Government Study Guide

Respect for individual rights and equality of opportunity are examples of

Values held by most citizens of the United States

Both cities and countries are


Which of the following types of government was most common until the early 1900s?


Totalitarian governments are an extreme form of


Which of the following describes a confederal system?

members of confederation set up and organization to carry out agreed-upon policies

Which of the following governmental systems is used today by Japan, the United Kingdom, and Israel?


The relationship between the branches of government may take two basic forms, which are called

Parliamentary and presidential

Which of the following is a contemporary example of a confederation?

The European union

The chief executive is chosen independently from the legislature in a(n)

Presidential system

Totalitarian governments

outlaw free speech

Which of the following principles is essential to a successful democracy?

producing policies that address a variety of concerns rather than just a few

Anarchy is

a state of political disorder created by the absence of rules or government

In a presidential system

The Legislative & executive branches are independent of each other

Most decisions in a democracy are made by

majority rule

Indonesia, China, Mexico, Russia, and the United States are all

sovereign states

The English philosopher John Locke believed that

a government has legitimacy because the people give it authority

monarchs today have significant power in

just a few countries

How does a democracy serve the public good?

it lets citizens make informed decisions about public policies

You are opposed to a recent change in the zoning laws in your community, and tonight you will speak out against that change at a city council meeting. What broad principle of democracy does your action illustrate?

Promoting respect for the law

In a parliamentary system

the chief executive and the head of state are separate offices

Each of the following forms of government has declined in popularity during the 1900s EXCEPT


Direct democracies are

systems in which laws may be made directly by all citizens

goverments maintain order by

allowing every citizen to vote four times each year.

In some parliamentary systems the head of state is a


In a democratic republic authority comes from which of the following sources?

the people

Good governments attempt to

to serve the public good

in a presidential system the

chief executive serves a set term

The Committees of Correspondence were

a network of patriotic groups that helped with colonial resistance

The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was written to protest

British policies and the Stamp act

Which of the following is an "unalienable right" as described by Thomas Jefferson?


Which of the following groups of people wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson

On April 19, 1775, in Concord and Lexington, Massachusetts, British troops battled

colonial militia

According to the Declaration of Independence, if a government does not protect citizens' natural rights, citizens

have the right to alter or abolish that government.

In the eighteenth century, most colonies did not allow which of the following groups to vote?

free and enslaved African Americans, women, and American Indians

Which of the following British ideals were attractive to North American colonists?

representative government and limited government

Before the 1200s government in England had

few restrictions

Parliament consists of

House of Lords and House of Commons

All of the following statements are correct except

the Magna Carta gave judges the right to convict without conducting trials

The English concept of representative government has its roots in

a council of high religious officials and nobles that advised monarchs.

Which of the following documents is most similar to the Magna Carta?

the petition of right

In the early 1700s, most colonies had governors who were advised by

councils of a dozen male property owners.

Early attempts to unify the 13 colonies


Which of the following was a good reason for the colonies to unify?


most colonial charters included

efforts to restrict government

The British Government believed that

Colonists must help pay for expenses from the French and Indian war

In 1774 delegates from almost every colony met in Philadelphia for the

First continental congress

Thomas Jefferson's beliefs about human rights were similar to those of

John Locke

Congress under the Articles of Confederation had all of the following powers EXCEPT the power to

Settle arguments between states

The British forced colonists to pay

taxes on purchases of goods from other countries

Nearly every delegate to the Second Continental Congress was in favor of


Most state constitutions gave little power to governors because

colonists associated the failings of a monarchy with a strong executive branch.

The Articles of Confederation

excluded a president

In the new nation, which of the following caused conflicts between the states?

economical differences

The new national government under the Articles of Confederation was weakened by all of the following EXCEPT

the lack of authority to manage relations with American Indians

Why did attempts to strengthen Congress fail?

Amendments to the articles of confederation required every state's approval

How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it could be adopted?


Congress is which of the following types of legislature?


Which of the following groups share responsibility for passing legislation?

the Senate and the House of Representatives

The Constitution states that the national government does not have authority to grant

titles of nobility

Only the senate is authorized to

approve treaties with foreign countries and presidential appointments.

Legislation to fun the government begins in

The House of representatives

The executive branch consists of the

president, vice president, and various executive departments

Separation of powers is an important way of preventing

the concentration and abuse of power.

Which of the following officials is commander in chief of the nation's armed forces?

The president

The checks and balances system allows each branch of government to restrain the powers of the

other two branches

Each of the following statements is true EXCEPT

Congress can veto the judicial branch's decisions.

The highest law in the nation is

The Constitution

The president's power to influence legislation is


Federal judges must be nominated by the president and

Approved by the senate

Judicial review is

not mentioned in the constitution

International treaties that have been negotiated by the president do not become law unless

a two-thirds vote in the Senate approves them.

Under the "supremacy clause" in Article VI of the Constitution, the

power of the national government is superior to that of the state governments.

If the Constitution were compared to a house, the structure would

have changed significantly over the years.

The Constitution specifies two ways to

propose an amendment and ratify an amendment.

Every amendment to the Constitution but one has been

ratified by votes in state legislatures.

The framers of the Constitution wanted a national government to do all of the following EXCEPT

Discourage taxation

One method of ratifying an amendment requires the approval of

special conventions in at least three fourths of the states.

Up to the present time, every amendment to the Constitution has been

proposed by a vote in Congress.

The deadline for ratifying an amendment

is about 7 years

Why is it that the Constitution is called a "living document"?

It is flexible and lets government adapt as needed.

The Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison

established the power of federal courts to decide if a government action or law is constitutional.

Which of the following documents was adopted just two years after the Constitution went into effect?

Bill of rights

The Constitution gives Congress the power to

expand and change the system of lower-level federal courts.

According to James Madison,

majority factions are more dangerous than minority factions.

Why did the framers of the Constitution fear political parties?

They were concerned that different parties would divide the nation.

Which of the following statements is true?

During the past two decades, western and southern states have gained representatives in the House, and northeastern and midwestern regions have lost them.

The "one-person, one-vote" ruling means that

each person's representation in the House must be equal with every other person's.

Many critics argue that the method of apportioning House seats among states is


Which of the following are qualifications for members of the House of Representatives?

Members must be legal residents of the state they represent, be at least 25 years old, and have been U.S. citizens for a minimum of 7 years.

Life insurance, special tax deductions, pensions, medical services, free parking, and free health club memberships are among the generous benefits received by


The salary of representatives is determined by


Which of the following statements describes senators?

They are usually older than members of the House, and better known by the public.

Each of the following statements is true EXCEPT

senators can be impeached by governors of the states they represent.

In 1791 French architect Pierre-Charles L'Enfant designed the city of

Washington, D.C.

Which of the following are qualifications for senators?

They must have been U.S. citizens for a minimum of nine years, be at least 30 years old, and be legal residents of the state where they are elected.

Each of the following statements is true EXCEPT

senators receive more legal protection than House members.

The race and gender of congressmembers are

not proportionately representative of the race and gender of the U.S. population.

Many Americans are divided about whether congresspersons should support

local interests or general national interests.

During the past 15 years, party loyalty on key votes in Congress has


All of the following are expressed powers of Congress EXCEPT

issuing bills of attainder.

(Added question) Impeachment trials are held in the


(Added Question) One of the most important elements of a congressperson's job is

serving constituents

(Added Question) The Impeachment process has occurred
