Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 Review

Describe the setting of chapter one.

Salinas River; beautiful, natural, calm and peaceful place

List words that describe Lennie.

large, confused, obedient, loyal, helpless, childlike

List words that describe George.

dark, small, quick, ambitious, intelligent, thin

What things does Lennie say and do that make him seem like a child?

Lennie is like a child in that he constantly talks with slightly bad grammar, and exaggerates. He is either super happy or pouting.

Why did George and Lennie need to leave the town of Weed so quickly?

Lennie wanted to touch a girl's dress. This frightened the girl, especially when Lennie wouldn't let her go, so they were run out of town.

Does George really want Lennie to go away? Why or why not?

He treats Lennie like a little brother. He may say he wants Lennie to go away, but when Lennie offers to leave George is upset by the idea. George likes Lennie, and though Lennie makes his life harder,Lennie is always present in George's visions of the fu

What is the dream that Lennie begs George to repeat to him?

The dream of having their own farm and being their own bosses.

Near the end of the chapter, what are two things George wants Lennie to remember?

Not to say a word to the farmer during the interview and where to hide if he gets in trouble.

What does Lennie mean by the phrase "live off the fatta the lan'?

To live off what the land produces from their hard work.

What type of role does George play for Lennie?

He is like a brother; he looks out for Lennie

George and Lennie are best described as _______________

migrant workers and childhood friends

Steinbeck uses _________________when describing George in the following passage: "The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features." (hint: a type of characterization)

Direct Characterization

Lennie's last name,Small, is an example of which type of irony

Situational Irony

Who was Aunt Clara related to?


George and Lennie do not immediately report for work because ______________________________________________.

the bus driver refused to drop them at the ranch-gate