Odyssey questions

Sun god who drove his chariot through sky each day; Oddysseus' men at his cattle


Messenger of the gods


Odysseus' faith wife


Female monster with six heads and 3 row of teeth on each


God of the sea


Who is the swineherd?


Who is the nurse?


Who is the beautifu sea goddess who rescued Odysseus?


What is the island home of Circe?


Who was king of the Phaeacians who Odysseus told his story to?


Who was the goddess of wisdom and peace who was on Odysseus' side?


Who was the most powerful of the gods?


How does Odysseus save his crew from the sirens' song?

puts beeswax in their ears

WHy does Oddysseus blind rather than kill Polyphemus?

he is the only one who can move the boulder from the cave entrance

Why does Calypso tell Odysseus he can leave the island?

Zeus orders her to let him go

What happens to Odysseus' men when they eat the Lotus plant?

they are made to forget their home

Circe turns Odysseus' mean into what?


What prophesy does Odysseus nto tell his men?

that they will all die except Odysseus

Cyclops' curse on Odysseus is an exqample of what?


They main conflict in the Odyssey is between Odysseus and what?

the sea

By having Cyclops refuse Odysseus' request for hospitality, Homer creates what?


At the end of part I, Odysseus is what?

the only survivor from his ship

When Odysseus returns home, he is disguised as _________.

a beggar

What task does Penelope purpose for the suitors?

string Odysseus' bow

Telemachus executes the maids because they ______________.

betrayed Odysseus with the suitors

Dramatic irony occurs when _______________

Telemachus does not recognize the stranger as his father

How does Odysseus prove his identity to Penelope?

tells how he built their bed

How long his Odysseus been away from home?

20 years (2 decades)

How does Penelope act when she realizes Odysseus is home?

embraces him and rejoices