UPS DOK 2019 Compliance

When do you use and how do you properly secure a conveyor belt? (3 Lines)

1. Anytime you need to get on the belt. For Example, break a jam.
2. Move a Diverter
3. Walk a belt at the end of a sort.

Once a belt has been secured, who can unsecure the belt?

The person who secures, and gets onto the belt, is the same person who removes the securing device.

When can you lock out equipment? (2 Lines)

1. I cannot lockout any type of machinery or equipment. I have not been trained in lockout procedures.
2. I am an affected employee because I work around equipment that could be potentially locked out for maintenance or servicing by a Lockout Authorized M

Determine if the employee is yard certified or non-certified. If non-certified, what are the three rules you must follow?

1. ONLY certified yard personnel are allowed in the yard outside of the designated pedestrian walkways and break areas.
2. ALL facility employees, whether certified or non-certified, must use the pedestrian doors to enter or exit the building.
3. When on

Where do you go in the event of a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake and how are you notified?

Notified by word of mouth.
Assembly in Cornerstone.

Explain what you would do if a package is generating smoke, fumes, or is otherwise irritating.

Don't Touch, Leave the Area, and Notify a Supervisor.

Explain what you would do if a package is leaking and it carries no label or other indications of its contents.

Treat the package as Hazardous. Don't Touch, Leave the area, and Notify a supervisor.

In an emergency evacuation, where do you exit, assemble and where is the Emergency Evacuation Plan posted for your work area?

Plan is posted on the back right wall in Cornerstone.
Assembly area "A".