Chapter 13 EBP Key terms

descriptive statistics

collection and presentation of data that explain characteristics of variables found in the sample

inferential statistics

analysis of data as the basis for prediction related to the phenomenon of interest

univariate analysis

the use of statistical tests to provide information about one variable

measures of central tendency

Measures such as the mean, median, and mode that provide information about the typical case found in the data


The value that occurs most frequently in a given data set.


The number of modes found in a data distribution


a data set that does not have a mode


a data set with one mode such as normal distrubution


a data set with two modes


the point at the center of data


the mathematical average calculated by adding all the values and then dividing by the total number of values

normal distribution

data representation with a distinctive bell-shaped curve, symmetric about the mean


an asymmetrical distribution of data

negatively skewed

A distribution when the mean is less than the median and the mode; the longer tail is pointing to the left

positively skewed

distribution when the mean is greater than the median and the mode; the longer tail is pointing to the right


the peakedness or flatness of a distribution of data


the difference between the maximum and the minimum values of a data set

semiquartile range

the range of the middle 50% of the data

z score

standardized units used to compare data gathered using different measurement scales


the degree to which a tail in a distribution is pulled to the left or to the right

correlation coefficients

an estimate, ranging from 0.00 to +1.00, that indicates the reliability of an instrument; statistic used to describe the relationship among two variables

confidence interval

ranges established around means that estimate the probability of being correct

type 1 error

when the researcher rejects the null hypothesis when it should have been accepted

alpha level

probability of making a type 1 error; typically designated as .05 or.01 at the end of the tail in a distribution


inferential statistical tests involving interval- or ratio-level data to make inferences about the population


inferential statistics involving nominal- or ordinal-level data to make inferences about the population

degree of freedom

a statistical concept used to refer to the number of sample values that are free to vary; n-1

chi square

a common statistic used to analyze nominal and ordinal data to find differences between groups

t statistic

inferential statistical test to determine whether a statistically significant difference between groups exists

correlated t test

a variation of the t test used when there is only one group or when groups are related; paired t test

independent t test

a variation of the t test used when data values vary independently from one another

analysis of variance

Inferential statistical test used when the level of measurement is interval or ratio and more than two groups are being compared

Pearson's r

an inferential statistic used when two variables are measured at the interval or ratio level; Pearson product-moment correlation

multivariate analysis

the use of statistics to describe the relationships among three or more variables at interval and ratio level.