Medical Terminology Study Guide Exam #1

Actinic Keratosis

a precancerous skin growth that occurs on sun-damaged skin
Prefix: Actin-sunburn
ic-pertaining to
Word Root: Keratosis
Suffix: osis-condition of


A form of human dwarfism caused by a single dominant allele; the homozygous condition is lethal
Prefix: A-none/missing
Word Root: Chondro-cartilage
Suffix: Plasia-molding/formation

Autologous Transfusion

occurs when a patient donates one's own blood for a transfusion
Prefix: Auto-self
Word Root: Logous-pertaining to the study of
Suffix: Transfusion

Basal Cell Carcinoma

malignant tumor of the basal cell layer of the epidermis
Prefix: Basal
Word Root: Carcin- cancerous
Suffix: oma-tumor


extreme slowness in movement
Prefix: Brady- slow
Word Root: kin- movement
Suffix: esia


surgical removal of cartilage
Combing form: Chondr/o- cartilage
Suffix: ectomy- surgical excision


surgical repair using one's skin
Prefix: Derm- pertaining to the skin
Word Root: auto- self
Suffix: plasty- molding/formation/surgical repair


surgical repair using skin from others
Prefix: Derm/ato- skin
Word Root: hetero- different in form
Suffix: plasty- surgical repair


surgical repair of the skin
Prefix: Derm/ato- skin
Suffix: plasty- surgical repair


study of the skin
Prefix: Derm/ato- skin
Suffix: ology- the study of


difficult movement
Prefix: Dys- difficulty
Word Root: kines- movement/motion
Suffix: ia- condition of


a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity within muscle fibers in response to nerve stimulation
Prefix: Electro- electrical activity
Word Root: myo- muscle
Suffix: graphy- the process of recording


inflammation of the tissues surrounding the elbow
Prefix: Epi- above
Word Root: condyl- joint
Suffix: itis- inflammation

Epiphyseal fracture

epiphysis separates from the diaphysis along the epiphyseal plate
Prefix: Epi- above
Word Root: physeal- growing plate
Suffix: fracture


excessive sweating
Prefix: Hyper- high or above
Word Root: hidro- water/sweat
Suffix: osis- condition of

Kaposi's sarcoma

a type of cancer that can form masses in the skin, lymph nodes, or other organs.
Suffix: oma- tumor


excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.
Prefix: Kyph- curvature in spine/hump
Suffix: osis- condition of


The most serious form of skin cancer
Prefix: Mela/no- Black or dark
Suffix: oma- tumor


area between the lungs containing the heart, aorta, venae cavae, esophagus, and trachea
Prefix: Media- middle area
Suffix: stinum- the chest/sternum


inflammation of the meniscus
Prefix: Men/is- crescent-shaped structure
Suffix: itis- inflammation of

Myashthenia gravis

serious muscle weakness"; a condition caused by a progressive failure of muscles to respond to nerve stimulation
Prefix: My- Muscle
Word Root: asthenia- failure/weakness
Suffix: gravis- serious/extreme


suture of a muscle
Prefix: Myo- pertaining to the muscle
Suffix: rrhaphy- flow/discharge


ingrown nail
Prefix: Ony- nail
Word Root: chocry- hiding/hidden
Suffix: osis- condition of


fungal infection of the nail
Prefix: Onycho- nail
Word Root: myc- fungus
Suffix: osis- condition of


softening of the bone
Prefix: Osteo- bone
Suffix: malacia- softening


type of malignant bone tumor
Prefix: Osteo- bone
Suffix: sarcoma- malignant tumor

Osteitis deformans

A disease that disrupts the replacement of old bone tissue with new bone tissue
Word Root:


surgical repair of bone
Prefix: Osteo- bone
Suffix: plasty- surgical repair of


pinpoint purple or red spots from minute hemorrhages under the skin
Prefix: Pete
Suffix: chiae


intense itching


surgical removal of wrinkles
Prefix: Rhytid- wrinkles
Suffix: ectomy- the surgical removal of


plastic surgery for the removal of wrinkles
Prefix: Rhytid- wrinkles
Suffix: plasty- surgical removal of

Seborrheic dermatitis

an inflammation that causes scaling and itching of the upper layers of the skin or scalp
Prefix: derm/at- pertaining to the skin
Suffix: itis- inflammation of

Squamos Cell Carcinoma

skin tumor that arises from a superficial layer of the epidermis
Word Root: carcin/o- cancerous
Suffix: oma- tumor

Systemic lupus erythematosus

chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of collagen in skin, joints, and internal organs


abnormal condition of a fungus in the hair
Prefix: Tricho- hair
Suffix: osis- condition of


suturing of a tendon
Prefix: teno- tendon
Suffix: rrhapy- flow/discharge


tendon pain
Prefix: Teno- tendon
Word Root: dyn- difficult/painful
Suffix: ia- state or condition of


presence of large, irregularly shaped red blood cells
Prefix: Poikilo- irregularity
Word root: cyt/o- cell
Suffix: osis- condition of


inflammation of many muscles
Prefix: Poly- multiple or many
Word Root: myo- muscle
Suffix: itis- inflammation


Contraction of one side: laterally flexes neck, rotates head to opposite side; Contraction of both sides together: flexes neck
Prefix: Sterno- sternum
Word Root: cleido- clavicle/collar bone


presence of the bacterium staphylococcus in the blood
Prefix: Staphylococc/o- bacteria
Suffix: emia- blood


the presence of the Streptococcus bacterium in the blood
Prefix: Strept/o- bacteria term
Suffix: emia- blood


inflammation of the vertebral joints
Prefix: Spondyl- vertebra/vertabrae
Word Root: arthr- joint/joints
Suffix: itis- inflammation of


under the skin
Prefix: Subcut/an- under
Suffix: cutaneous- pertaining under the skin

Temporomandibular joint disease

inflammation of the temporomandibular joint that results in frequent, painful dislocations


inflammation of a tendon sheath
Prefix: Teno- pertaining to the tendon
Word Root: syno- synovial
Suffix: itis- inflammation of


surgical procedure involving the repair of both muscle and tendon
Prefix: Teno- pertaining to the tendon
Word Root: myo- muscle
Suffix: plasty- surgical repair of


surgical repair of the vertebra
Prefix: Vertebro- pertaining to the vertebra
Suffix: plasty- surgical repair of


excessively dry skin
Prefix: Xero- dry
Word Root: derm- pertaining to the skin
Suffix: a- pertaining to