote on? How might the response have been different if Jack had phrased the question differently?

Jack and the boys vote on who does not want Ralph to be chief and the boys don't answer because its easier to vote for someone than against someone. If Jack asked who wants Jack to be chief he would've gotten a different answer. Jack asked the boys if the

What does the Lord of the Flies tell Simon?

The Lord of the Flies tells Simon to run off and play with the boys. He says "I am part of you" meaning the beast is inside each one of them

What kind of leader is Jack?

Jack is a dictator who just wants full control and seem like an idol; he wants respect but also people to honor him, he wants to be number 1; careless, reckless, ruthless leader who just wants to hunt and have fun.

How does Jack propose to rule without the conch?

Jack promises to provide food and fun and games; He says that everybody already knows who should be talking; he also said the conch does not work on his side of the island and he has no need for it because under his rule, there will be no order, no rules,

Why do Ralph and Piggy join in on the dance?

Ralph and Piggy join In one the dance because that is their chance to join the dancing and chanting is a rare opportunity for the boys to be part of a big group again�it is an opportunity that is hard to avoid. They can't help themselves because they are

Explain the significance of the end of Chapter 9?

The death of the pig and the death of the pilot have been the views that will lead to Simon's own death; it shows the beginning of the end of civilization; there's a kind of religious symbolism with the butterflies flying around him and he goes from the f

Why do Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric lie about their part in Simon's death or use the darkness as an excuse?

Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric lie about their part in Simon's death because they are ashamed of it; it's their way of dealing with their conscience

How does Jack account for the death of Simon?

Jack accounts for the death of Simon by trying to keep control over the boys, by telling them that was the beast and they had no choice but to kill him. He tells them that the beast is still out there and will disguise itself as anyone, so they must alway

Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to visit Jack's camp in Chapter 11?

Ralph and Piggy decide to visit Jacks camp for the fire and glasses; they needed to get the fire going again because the 4 of them couldn't keep it going, and they needed Piggy's specs "what's right is right" piggy can't see without them

What happens when Piggy holds up the conch and tries to talk?

When Piggy holds up the conch and tries to talk, everyone boo's him and wants him to stop- they don't show him any respect and see him as a joke; they quiet down but Roger releases the boulder

Explain the significance of Roger's shoving his way past Jack, only just managing not to edge him aside?

Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority" this shows that Roger is becoming the authority over Jack through the violence he displays to everyone.; he's feeling a sense of power that he's given himself; it foreshadows the fact that he

How does Ralph learn of Jack's plans for him?

Ralph learns of Jack's specific plans for him from Samneric who are now in Jack's tribe; Ralph climbed up and asked them

Does Ralph understand why he must be killed?

Ralph never understands why Jack feels he must kill him. When he confronts Jack at Castle Rock, he knows it will be dangerous, but he doesn't expect the blatant murder of Piggy and Jack's utter failure to feel remorse.

What is the irony of Samneric's behavior?

The twins were examining Ralph curiously, as though they were seeing him for the first time.; That Samneric are now hunting him disturbs Ralph greatly as this behavior of the twins is not what has been typical of them. When Ralph finds them painted, they

How does the author describe Ralph's flight across the island?

Ralph must flee across the island because he is being pursued by Jack and the other boys. They want to kill him because he is the last one left from the civilized group. Ralph does not yet understand that the boys... They were hunting the pig but now they

What is the irony of the fire?

It is more the irony of the entire circumstance involving the fire there. Early in the book, the fire was two things: it was a way to signal for a rescue, and it was a tool to cook food and keep them warm. Now it was for someone to save him

Why is Percival unable to remember his name and address?

As one of the two smallest littluns, Percival's ability to recite his name and address as he has been taught is a sign of the morals and civilized manners ingrained in him by nurturing in his former life. In Chapter 4, his rote repetition of this informat

Why is Piggy's fall emphasized?

Piggy's fall is emphasized because it represents the fall of man.

Why does Ralph say that he is in charge on the island?

Ralph tells the naval officer that he is in charge because he was the elected leader of the boys. Jack simply declared himself leader using a combination of bribery and force but Ralph remained the only truly elected leader. Jack was going to say somethin

The last part of the novel states that Jack weeps for 3 reasons. What are they?

Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true wise friend called Piggy

During what period what this story?

