EAP & Injury Management

Which of the following is not one of the four basic categories of an EAP?

Medical Cards

What is the primary concern of the first responders?

care of the injured

Formulation of an emergency plan, proper coverage of events, maintenance of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies, use of appropriate emergency medical personnel and continuing education. These are examples of?


A fracture is an example of a

defined medical emergency

A sprained ankle is an example of


A formal document outlining the steps that should be taken in the event of a medical crisis or disaster is called a


Paul cut his hand on a piece of training equipment in the exercise room. While not a major cut, it did bleed a little, what should Paul do?

report to ATC

Emergency Action Plans should be reviewed

once a year

Which of the following is not included on emergency medical cards?

school name and grade level

While at football practiced, John got hit head on by another player. The hit led to loss of consciousness. That is a

defined medical emergency

Explain the HOPS methods of evaluation

History, Observation, Palpation and Special Tests