US History Ch. 7

What was America's single greatest contribution to political thought?

The Constitution

Why did the colonists create a weak confederation?

Each colony was jealous of its power

Which of the following principles was most strongly supported by the Articles of Confederation?

limited government

Which of the following disputes did the Confederation settle?

western lands

On what were townships in the Northwest supposed to use the proceeds from the sale of section 16?


How much ws each acre old for in the NW Territory?


What was the most important accomplishment of the Annapolis Convention?

calling a new convention to remedy the weaknesses of the Confederation

Whose ideas provided much of the framework for the Constitution?

James Madison

Which of the following issues did not require major debate in the Constitutional Convention?

power of the executive

Who was not one of the authors of the Federalist Papers?

Patrick Henry

The lsa two major states to ratify the Constitution were Virginia and ?

New York

What do we call the introduction to the Constitution?

The Preamble

What constitutional principle supports the division of power between national and state levels of government?


What pseudonym did the governor of NY use when he wrote the articles denouncing the Constitution?


Which state refused to participate in the Constitution Convention and was the last of the original colonies to ratify the Constitution?

Rhode Island

What bicameral plan did the large states support at the Constitutional Convention?

Virginia Plan

What unicameral plan did the small states support at the Constitutional Convention?

New Jersey Plan

What Christian statesman presented the compromise that broke the deadlock over representation in the Constitution?

Roger Sherman

What region was most concerned about granting the federal government control over trade?


Which of the following was not a provision of the trade agreement reached by the Constitutional Convention?

Slavery would be banned in twenty years.

Which of the following principles was not included in the COnstitution?

divine sovereignty

In the original Constitution, who ws elected directly by the people?

members of the House of Representatives

Who said, "Thus I consent, Sir, to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure, that it is not the best"?

Benjamin Franklin

a change or addition to the Constitution


the representatives who elect the president

electoral college

belief that the ultimate source of governmental power is vested in the people

popular sovereignty

division of power between national and state levels of government


balance of power between the different branches of government

checks and balances

division of government into branches

separation of powers

official restrictions on the power of a government

limited government

a one-house Congress


a two-house Congress


close alliance of the states


3 stages provided under the NW Ordinance that a region went through in order to become a state

1st stage: the region would remain almost entirely under the control of the federal government
2nd stage: after the region had at least 5,000 free inhabitants it became a territory and the people could elect a legislature and send a representative to Cong

Discuss ways that the Constitution expresses the principle of popular sovereignty.

This principle is best expressed in the Constitution through its representation and amendment provision. Representation allows people to have a voice through their elected officials and the amendments that survive often reflect popular support.

first document to unite American colonies under one government

Articles of Confederation

official recognition of America's independence

Treaty of Paris

proposal to create ten equal states in the NW, to ban slavery, and to give away land to settlers

Ordinance of 1784

division of the NW into townships for sale and development

Land Ordinance of 1785

creation of a 3-stage plan to create states out of the NW territory

NW Ordinance of 1787

an effort by military officers to force Congress to pay their salaries and pensions

Newburgh Conspiracy

an effort by farmers to protect their lands from their creditors

Shay's Rebellion

an effort to settle trade disputes between the colonies

Annapolis Convention

an effort to solve the weaknesses of the Confederation

Constitutional Convention

a collection of essays supporting the Constitution

The Federalists

The Confederation was run by a unicameral Congress that elected and controlled the chief executive


The government under the Confederation was too weak to honor its obligation under the Treaty of Paris


George Washington was offered the chance to become a dictator, but he refused


By giving each state an equal vote, Senate benefits the smaller state more than the larger ones


One outcome of the heated debate over ratification was Madison's promise to introduce a Bill of Rights


One principle that was recognized by the framers of the Constitution was the sinful nature of man


The Three-Fifths Compromise included a provision outlawing slavery within 20 years
