chapter 14/15 reading quiz

The O wave of an ECG corresponds to

the depolarization of the atria

In order for blood to enter the heart

the atria must not only be at rest but the atrial pressure must be lower than the veins

Atrial contraction

begins during the latter part of the P wave

During the isovolumic phase of ventricular systole

the atrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are closed

According to Starling's law of the heart, the cardiac output is directly related to the

venous return

Each of the following changes will result in increased blood flow to a tissue except one. Ideneityf the exception
A increased blood pressure
B relaxation of precapillary sphincters
C increased blood volume
D decreased peripheral resistance
E decreased ves

decreased vessel diameter

The AV node is important because it

delays the transmission of the electrical impulses to the ventricles in order for the atria to finish contracting

Autorhythmic cells

are also called pacemakers because they set the rate of the heartbeat

What type of tissue, present in the walls of blood vessels, allows for regulation of vessel diameter

smooth muscle

Which two mechanisms influence the force of cardiac contraction

End diastolic volume and sympathetic nervous system stimulation

Mean arterial pressure is equal to diastolic pressure plus one-third of the pulse pressure. An equivalent equation is MAP= 2/3DBP+1/3 SBP. Why is diastolic blood pressure (DBP) a larger component of MAP than systolic blood pressure (SBP)

The heart spends more time in diastole than systole

Which set of changes correctly describes the baroreceptor reflex in response to increased blood pressure?
A Decreased vessel diameter, decreased resistance, decreased cardiac output
B Increased vessel diameter, decreased resistance, decreased cardiac outp


Blood flow to a tissue will increase if the

level of carbon dioxide at the tissue increases

The mean arterial pressure (MAP) is important because

it represents the driving pressure for blood flow.

The inner lining of blood vessels is called