Nazi time

How did the boys end up on the island?

plane crash

what gender are the kids on the island?

all boys

what does it mean when the conch is blown?


overall, the boys' appearance when they first arrived on the island was?

dirty, torn clothes

what nationality were the boys?


who were the twins?

sam and eric; samneric

Sam and Eric's physical characteristics?

bullet-headed with hair like tow, chunky and vital

who finds the conch?


who identified the conch?


how was Ralph described physically?

fair hair, built like boxer, black shoes, grey shirt, athletic build

who is elected chief?


who lead the boys in shelter building?


what does ralph daydream about?

cornfields and ponies

who prefers rules and order?


what does ralph represent?

the last parts of the adult world

what does ralph's father do?

a navy commander

who doesn't initially believe in the beast?


what does ralph stress as the most important thing? why?

fire; it is important and logical for rescue; only chance to be rescued

what does ralph do when he gets nervous?

bite his nails

leader of the choir?


how is jack physically described?

red hair, big blue eyes, freckles, gold badge, grey shorts

what do ralph and jack have in common?

they're adventurers

leader of the hunters?


who loves power and wants to replace ralph?


who broke one of piggy's specs?


Why did Jack break one of piggy's specs? (symbolically)

to go against ralph indirectly

who is hesitant to hunting in the beginning?


what do jack's freckles represent?

Imperfections; ugly and devilish

who makes sacrifices to the beast?


what does jack think is most important?

hunting and having fun

how is piggy physically described?

fat, short, plum knees, and bottom nose

Characteristics of Piggy?


who do the boys not respect?


what doesn't get you respect on the island?


what does piggy do when he is uncomfortable?

cleans his glasses

what specifically can piggy not do?


what are the older boys on the island called?


how is simon physically described?

Twig, black hair that falls over his forehead, keeps to himself, stays in his shelter

what is simons defect/implied?


who were the three original explorers of the island?

simon, ralph, jack

why does piggy live with his aunt?

his parents died

what is the "scar"?

the strip of the island that was damaged by the cabin of the plane when it crashed

What does Piggy suggest be done with the treasure Ralph has found?

Piggy suggests that Ralph try blowing on the conch to summon any boys who might have survived the plane crash

What does Ralph do for Jack to maintain peace?

Ralph announces that Jack will be in charge of his choirboys, who will be the hunters

What excuse does Jack find for not killing the pig?

he was debating where to cut the pig and it escaped before he decided

What is Ralph discovering that he dislikes about the way he is living?

He dislikes the discomort of ragged clothing, stiff wih dirt. He dislikes the dirt/clay and having to flick his tangled hair out of his eyes and sleeping on dry leaves

The older boys called the small boys "littluns." Why is this label necessary from the point of view of the author as well as the other characters? What does the fact that the littluns are basically nameless convey about their purpose in this story?

they represent unformed moral values in man; state of being uncivilized

Why does Golding have the boys reenact the pig hunt?

It shows that the boys are losing their civilization and are becoming savages

Why do you think Jack's personality changes when he applies the colored clay to his face? What unspoken reason could he have for need a mask?

It gives him permission to be a savage.

How does Piggy show disapproval as Ralph's assembly is called?

by keeping outside the triangle of the boys

What does Littlun Percival Wemys Madison reveal to the assembly?

He says that the beast comes out of the sea at night

who discovers the dead parachutist?

sam and eric

why does Ralph consider the area called the castle to be a "rotten place.

because it is where they lose civilization

What does Ralph long for?

cleanliness; as he walks along in the forest, he dreams of cutting his hair, taking a bath, and brushing his teeth

What does Ralph daydream about?

a time he spent in Devonport with his parents when there was snow and ponies

The Island

The island is symbolic of Eden, untouched and unspoiled until the arrival of the boys


societies defects stem from defects inherent in human nature

conch symbolism

initially, it's a symbol of order and civilization because it calls boys to meetings and whoever holds it has the right to speak; law and order

where do they hold their meetings?

the platform

scar symbolism

this is where humans have intruded on and destroyed the beauty of nature

piggy's specs symbolism


importance of rationality

needed to light the fire; fire used as a signal to the outside world

what does Simon say to Ralph?

I just think you'll get back all right.

who represents intuitive insight and self-awareness?


who represents anarchy and un-tempered savagery?


