
The 19th amendment

Gave women the right to vote

The 15th amendment

gave African American men the right to vote

Voting Rights Act

signed by President Johnson in 1965

what is the difference between primaries and caucuses

In a primary election, political parties hold elections in several states to determine the party's favorite candidate to win the general election.
A caucus is a meeting of a members of a particular political party. At this meeting, different issues of imp

What is federalism

Splits power between the Central Government and the state governments

Which branch of government is bicameral

The legislative branch uses a bicameral system. Bicameral means using two chambers in a branch. (uses the senate and house of representitives)

What are photo ID laws

a photo ID law is a law that requires a person to show some form of identification on election day.

What is the difference between primary and general elections.

Primary election- an election prior to the general election in which voters select the candidates who will run on each party's ticket.
General election- voters select the candidate that will hold office

What is the formula to find the number of electoral votes a state has

Formula: # of representatives in the house+2 senators= # of electors.

How many electors make up the Electoral College


Which states do not use the "winner takes all" approach

Maine and Nebraska

Who decides who is the president if there is a tie

the house of representatives

What is the term to describe a person who currently holds office that is up for re-election


What is a party platform

a document stating the aims and goals of a political party

Guilt by Association/Coat-tailing
Guilt by association- A candidate makes an opponent seem bad because they are associated with an unpopular person.
Coat-tailing- A candidate makes themselves look good by claiming a relationship

When a prominent person announces support for a candidate. Testimonials can come from everyday people.

Stacking the deck

Including only positive facts and leaving all the negative ones out.

Plain Folks

Appealing to ordinary people by making the candidate seem just like them.

Negative or attack ads

Saying bad things about the opponent or calling out problems in the candidate's personal life.

Glittering Generalities

Using a "catch phrase" to appeal to people's emotions but they normally have little meaning.

Guilt by Association/Coat-tailing

Guilt by association- A candidate makes an opponent seem bad because they are associated with an unpopular person.
Coat-tailing- A candidate makes themselves look good by claiming a relationship to a popular person, event, or idea.