Dermal Puncture Steps

Step 1

Obtain and examine requisition.

Step 2

Greet patient and explain procedure.

Step 3

Identify patient by two identifiers (name, dob).

Step 4

Compare patient information with requisition (if patient, compare with armband).

Step 5

Sanitize hands and put on gloves.

Step 6

Position patient.

Step 7

Select appropriate puncture site.

Step 8

Warm site if applicable.

Step 9

Cleanse site with alcohol and allow to air dry.

Step 10

Assemble rest of equipment needed.

Step 11

Smoothly perform puncture.

Step 12

Dispose of sharp in sharps container.

Step 13

Wipe away first drop of blood.

Step 14

Fill tubes in correct order of draw.

Step 15

Apply pressure to puncture with gauze.

Step 16

Seal tube and invert tube to mix.

Step 17

Label tube.

Step 18

Examine puncture site for stoppage of bleeding and apply bandage.

Step 19

Dispose of other used supplies as needed.

Step 20

Thank patient.

Step 21

Remove gloves and sanitize hands.