Lord of the Flies Chapter Review (1,2,3)

How did the boys arrive on the island?

Plane crash- attacked and shot down.

How did Ralph call the first meeting?

A conch shell; blew in and kids came.
It was Piggy's idea.

What are the names of the twins?

Sam and Eric - SamNEric.

What does Ralph's dad do?

A commander in the Navy.

What nationality are the boys?

British (they speak of pounds).

The island was roughly what shape?

Boat shaped.

What is the "scar?

The gash in the jungle from where the plane crashed.

For whom did Piggy vote chief?

Hesitantly for Ralph. He was hoping for himself.

Who went to make sure the island was really an island?

Ralph, Jack, Simon. (leaders)

Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding the conch?

Ralph, the leader.
He is setting rules because he is feeling the need for order.

Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?

A littlun. (six year old with a birth mark)

Who says again and again the there isn't a beast?

Ralph, he feels the fear of the others and is trying to fight it.

Ralph holds a two-fold mission statement. What are the two parts of the statement?

1. Boy=Have fun ("it's a good island")
2. Growing up= Get rescued (signal fire)

Why do the need a fire?

Rescue, passing ships or planes.

What did the boys use to start the fire?

Piggy's glasses- grabbed them.

Who is the first boy to die?

Boy with the birthmark (maybe other). Boys feel shame with the realization.

Who said, "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?

Piggy- scolding boys about their irresponsible behavior.

Who said, "I told you to. I told you to get a list of names!

Ralph to Piggy, panicking about the first disaster.

Who said, "We'll have rules! Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em--

Jack, excited for power.

What is Jack doing as the chapter opens? (be specific)

Crouching, hunting, smelling the air- very animal-like on all 4's. His eyes are nearly mad.

Which boys are building huts? What does this say about their characters?

Ralph and Simon.
These boys follow through and are committed to group welfare.
They understand that talk must be followed by action.

Where have all the hunters, but Jack, gone?

Swimming, Jack compelled to go on, compelled to kill.

Who helps the littluns get fruit?

Simon- Christ figure

At the end of the chapter, where does Simon go? How does this relate to what he symbolizes?

Forest (cathedral, a church), sunlight streaming, solitude, thinking. Has a purpose to face the fear.

Who said, "We want meat!" How does this enforce what he symbolizes?

Jack- death, destruction, savage, decay. (society breaking down, living for a thrill)

Who said, "I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you talk about is pig, pig, pig!" What does this show about the growth of this character?

Becoming increasingly serious, mature, comprehending their situation