The Industrial Revolution and the Social Question- Exam 1

Agricultural Revolution

Transformation in the production of food.
This happened because of the new desire to improve upon society (science) and because of the immense population growth.

Enclosure Movement

Wealthier landowners were able to take land away from the poor- this caused people to start moving to the cities.
Benefited growing cities and made farming more efficient.

New Spinning and Weaving Technologies

Flying Shuttle (John Kay 1733)
Spinning Jenny (James Hargreaves 1764/5)
Water Powered Spinning Frame (Richard Arkwright 1769)
Spinning Mule (Samuel Compton 1779)
Power Loom (Edmund Cartwright 1785)
Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney 1793)
Steam Engine (James Watt 17

Steam Engine- James Watt

Scottish Engineer
Machine changed the way that machines were powered. Coal was used to heat the water and the steam produced pressure that gave it power.

Railways- George Stephenson

Father of Railways"
Most important transportation invention
Locomotives used to pull more behind it.


Production in factories instead of in homes.

Adam Smith- Wealth of Nations (1776)

Capitalist Theory- Mercantilism/Protectionism
Economic activity could lead to wealth
There should be no government involvement

Thomas Malthus- An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)

Poverty is inevitable.
Wanted to keep the population down because the rate that the population was growing was much higher than the food supply.

David Ricardo- Iron Law of Wages

People can NOT work their way out of poverty.

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? What are the advantages that England had that allowed industry to develop there on a large scale first?

Intellectual/Cultural Factors- Science and the desire to improve self and society
Political Factors- No absolutism and Oligarchy understood the importance of as well as benefited from commerce
Social Factors- Flexible social order (people in the lower cla

What were some of the major technological advances of the Industrial Revolution?

Textile Production- spinning and weaving technology
Flying Shuttle
Spinning Jenny
Water Powered Spinning Frame
Spinning Mule
Power Loom
Cotton Gin
Steam Engine

What were Adam Smith's main ideas about economic life?

Economic activity could lead to wealth
There should be no government involvement

What role did the Industrial Revolution play in shaping new social classes? What were these new social classes?

Went from advancement based on heredity to a system that was about industrialization.
Middle Class- Bourgeoisie, very wealthy at this time, fairly small class
Proletariat- New Urban Working Class, impoverished and poor.

How did industry develop on the European continent in relation to England?


What were Malthus's ideas on the relationship between population growth and food supply? In essence, what did Malthus say about poverty and the poor?

The population increase was more than the growth of the food supply so poverty was inevitable. He thought it was important to keep the population down so that there wouldn't be shortages of food supply.

How was the growth of the cities (i.e. urbanization) affected by the growth in industry?


What conditions did workers live in as they participated in industrializing England and the rest of Europe in the early 19th century?

Child Labor
The social structure of families
Bad public sanitation and health
Housing- very polluted environment

What were Ricardo's ideas on the relationship between the availability of workers and how much they will be paid? In essence, what did he say about how much workers would always be paid?


What was the "Social Question"?

What should we do about the poor? How do we help them?

What role did government play in England as industry began to develop? Did this role change? Why and how? What role did government play on the Continent overtime?
