Conservation of Mass, Chemical Reactions and Reaction Rates, Chemical Reactions, Chemical Reactions

open system

A system in which matter can react to air and leave a container

closed system

A system in which no matter is allowed to enter or leave a container

chemical reaction

Process in which one or more substances are changed into new substances

Law of conservation of mass

All mass/matter/energy present in the beginning of the reaction are present after the reaction. Matter is neither created nor destroyed


The starting substances that takes part in and undergoes change during a reaction.


A substance produced in a chemical reaction


Solid compound produced from 2 liquids during a chemical reaction. Sign of a chemical reaction.


Gas given off during a chemical reaction; may or may not have an odour. Sign of a chemical reaction.

signs of a chemical reaction

change in temperature, formation of bubbles, precipitate forms, color change, change in smell, difficult to reverse


Number written after and BELOW an element in a chemical formula telling you how many of the preceding element are needed for that compound or molecule.

chemical equation

Written representation of a chemical reaction/chemical change; shows all the reactants and products. Always in the form of: Reactants arrow Products.

chemical change

Chemical reaction; when substances interact with each other. Original substances are used up.

physical change

When a substance changes its phase (changes to a solid, liquid , gas, or plasma) or is modified (size, shape, etc) but remains the same substance.


Any amount of a chemical combination of 2 or more different atoms.


A group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound