chapter 8 female reproductive system

external genitalia is also called


a fatty tissue that covers and cushions the symphysis pubis
will develop pubic hair after onset of puberty

mons pubis

two folds of skin
outside contains pubic hair
inside is smooth
lies on either side of the vaginal opening
extends from the mons pubis to the perineum

labia majora

two folds of tissue , lie inside the labia majora
extends from the clitoris to the perineum

labia minora

secretes a mucus that lubricates the vagina

barholins gland

small enlogated organ composed of erectile tissue
acts as a male penis during sexual excitment


opening of the vagina
contains hymen
thin layer of elastic connective tissue that forms an opening aoiund the vagina

vaginal orifice

hymen remains intact completely cover vagina
needs to be surgically removed before menstruation

imperforated hymen

area between the vaginal orifice and the anus
composed of muscular and fibrous tissue that servers as a support for the pelvic structure


muscular tube that connects the urtus with the vulva
about three in. long
located between the bladder and rectum


folds of tissue found in the vagina that allows it to expand during child birth


three functions of the vagina?

receives seminal fluid, serves as passageway for menstrual flow , serves as the birth canal

upside down pear shaped hollow muscular organ


three functions of the uterus

discharge of bloody fluid, place for protection and nourishment of the fetus, muscular walls contract to expel fetus

small dome shaped portion that rises above the area where the fallopian tubes enter the uterus


cental part of the uterus


narrow neck-like portion at the lower end of the uterus


outer most layer of the uterus


muscular middle layer of the uterus


inner most layer of the uterus


two uterine tubes around 5 inc. long
lined with cilia and mucous membrane
one end attached to the fundus of the uterus other end has finger like projection called fimbriae

fallopian tubes

finger like projections at the end of the fallopian tube


female gonads or sex glands
two almond shaped structers located in the upper pelvic cavity on both sides of the uterus


the two sections of the ovaries?

cortex, medulla

contains small secretory sac or follicles that hold the ova


inner portion that contains nerves and blood vessels


each month a graafian follicle ruptures on the ovarian cortex an the ovum is discharged into the pelvic cavity where it enters the fallopian tube


produces estrogen and progesterone
esential in promoting growth and development of female sex organs
prepares uterus for pregnancy
development of mammary glands
plays vital role in a womens wellbeing and sex drive

production of hormones

responsible for milk production
breasts are not equal in size or shape
vary from person to person
amount of adipose tissue is a factor

mammary glands

composed of erectile tissue


darker tissue surrounding the nipple


small sebaceous glands only active during pregnancy produce waxy substance to keep nipples moist during nursing

montomery gland


adipose tissue

helps support breast

connective tissue

responsible for production of milk

glandular tissue

period of life at which the ability to reproduce beginds


the first menstrual period can occur as young as ten and as old as 17 and is called


influenced by estrogen and progesterone
prepare for pregnancy
if egg is not fertilized endometrial lining sheds

menstrual cycle

average menstrual cycle is

28 days

days 1-5
menstrual flow occurs on day one and can last 3-7 days

menstrual phase

days 6-12
time between the menses and ovulation
estrogen begins to increase and ova begin to mature in graafian follicles

postmenstrual stage

days 13-14
graafian follicle ruptues releases the mature ovum into the pelvic cavity
fimbriae sweeps ovum into the fallopian tubes
uterine lining prepares for an ovum by producing prgesterone and estrogen

ovulatory phase

day 15- 28
if fertilization doesn't happen hormones stop secreting corpus luteum shrinks
uterine lining begins to breakdown a slough off int menstrual flow


mallignant tumor of the breast
originates in mammary ducts most common female cancer in u.s. today

carcinoma of the breast

malibnint tumor of the cervix
most common cancer of female reproductive tract

cervical carcinoma

herniation or downward protrusion of bladder through the wall of the vagina


`growth of endometrial tissue outside the endometrium
found within the abdominal cavity


presence of a single or multiple fluid filled cysts that are palpable in the breast

fibrocystic breast disease

potentialy fatal condition caused by toxin producing strains of the bacteria staphylococcus aureas

toxic shock syndrome