chapter 3 part 2


the loss, or absence, of mobility in a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure


inflammation of a bursa


abnormal softening of cartilage


slow-growing benign tumor derived from cartilage cells


inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the sternum


inflammation of the synovial membrane that results in swelling and pain of the affected joint


the total displacement of a bone from its joint


the partial displacement of a bone from its joint


inflammatory condition of one or more joints


obsolete term for arthritis


wear and tear arthritis commonly associated with aging

Gouty arthritis

gout, a type of arthritis characterized by deposits of uric acid in joints

Uric Acid

a byproduct that is normally excreted by the kidneys

Ankylosing spondylitis

form of rheumatoid arthritis that primarily causes inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

autoimmune disorder that affects children aged 16 years or less with symptoms that include stiffness, pain, joint swelling, skin rash, fever, slowed growth, and fatigue

Compression fracture

occurs when the bone is pressed together (compressed) on itself

Colles' fracture

fractured wrist this fracture occurs at the lower end of the radius when a person tries to stop a fall by landing on his or her hands

Osteoporotic hip fracture

broken hip usually caused by weakening of the bones due to osteoporosis and can occur either spontaneously or as the result of a fall


broken bone

Closed Fracture

simple fracture is one in which the bone is broken, but there is no open wound in the skin

Open fracture

the bone is broken and there is an open wound in the skin

Comminuted fracture

the bone is splintered or crushed

Greenstick fracture

the bone is bent and only partially broken

Oblique fracture

occurs at an angle across the bone

Pathologic fracture

occurs when a weakened bone breaks under normal strain due to bones being weakened by osteoporosis

Spiral Fracture

a fracture in which the bone has been twisted apart

Stress fracture

an overuse injury, is a small crack in the bone that often develops from chronic, excessive impact

Transverse fracture

occurs straight across the bone


malformation of the skull due to the premature closure of the cranial sutures


the death of bone tissue due to a lack of insufficient blood supply

Short stature

dwarfism a condition resulting from the failure of the bones of the limbs to grow to an appropriate length (no taller than 4'10)


clubfoot describes any congenital deformity of the foot involving the talus


marked loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity that is frequently associated with aging


thinner than average bone density in a young person


the surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint


the surgical repair of damaged cartilage


the surgical removal of a portion of the skull


surgical incision or opening into the skull


the surgical suturing, or wiring together, of bones