The Odyssey book 9

What is Odysseus finally doing at the opening of book 9?

telling his story of how he has been delayed for 20 years

After leaving Ilion (Troy) what is Ody's first adventure?

to Ismarus the Ciccones' stronghold

Who sends a terrible storm upon his ships?


What is the crew's reaction after eating the lotus flower?

loses all desire but to eat lotus

How does Ody get his men away from te island of the Lotus-Eaters?

he forces them and ties them up by force

What is an epithet for the cyclops?

lawless brutes

Describe the gov't of the Cyclops?

they have no gov't and aren't afraid of the gods

Why don't the Cyclops worry about mistreating strangers?

they have no rules or fear of the gods

Why doesn't Ody stab the Cyclops in his sleep?

the rock slab is too big to move and they will be trapped in the cave

What does the cyclops eat for breakfast?

2 more men

Why is Ody finally able to take advantage of the Cyclops?

he drinks his wine - a lot of it

What name does Ody use to identify himself to the Cyclops?


What gift does the Cyclops give Ody in return for more wine?

he will eat Ody last

What do Ody and some of his men do to the Cyclops while he is sleeping?

they blind him with a stick they find in the cave after sharpening the end to a point

Why don't the other Cyclops help Polyphemus when he cries out?

Zeus must have sent a plague since Nobody blinded you

Who is Polyphemus?

He is a Cyclops and son of Poseidon

How do Ody and his remaining men escape from the cave?

they hide under the rams- the cyclops only feels the tops to count his sheep

What grave mistake does Ody make when sailing from the land of Cyclops?

he tells him his name and where he is from, Ithaca

To whom does Polyphemus pray in order to seek revenge against Ody?

his father, Poseidon

What is ironic about Polyphemus' prayer and Ody's passage home?

Ody travels on the ocean and Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquake