Medical Terminology - A Living Language - Ch 3 - Vocabulary


skin, cutaneous membrane

cutaneous membrane

skin, integument


� The skin serves many purposes for the body: protecting, housing nerve receptors, secreting fluids, and regulating temperature.
� three layers of skin from outer to inward are:
1. epidermis
2. dermis
3. subcutaneous layer

sensory receptors

nerve ending in the dermis that detect temperature, pain, touch and pressure


� thin outer membrane layer of the skin
� does not have a blood supply or connective tissue, so it is dependent for nourishment on the deeper layers of skin

basal layer

� stratum basal
� deepest region of the epidermis where new cells form pushing the old cells toward the outer layer of the epidermis


� hard protein found in the epidermis, hair, and nails
� protein that allow dead skin cells to act as an effective barrier to infection and also make it waterproof


special cells in the basal layer of the epidermis which produce the black pigment melanin


� black pigment produced by melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis
� pigment responsible for the color of the skin and protects against damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun


� corium
� the middle layer of the skin, located between the epidermis and the subcutaneous layer
� the dermis is living tissue with a very good blood supply, composed of connective tissue and collagen fibers
� the dermis houses hair follicles, sweat glan



collagen fibers

collagen fibers are made from strong, fibrous protein present in connective tissue, forming a flexible "glue"that gives connective tissue its strength

subcutaneous layer

� Subcu or Subq
� hypodermis
� the third and deepest layer of the skin
� composed of fat cells called lipocytes, protect the deeper tissues of the body and acts a insulation for heat and cold


subcutaneous layer


medical term for cells that contain fat molecules

accessory organs

� appendages of the skin
� the anatomical structures located within the dermis, including the hair, nails, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands

stratified squamous epithelium

� tissue of which composes the epidermis
� epithelial tissue consisting of flat scale-like cells arranged in overlapping layers or strata

arrector pili

� smooth muscle attached to hair follicle
� causes "goose bumps" when muscle contracts


the crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail

sebaceous glands

� found in the dermis and attached to the hair follicle
� secretes the oil sebum, which lubricates the hair and skin, thereby helping to prevent drying and cracking


the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands

sweat glands

� sudoriferous glands
� highly coiled glands located in the dermis that function to cool the body as sweat evaporates

sudoriferous glands

� sweat glands
� highly coiled glands located in the dermis that function to cool the body as sweat evaporates

apocrine glands

� odoriferous glands
� sweat glands in the pubic and underarm areas that secrete a thicker sweat, which can produce an odor when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin


a scar


� Collection of hardened sebum in hair follicle.
� Also called a blackhead.


Injury caused by a blow to the body; causes swelling, pain, and bruising. The skin is not broken.


Bluish tint to the skin caused by deoxygenated blood.


Loss of normal skin color or pigment.


Profuse sweating.


� A bruise.
� Skin discoloration caused by blood collecting under the skin following blunt trauma to the skin.


Redness or flushing of the skin.


A thick layer of dead tissue and tissue fluid that develops over a deep burn area.


Excessive hair growth over the body.


Redness of the skin due to increased blood flow.


Abnormal amount of pigmentation in the skin.


Formation of a raised and thickened hypertrophic scar after an injury or surgery.


Term for any skin condition involving an overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis layer.


A general term for a wound, injury, or abnormality.


Pigmented skin blemish, birthmark, or mole. Usually benign but may become cancerous.


Abnormal paleness of the skin.


Pinpoint purple or red spots from minute hemorrhages under the skin.


Condition in which the skin reacts abnormally when exposed to light, such as ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun.


Severe itching.


Hemorrhages into the skin due to fragile blood vessels. Commonly seen in elderly people.


Containing pus or an infection that is producing pus.


Consists of dead bacteria, white blood cells, and tissue debris.

strawberry hemangioma

Congenital collection of dilated blood vessels causing a red birthmark that fades a few months after birth.


Containing or producing pus.


Also called hives; a skin eruption of pale reddish wheals with severe itching. Usually associated with food allergy, stress or drug reactions.


Commonly called warts; a benign growth caused by a virus. Has a rough surface that is removed by chemicals and/or laser therapy.


fluid-filled sac under the skin


crack-like lesion or groove on the skin


a torn or jagged wound; incorrectly used to describe a cut.


� flat, discolored area that is flush with the skin surface.
� Example: freckle, birthmark


firm, solid mass of cells in the skin larger that 0.5 cm in diameter.


small, solid, circular raised spot on the surface of the skin less than 0.5 cm in diameter


raised spot on the skin containing pus


open sore or lesion in skin or mucous membrane


a blister; small, fluid-filled raised spot on the skin


small, round, swollen area on the skin; typically seen in allergic skin reactions such as hives and usually accompanied by urticaria


a collection of pus in the skin


inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles resulting in papules an pustules

acne rosacea

chronic form of acne seen in adults involving redness, tiny pimples, and broken blood vessels, primarily on the nose and cheeks.

acne vulgaris

common form of acne seen in teenagers, characterized by comedo, papules, and pustules.


A genetic condition in which the body is unable to make melanin. Characterized by white hair and skin and red pupils due to the lack of pigment. The person with albinism is called an albino.

basal cell carcinoma

� Cancerous tumor of the basal cell layer of the epidermis. A frequent type of skin cancer that rarely metastasizes or spreads. These cancers can arise on sun exposed skin.


a diffuse, acute infection and inflammation of the connective tissue found in the skin.

decubitus ulcer

� bed sore or pressure sore
� open sore caused by pressure over bony prominences cutting off the blood flow to the overlying skin

dry gangrene

late stages of gangrene characterized by the affected area becoming dried, blackened, and shriveled; referred to as mummified


superficial dermatitis of unknown cause accompanied by redness, vesicles, itching, and crusting


tissue necrosis usually due to deficient blood supply


condition in which the skin becomes dry, scaly, and keratinized


a highly infection bacterial infection of the skin with pustules that rupture and become crusted over

Kaposi's sarcoma

� Form of skin cancer frequently seen in AIDS patients.
� Consists of brownish-purple papules that spread from the skin and metastasize or spread to internal organs.

malignant melanoma

� MM
� Dangerous form of skin cancer caused by uncontrolled growth of melanocytes. May quickly metastasize or spread to internal organs.


infestation with lice


chronic inflammatory condition consisting of papules forming "silvery scale" patches with circular borders


� contagious viral skin infection
� German measles


contagious skin disease caused by an egg-laying mite that burrow though the skin and causes redness and intense itching; often seen in children.

sebaceous cyst

sac under the skin filled with sebum or oil from a sebaceous gland

squamous cell carcinoma

� cancer of the epidermis layer of skin that may invade deeper tissue and metastasize. Often begins as a sore that does not heal.

systemic lupus erythematosus

Chronic disease of the connective tissue that injures the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, and mucous membranes. May produce a characteristic red, scaly butterfly rash across the cheeks and nose.


fungal skin disease resulting in itching, scaling lesions

tinea capitis

� fungal infection of the scalp
� ringworm

tinea pedis

� fungal infection of the foot
� athlete's foot


chickenpox, a contagious viral skin infection


� leukoderma
� disappearance of pigment from the skin in patches, causing a milk-white appearance


� vitiligo
� disappearance of pigment from the skin in patches, causing a milk-white appearance

wet gangrene

an area of gangrene that becomes secondarily infected by pus-producing bacteria


� baldness
� absence or loss of hair, especially of the head


furuncle (boil) involving several hair follicles.


� boil
� bacterial infection of a hair follicle; characterized by redness, pain, and swelling


infected nail bed


infection of the skin fold around a nail

culture and sensitivity

� C&S
� a laboratory test that grows a colony of bacteria removed from an infected area in order to identify the specific infecting bacteria and then determine its sensitivity to a variety of antibiotics.


� BX, bx
� A piece of tissue is removed by syringe and needle, knife, punch or brush to examine under a microscope; used to aid diagnosis

exfoliative cytology

scraping cells from tissue and then examining them under a microscope.

frozen section

� FS
� A thin piece of tissue is cut from a frozen specimen for rapid examination under a microscope.

fungal scrapings

scrapings, taken with a curette or scraper, of tissue from lesions are placed on a growth medium and examined under a microscope to identify fungal growth


skin graft from on person to another


skin graft from a person's own body


instrument for cutting the skin or thin transplants of skin


skin grafting; transplantation of skin


� xenograft
� skin graft from an animal of another species (usually a pig) to a human.

skin graft

� SG
� dermatoplasty
� the transfer of skin from a normal area to cover another site.


� heterograft
� skin graft from an animal of another species (usually a pig) to a human.


destruction of tissue by using caustic chemicals, electric currents, heat, or by freezing


the use of extreme cold to freeze and destroy tissue


removal of superficial skin lesions with a curette (surgical instrument shaped like a spoon) or scraper


removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue from a wound


to destroy tissue with an electric current

incision and drainage

� I&D
� making an incision to create and opening for the drainage of material such as pus


� chemical peel
� abrasion using chemicals


abrasion or rubbing using wire brushes or sandpaper; performed to remove acne scars, tattoos, scar tissue.

laser therapy

removal of skin lesions and birthmarks using a laser beam that emits intense heat and power at a close range


removal of fat beneath the skin by means of suction


� face lift
� surgical removal of excess skin to eliminate wrinkles

nail body

� nails
� flat plate of keratin that covers the ends of fingers and toes

nail bed

the connected tissue underneath the nail body

nail root

found at the base of the nail where the nail grows


soft tissue that covers and protects the nail root

hair root

where deeper cells in the hair follicle force older keratinized cells to move upward forming the hair shaft

hair follicle

a small tubular cavity containing the root of a hair

hair shaft

the portion of the hair that projects beyond the skin