Ch. 5 Cardiovascular System-Diagnostics & Treatments

Angiography (an-jee-OG-rah-fee)

is a radiographic (x-ray) study of the blood vessels after the injection of a contrast medium

Cardiac catheterization (KAR-dee-ack kath-eh-tereye-ZAY-shun)

is a diagnostic procedure in which a catheter is passed into a vein or artery and then guided
into the heart

Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)

combines angiography with computerized components to clarify the view of the area of interest by removing the soft tissue and bones from the images

Duplex ultrasound

is a diagnostic procedure to image the structures of the blood vessels and the flow of blood through these vessels

Phlebography (fleh-BOG-rah-fee)
(aka: venography)

radiographic test that provides an image of the leg veins after a contrast dye is injected into a vein in the patient's foot

Electrocardiography (ee-leck-troh-kar-dee-OG-rah-fee)

is the noninvasive process of recording the electrical activity of the myocardium

An electrocardiogram (ee-leck-troh-KAR-dee-ohgram)

is a record of the electrical activity of the

Holter monitor

is a portable electrocardiograph that is worn by an ambulatory patient to continuously monitor the heart rates and rhythms over a 24-hour period.

stress test

is performed to assess cardiovascular health and function during and after stress. This involves monitoring with an electrocardiogram while the patient exercises on a treadmill.

thallium stress test (THAL-ee-um)

is performed to evaluate how well blood flows through the coronary arteries of the heart muscle during exercise.

antihypertensive (an-tih-high-per-TEN-siv)

is a medication administered to lower blood pressure.

ACE inhibitor (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme)

blocks the action of the enzyme that causes the blood vessels to contract resulting in hypertension.


reduces the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heart beat

Calcium channel blocker agents

cause the heart and blood vessels to relax by decreasing the movement of calcium into the cells of these structures

diuretic (dye-you-RET-ick)

is administered to stimulate the kidneys to increase the secretion of urine to rid the body of excess sodium and water

antiarrhythmic (an-tih-ah-RITH-mick)

is a medication administered to control irregularities of the heartbeat.

anticoagulant (an-tih-koh-AG-you-lant)

slows coagulation and prevents new clots from forming.


recommended to reduce the
risk of a heart attack or stroke

Cholesterol-lowering drugs

such as statins, are used to combat hyperlipidemia by reducing the undesirable
cholesterol levels in the blood.


which is the brand name for warfarin, is
an anticoagulant administered to prevent blood clots from forming or growing larger

Digitalis (dij-ih-TAL-is)

also known as digoxin, strengthens the contraction of the heart muscle, slows the heart rate, and helps eliminate fluid from body

thrombolytic (throm-boh-LIT-ick)

also known as a clot-busting drug, dissolves or causes a thrombus to break up

Tissue plasminogen activator (plaz-MIN-oh-jen)

is a thrombolytic that is administered to some patients having a heart attack or stroke.

vasoconstrictor (vas-oh-kon-STRICK-tor)

medication causes blood vessels to narrow

vasodilator (vas-oh-dye-LAYT-or)

medication causes blood vessels to expand


is a vasodilator that is prescribed to prevent or relieve the pain of angina by dilating the
blood vessels to the heart

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
(PTCA) or angioplasty

is also known as a balloon angioplasty. This is a procedure in which a small balloon on the end of a catheter is used to open a partially blocked coronary artery by flattening the plaque deposit and stretching the lumen


is a wire-mesh tube that is commonly placed
after the artery has been opened. This provides support to the arterial wall, keeps the plaque from expanding again, and prevents restenosis


describes the condition when an artery that
has been opened by angioplasty closes again

atherectomy (ath-er-ECK-toh-mee)

is the surgical removal of plaque buildup from the interior of an artery

carotid endarterectomy (kah-ROT-id end-ar-ter-

is the surgical removal of the lining of a portion of a clogged carotid artery leading to the brain.

Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is also known as
bypass surgery

In this surgery, which requires opening the chest, a piece of vein from the leg or chest is implanted on the heart to replace a blocked coronary artery and to improve the flow of blood to the heart.

minimally invasive coronary artery bypass

also known as a keyhole bypass or a buttonhole bypass, is an alternative technique for some bypass patients. This procedure is performed with the aid of a fiber optic camera through small openings between the ribs.

Defibrillation (dee-fih-brih-LAY-shun)

also known as cardioversion, is the use of electrical shock to restore the heart's normal rhythm.

automated external defibrillator (AED)

is designed for use by nonprofessionals in emergency situations when defibrillation is required.

artificial pacemaker

is used primarily as treatment for bradycardia or atrial fibrillation. This electronic device can be attached externally or implanted under the skin with connections leading into the heart to
regulate the heartbeat.

implantable cardioverter defibrillator (KAR-deeoh-ver-ter dee-fib-rih-LAY-ter)

is a double-action pacemaker. (1) It constantly regulates the heartbeat to ensure that the heart does not beat too slowly. (2) If a dangerous disruption of the heart's rhythm occurs, it
acts as an automatic defibrillator

Valvoplasty (VAL-voh-plas-tee) also known as valvuloplasty

is the surgical repair or replacement of a
heart valve

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

is an emergency procedure for life support consisting of artificial respiration and manual externalcardiac compression.

aneurysmectomy (an-you-riz-MECK-toh-mee)

is the surgical removal of an aneurysm

aneurysmorrhaphy (an-you-riz-MOR-ah-fee)

is the surgical suturing of an aneurysm

arteriectomy (ar-teh-ree-ECK-toh-mee)

is the surgical removal of part of an artery

Hemostasis (hee-moh-STAY-sis)

means to stop or control bleeding

Plasmapheresis (plaz-mah-feh-REE-sis)

is the removal of whole blood from the body and separation of the blood's cellular elements.