Represents cruelty and sadism (enjoy inflicting pain on others)


Represent the unthinking masses of people who blindly follow the current established authorities


Represent those not strong enough, physically and emotionally to define and maintain their convictions

sam and eric

Represent the innocents who are unaware of the realities of life and are early affected by them


Represents intellectual power and insight gained from observation


Represents the last vestige of the old, ordered, restrictive life


Represents fear of the unknown


things about jack that make him appear devilish

red hair, freckles, war paint, wears black cap from choir robe

the lord of the flies

pig's head; the savagery that is kept intact by willful, ethical, and deliberate behavior

example of irony

Simon is a small boy who always has fits but he's the only one to see the truth about the beast and the boys on the island

example of irony

Piggy's physical attributes and his intellect set him apart from the group however, the group relies on him without realizing that they do

example of irony

Jack Meridew - not merry

example of irony

Irony of the Lieutenant carrying the revolver - the boat that comes to shore has a machine gun on it


Simon was Christ-like and he had the idea that the beast was figurative but he still died because of it


All of the boys were afraid of the monster, but the monster was inside them


The boys were supposed to be saved but the parachutist himself was dead


Even though Piggy was the most intelligent, he was mocked the most


Samneric supported Ralph throughout the whole story but at the end they told Jack where Ralph was hiding - they did it under duress because every time they told the truth you could tell they were in pain

this book is an ......

allegory - work written on two levels; literal and figurative

irony in general

discrepancy between expectation and reality


Ralph becomes a scapegoat for the tribe - he is the one unconquered beau of Jack
But Ralph does have a thinly veiled savagery because he did take part in Simon's death
Ralph is the protagonist - dynamic (develops in the story) character who underwent the

Piggy and Ralph

Piggy is the stabilizing force for Ralph
Ralph and Piggy together would be an excellent leader

Ralph's opposite?


what does simon's death represent?

it marks the end of the beginning of civilization

how many times was the island destroyed? when?

The Island was destroyed 3 times
� When the plane crashes and the scar
� The first fire where the boy with the birthmark was killed
� The last fire which destroys the entire island

ironic situations

-In the beginning of the story, they talk about the island being a paradise but it turns out to be anything but
-In the beginning of the novel, Jack gets up and says to all the boys that we are not savages but he is the first one to paint his face
-Its ir

progression of roger's character

-By the end, he gets full of himself from all the killing
-He just barely missed pushing him
-If they weren't rescued, it would've been a fight for power between Jack and Roger
-In the beginning, Roger was innocent
-Does the author allow us to remove him

what was foreshadowed in the beginning?

in the beginning there was foreshadowing of the negativity that will be evident throughout the book


work told on two levels; literal and figurative


seemingly self contradictory statement - think of bricks stuck together with cement; it holds the bricks together but also separates them

significance of title of chapter 1

the sound of the shell; the sound of the conch brings the boys together for the first time

significance of title of chapter 2

Fire on the Mountain; because they want to make a fire and everyone wants to be apart of it; we don't see a character anymore who most likely died; foreshadows that there will be evil on the island

significance of title of chapter 3

huts on the beach; Called Huts on the Beach because the groups emerge causing some type of division; everyone wil want to be in them

significance of title of chapter 4

painted faces and long hair; indicates that a long amount of time has passed;

significance of title of chapter 5

beasts from water; a littlun proposes that the beast comes from the water,

significance of title of chapter 6

beast from air; in contrast to the previous chapter, the beast from air actually exists. it is not really a beast but a dead parachutist.

significance of title of chapter 7

shadows and tall trees; Ralph and jack witness the parachitist in the dark and think that it is a beast.

significance of title of chapter 8

gift for the darkness; the gift is a pig's head on a stick and the darkness is the imaginary beast. jack and the hunters cut a pigs head, put it on a spear and leave it for the beast.

significance of title of chapter 9

a view to a death; the death is Simon's brutal murder. Simon sees the parachutist and realizes that the beast doesnt exist. when he goes down to tell the other boys the mistake him for the beast and kill him.

significance of title of chapter 10

the shell and the glasses; the shell/conch lost its significance and the glassses are now essential for survival and rescue

significance of title of chapter 11

castle rock; that is where jack and his tribe live and where Ralph learns what jack is going to do to him. at castle rock, roger pushes a rock that kills piggy and breaks the conch.

significance of title of chapter 12

cry of the hunters; jack told his tribe that if they find Ralph, they shold make a sound so they could kill him. so the hunters' cry is Ralph's death.

What means Lord of the Flies and represents evil?


Who did Jack taunt for no reason at the beginning?


at the beginning the island is like....

a garden of eden

at the end the island if like....

living hell

represents civilized authority but also carrying a gun

naval officer

symbol of life and death




had job of taking care of the fire

sam and eric

shape of island


irony definition

discrepancy between expectation and reality

sow symbolism

killing sow;killing piglet, more evil and uncivilized

who's hair didn't grow


Who said the beastie comes from the sea?

Maurice bc his father said there are unknown animals there.

when does ralph daydream

when things are getting out of order and harder to control

what happened to robert and boys

Robert pretended he's a boar, then the boys took spears and stabbed him

roger symbolism

cruelty and sadism

irony at end

fire meant to kill ralph but saved everyone


boy they tortured for no reason